""~ woolululu crylulu" ⊥⊥⊥⊥ small" thick

To be honest, the auditorium is really miserable now, especially the audience in the back seats.After all, in the Yuwei of the waveguide gun

Everyone at the bottom is already drooling. Therefore, the audience in the back row is the most unlucky, because they sometimes have to wash their faces or even gargle with the saliva of the audience in front.

The Rockets are also miserable, because their merchandise has all flown away, and Miao Miao even has to grab Musashi's hair to make sure she doesn't get scratched away.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa⊥_!⊥Let go of my hair" Shanlulu.lulu!⊥Shan⊥⊥"

"Help me ah Lulululu l.↓ You guys help me ahlulululu meow! Lululululu L⊥ go up"

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi roared at Yu Wei, "Look at this.

Until there is no L. This is the real power of Pokémon!. No external force is needed at all, ⊥⊥ This is the real power of Pokémon! 1 !⊥⊥"

PS. Please watch this chapter with the theme song of X8Z__

Chapter [-] Queen Irene's Little Secret

"Woooooo, it's so touching. Bird's true strength, woooooooo."

At this time, inside the Yaxuan family around the Iron Island, Yafang, the grandfather and patriarch of Yaxuan, was tearfully watching the unsynthesized game screen, and watching the wave-guided beam of light that shot up into the sky, Yafang took this handkerchief while blowing it. The nose is dripping with depression

"That's great, it's really that lord. No way! We must let Eggplant Lan and her granddaughter give birth to a child for Mrs. Brave... I'll remind Yaxuan that Xiaozhi is prepared - order a gift to meet Mr. Brave then.

Thinking so, Yafang took out the communicator.And in Roundpool City. 2 Ai

Queen Lin looked at Xiao Zhi's attitude at this time, her eyes were a little blurry, she always had her own little secret, that is, she was good or bad to Xiao Zhi.

Although it is hard to imagine, it is like this. After all, when Irene was still a princess, she could not leave Roundpool City too far. Therefore, Ash, who has a good cooperation with Roundpool City, became a rare friend of Irene, and This friendship between friends also slowly changed with age.Just like Xiaojuer and Kalunai and Ashiya back then, they were just ordinary siblings, but with the long-term contact, everything changed, and Xiaozhi himself did not have any actions to lower his IQ. Therefore, Erin they will

It's normal to fall in love with Xiao Zhi. Irene has always believed that what Xiao Zhi said was right. Companionship is the longest confession in the world, and this confession will eventually become dull until it finally becomes a sublimated emotion.

And now, at this moment, Xiao Zhi finally showed his true strength to many people. At this moment, in Xiao Ju'er's words, Xiao Zhi has transformed into the most shining star.Although it shines, it is not dazzling, because everyone who knows it knows the true brightness of this shining star, because it has been known for a long time, so it will not be stinged by him.


Take a deep breath, Ai

Lin looked at Xiao Zhi in the picture and murmured, "So now, are you a knight or a prince?"

Irene's head maid, Jenina, looked at Irene who was mumbling to herself and said to the old housekeeper beside her, "How about we talk to Damu Botu about the marriage?"

"I see line 12"

The old housekeeper is also a good person - I can see that Irene's mind is in agreement with the old maid's proposal.As for whether the queen will be considered an out-married because of this, there is no need to worry. After all, Queen Lynn, who did not believe in the death of the hero, once really left an oral message. If the person in Roundpool City encounters the reincarnation of the hero or even the hero himself

.You can marry yourself if you like.Surprisingly a bit capricious.

Two-one dividing line --

When the golden power of the waveguide gun dissipated, the clouds in the sky had already been carried out of a big hole.The specially enhanced version of the Dark Blood Wing Two Flying Dragon in the sky rolled his eyes and fell from the sky.

After the blood-winged dragon ___ fell to the ground, Xiao Zhi looked at the referee whose hairstyle had changed.

"Mr. Referee, it's almost all right?"


The grinning referee looked at Xiao Zhi and then at Bloodwing who had rolled his eyes~ Feilong nodded and announced

_ "Study medicine Fei Rong (Blood Wing Dragon) is going to the battle bag (incapacitated) to hide (this). The game is won by Xiaozhi Xuanmon (player)!"

"The line is thick_ (appeared 1⊥. !)⊥⊥⊥ After a fierce competition for the championship, the line is finally thick_ (appeared) 11_ Go up and the champion of our L is Xiao Zhixuan from Zhenxin Town Beast (player)⊥⊥⊥ Mountain⊥⊥”

Wow! Mountain⊥⊥


"Xiao Zhi on ⊥!" *NL

"Snake King!⊥1


"On the wolf ⊥⊥"*N

"Dragon Emperor!⊥⊥⊥_"*N .

"The Brave of Birds! 1 Mountain"*

When the audience grinned and cheered while looking for something to wipe their faces, Xiao Zhi slightly flicked his hat

"Sure enough, there is nothing more refreshing than teaching the enemy to be a man with a waveguide gun! If there is one, bite them with Bao"

And Aika, who is opposite Ash, is still in a state of confusion.He grinned at Ash and didn't know how to describe it, but he was absolutely desperate right now.

he didn't think

The blood-winged dragon that has been strengthened to that extent will be beaten like paper.

"Impossible...why are you so strong two:"

Without wiping the saliva, Aika just looked at Ash.And Xiaozhi tightened his cloak a little and said, "Because the bond is nothing more than that."


Chapter [-] Sorry, there are more people here

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