"Flying mantis dances with swords!"


With the two flying mantis spinning together under the command of Lin, they used the sword dance to rush to Lin and their flame jets were easily torn apart by the two flying mantises with the sword dance. And Xiaozhi's flying mantis did not stop after tearing the flames. Instead of his own sword dance, he spun directly towards Derby, who had just fired the flame, and then accompanied by two slashes that ordinary people couldn't see clearly, the two Derubs flew out directly, while the Flying Mantis was bright. With his two scythes, he glanced at the other enemies with horror, but then the Flying Mantis flew directly back to Lin's side to protect Lin.

Protect it.

"Roar" Shan Shan Shan! "

Accompanied by the roar of Xiaoxue's dark Bangira, it swept away the enemies in front of it with a sweep of its tail, and then the Pokémon hunters in the other direction sprayed the destruction light to knock them out.

"Bangira be careful. The other party will send a fighting department to deal with you."

Koyuki looked at the fighting Pokémon rushing towards Bangira and couldn't help but remind her aloud, but Ayana had already started to act first.

"These guys gave me the paralysis powder L_,

"Not in!"


With the double numbness powder covering their faces, the fighting Pokémon who just rushed over will immediately stiffen up. And Xiaozhi's Bataihu also has a light in his eyes - flashing his mind power and throwing the fighting Pokémon directly.

Ayane looked at Xiaozhi's Ba Taihu easily tossing out several fighting Pokémon and couldn't help but said speechlessly, "How did he train Ba Taihu's superpowers so strongly?"

"Mom" _⊥. ⊥⊥ Ghost! ⊥⊥⊥!"*N

Just when Aya girl leaves the slot

They ran past them, and behind them were countless candlelight spirits.These little guys follow Showa Ash's agreement.There will be no holding back against the enemies of small wisdom such as Yu

And when Candlelight was in action, Nazi was constantly using her super powers to turn Pokémon hunters into dolls, and these guys were lucky.Because unfortunately, the three brothers of the ghost tower have pulled the soul out to play.

"Giggle!"*3 , .

The three ghost tower brothers, as the common Pokémon masters of Ash and Nazi to some extent, played with Ash and their enemies without any intention of keeping their hands, and they also showed the first

Now, their real terrifying strength, the terrifying ability to pull human souls to the ground allows them to deal with Pokémon hunters lightly

Xiaoji, who was at the side of the electric heart, said directly to her and Xiaozhi's Minas.

"Go to Minas⊥ Roll them all up with a double vortex"_,


With the blessing of Xiaozhi Minas' flowing water domain, the two vortexes of Minas directly swept away the rumbling stones of the Pokémon hunters, and Xiao Ji also showed a terrible smile at this time.

"Water crushing!"



Hearing Xiao Ji's words, Minas directly squeezed the two vortices together and squeezed them together, while the Rumble Stones of the Pokémon Hunters had already lost consciousness.

Looking at Xiaoji's terrifying smile, Xiaoxia finally understood what Xiaozhi said before that Xiaoji was actually a bad girl, but then Xiaoxia held Porkby and ordered her Pokémon.

"The spiny ammonite beasts are preyed on, the stinging jellyfish paralyzes your opponent with its tentacles, the gem starfish uses a high-pressure water gun. The jerny turtle is a water gun and the carp king, you use the dragon's fury!"


⊥”*N ,

Just when the excitement on the field was extremely high, Lillie and Glagio were with Machiel and Shaqila I, who had no fighting ability, and were protected by wearing bears. _ They also protected them together. There is Lila.

"That - aren't you going to play?"

Lily looked a little embarrassed when she looked at the heroic Lila, but Lila said with a smile, "It's okay, my task is to protect you both with the bear, and Lusamine seems to be in a state of rage now, she should be I don't have power to take care of you

Saying that, Lila looked at the gloomy face and the same gloomy face.

Xiao Zi, who was instructing the Pokémon to directly hit the opposite trainer's Lusa Minai, shrugged helplessly.

"Why!. Can't let Xiao Zhi win this championship? Why!

"Why 1. Ash-sama's best memories, you all want to make trouble⊥ Why?"

Looking at Russa Minai and Xiao Zi who are the same as the two female ghosts.Lila finally said helplessly, "It seems that they will not recover for the time being.."

Serena looked at the current situation and thought for a while, then asked, "Um.. I. Go and help Kiyomi and the others get herbal medicine." It seems that Kiyomi and the others are planning to treat

See those Pokémon affected by the Dark Orb. "

Looking at Elijah Kiyomi and Fuzi Serena who were making herbal medicines not far away, they thought about going to help, and Lila nodded after thinking about it.

"Alright, then I'll trouble you. It's just time to learn - learning about herbal medicine will also be helpful for future trips."

After speaking, Lila looked at Xiao_lan who was being protected by a group of Team Rocket 3.1, and scratched her head.

"Hmm:: Should I say Father-in-law Sakamoto, he was bitten by a snake for [-] years now and is afraid of the rope? Even the Rockets are dispatched.."

At this time, Xiao Lan also held Xiao Lan helplessly.

The wise fat Ding asked helplessly as he looked at the Rockets who surrounded him.

"Is it okay for you to show up so directly? Didn't Dad think about the consequences?

"Please rest assured Mrs. Xiaolan, Mrs. Satoshi and Mrs. Sakagi will handle it better. The real trouble is to get up again."

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