
Hearing Xiao Zhi's suggestion, the hot monkey's eyes flashed a light, and then he stopped.

The beating directly lifted the Rockets trio into the sky.

"It's better than being bored~"*3_

"Beautiful work, monkey." Xiao Zhi was very relieved to see the scene of the three flying into the sky.And the hot monkey also nodded happily.

"How? Hot Monkey, do you want to travel with me?"

"Roar?" Hot Monkey was stunned after hearing Xiao Zhi's words, and then assumed a fighting stance, while Xiao Zhi waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, you are not going to be injured, right? Treat it first_ How about the next step?"

"Roar!" Hearing Xiaozhi's suggestion, the hot monkey nodded.

head, and then received Ash's treatment.After the treatment, Ash threw his luxurious ball.

"Come out, Jenny Turtle."

"After Jenny came out, he was stunned when he saw that it was a hot monkey, but he quickly assumed a fighting stance."

"Jenny Turtle, take a deep breath, and get into position."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the Jenny Turtle immediately took a deep breath and then in the surprised eyes of Hot Monkey and Xiaoxia Xiaogang, Jenny Turtle's momentum changed e-."

Chapter [-] Jenny Turtle's Ace

Starter. Please move

Hot Monkey, as a fighting-type Pokémon, still knows a lot about momentum.Originally, when the turtle came out, it was nothing, but when Xiao Zhi let the turtle start to take a deep breath, the momentum of the turtle changed.This also made Hot Monkey alert.

And when Xiao Zhi saw that the hot monkey didn't attack first, he couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Jenny Turtle keeps improving his defense."

"Jenny! Jenny!"

Jenny Turtle - Listening to Ash's command, the flesh that has been continuously strengthened by deep breathing has been further strengthened.Jay

There are some currents flowing around the turtle.It seems to be forming a protective circle.

"Roar!" After discovering that Jenny's ability continued to improve, Hot Monkey knew that he could no longer observe, and Di went up to use his stubborn and frantic grabbing.

"Indent into the shell and continue to improve your abilities."

Hearing Xiaozhi's order, the johnny turtle also quickly entered the shell, and the frantic scratching of the hot monkey in the face of the hard tortoise shell is useless. However, the hot monkey is not discouraged and grabs the shell of the jenny turtle. resorted to the earth cast.

"Junior hit his eyes with bubbles"

Several small bubbles appeared from the tortoise shell and then exploded next to the eyes of the hot monkey and the hot monkey had to let go of the turtle after the eyes of the hot monkey were attacked.

"Jenny backs away and hits the most powerful rocket head. _⊥"

"Jenny!." The body of the jenny turtle exuded a blue light.Then he hit his head with blood. The huge impact of the fire monkey directly knocked the fire monkey flying into the gravel.

"Jenny Turtle come here." Seeing that the hot monkey had fallen to the ground, Xiao Zhi didn't rush to subdue it, but waved to the Jackie Turtle.The turtle also ran back obediently, and then Xiaozhi took out a fluffy towel and started to wipe the turtle's head

"It's very good, since you don't like evolution, so if you want to become stronger, you need to defend from the other side. 7eo remember to practice the skills I taught you, and the golden bell--be sure to practice. That's your absolute Do you understand 2"

"Nope." Jenny Turtle smiled while hugging Xiao Zhi while letting Wai Zhi wipe his head. After wiping, Xiao Zhi looked at Jenny Turtle's shiny head and said, "Not bad. It looks like training. Success has come out. After that, I need to practice more iron head kung fu."

"Jenny!_" Touching his big head, the Jenny Turtle gave a thumbs up to Ash, while Pikachu touched the Jenny Turtle's head curiously.

- "Pikapie!" (Amazing. To the extent of my steel tail?

"Jenny!" (The boss said, in the future, my head will be the lore. So in the future, I should be able to refine the trick to defeat the monster level opponents like you.)

"LuckyL". (Come on then. Ash's father's training is still very good

"Jenny Jennie!" (Of course! In response to the old lady's tenderness, I also have to be strong, see my head is shining brightly

Xiaoxia looked at Jenny Turtle and the others chatting a little curiously, but there was not much time.And Xiaozhi has already gone to the fire

Burst monkey.Looking at Hot Monkey who was still a little angry but unwilling to attack him. Xiaozhi took out a few needles and stuck it on Hot Monkey's head.

Hot Monkey did not resist because of his trust in Xiao Zhi. And then Hot Monkey was surprised to find that his anger was gone⊥ He looked at Xiao Zhi curiously, while Xiao Zhi was - rubbing his head for him and saying 1_" ~It's a special trick L. It's designed to help a fiery Pokémon like you. How do you feel now 2"

"Shut up." Hot Monkey smiled calmly and happily after his temper was no longer angry, and Xiao Zhi said - while helping him massage - "In fact, this kind of hand

The law has been promoted.So it's no secret.But mine is the most authentic, so hot monkey, would you like to be my Pokémon?"

Hot Monkey looked at Xiao Zhi, then smiled and nodded.


"Then please give me more advice in the future. My friend." Although he said that, Xiao Zhi's hand did not stop. Xiao Zhi's habit is to do the best in the end.

The hot monkey fell asleep peacefully under Xiao Zhi's massage.Ash also earns Hot Monkey into the deluxe ball after he falls asleep.

Xiaogang can't help watching Xiaozhi calm down the hot monkey

Said, "It's really amazing..."

"Let's go, Rainbow City is right in front. I just need to get a batch of medicinal materials. After Rainbow City, come to my hotel to rest - let's go."

Afterwards, Ash and his party went to Rainbow City, and the Rockets were unfortunately beaten into the Hot Monkey Valley.Looking at the bunch of hot monkeys around, the Rockets knew that they were really miserable this time.

"It's better than being bored~" * Department. !

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