.In the past, Serena always thought that she would have nothing to do with Ash. After all, the gap between Ash's identity and her identity became more and more obvious with the popularity of the Continental Hotel.

But Serena soon realized that she seemed to be wrong.Not only did Xiaozhi not cut off contact with him because of the Tailu Hotel, but he never broke contact with him until one time when Xiaozhi accidentally said that he wanted to marry her, which was like a joke.He himself agreed.

Originally Serena thought it was just a joke - the same thing, but "Trinity" was something she never thought of.Xiaozhi is actually serious, so that

When she was taken by the people from the Continental Hotel to take a photo with Arceus, she was in a state of confusion.That's why her mother didn't say anything because she knew the details. After all, her silly daughter also needs some small surprises.

"Xiao Zhi, you are really liked by Pokémon."_

Looking at An Xiao's Dizzy Beast and Da Duck lying on Xiao Zhi's lap.Seyingna smiled, while Xiao Zhi said helplessly.

"It's okay, just get along with them in the right way. Besides, they are no different from us. The only difference may be...

Touch it, touch the Duck Duck, which is still bubbling from the nose

The head of Xiaozhi smiled and looked at this dumb guy.

"Maybe they're a little bit more clear-cut than we thought."

one-one dividing line-one

"Then pay attention to your body and don't get too tired. I heard that you have more documents recently."

r It should have been sent to you by me, so why did you end up telling me?"

Listening to Xiaoju I's chatter, Xiaozhi didn't know what expression to use to face it. After all, he usually reminds Xiaojuer to pay attention to his body. Why did it turn around this time?

And Xiaojuer saw Xiaozhi's expression and said with a smile.

"I will also care about% then I'm going back, don't miss me" Jing p

After speaking, Xiao Ju'er turned around and got on the special plane and left.Pikachu, on the other hand, stretched out his hands with tears in his eyes and taught Momonga to his mother-in-law.

"Pickup⊥⊥⊥" 6 wives, we miss you ⊥⊥⊥.⊥)

"..Be careful Qiuqiu carries you.

"Pickup.." (Don't talk_

After saying goodbye to Xiaojuer, Xiaozhi turned his head with a smile, but when Xiaozhi saw the fat worker staring at him, Xiaozhi knew that trouble was coming.



Looking at the puffed-out chubby Gong Xiaozhi, he picked her up with a smile and said.

"Okay. You are not allowed to fight for your own good, after all, your opponent won't wait for you to sing."

"POI!" (Unhappy, _you_ didn't accompany me)

Angrily, the fat worker turned his head and said that he would not believe Xiao Zhi, while Xiao Zhi looked at the pissed fat man with a funny look." I. Xiao Lan looked at the fat man, and then thought about the huge fat man that Xiao Zhi gave him to protect himself. Ding, could not help but ask.

"By the way, what about the giant Gengar and the giant Hudi?."


Well, actually, I've always put them in charge of covert protection. AOtherwise, why do you think the three previous aircraft collided with the stealth aircraft?

"Are you good or bad~"

Xiaolan smiled and poked Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"It's necessary. And it's not bad, it's called having hair, you know?"

"Of course. Hehehe"

"Hey hey" *2_

Look at Xiao Zhi and Xiao Lan who are smiling wickedly.Glagio, who had planned to ask Ash for a new trick, silently turned around and left.

And Lily is

Seeing that Glagio left, she tilted her head strangely, and then walked towards Xiao Zhi with Baby Skin. She has some questions about her cultivation and needs to ask Xiao Zhi for advice.

And the same people went to Xiao Zhi. There were also Mary and Xiao Dai who were ready to interview Xiao Zhi. Since 3 knew that Xiao Zhi had something to do before, Mary didn't bother him. Now it's almost time to go. , Solution one - down.

"Are you ready, Xiao Dai, this time we are going to interview the champion!"

"Uh.. Isn't it just interviewing Xiaozhi.. is there anything you are not prepared for..",

"...give me a bit of momentum

"If you go on like this, you'll: -Stay single

"I have a girlfriend, _L. I just confessed recently.__

.-favorite x recommend, share L L_zhangti anhao88)_

Support Fei Lu's original works._ Enjoy the joy of reading"

The five hundred and fortieth chapters of Xiaozhi's attraction

On Xiaozhi's side, since the other people had their own affairs, they all left under the escort of Xiaozhi's hair after Xiaozhi was alone with them for a day.Of course, Serena is the most helpless. Because she wanted to stay with Ash for a few more days, but her mother has already called directly to let her go home.

In desperation, Serena could only say goodbye to Ash with regret.

"Mom is really.. I _ want to play more.."

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