"Zhao Xiaoxue. I'll have to wait a little longer for breakfast. I'll make it right now."

Saying that, Xiaozhi gave Xiaoxue the milk that the big milk jar gave him.

"Have a glass of milk first. The big milk tank has just been squeezed."

"Thank you, but Xiaozhi, have you heard? It seems that everyone in Zhenxin Town is going to hold a celebration party for you. Biyi, you and Xiaomao have achieved good results."

"Well, I heard what Mom said, so Mom. Mom, she went back to prepare first. Really, I said that the castle can also be here. L

"I think Mommy wants to do everything over there?"


Saying that, Xiaozhi made breakfast and then went to Ye and the others to get up and have breakfast.However, when eating breakfast, Xiaoxia suddenly remembered something and asked.

C "Speaking of which. We seem to have forgotten someone.."_

"Forgot people?" *NJ

Looking at Xiaoxia strangely, everyone didn't think who was missing.And Xiaoxia reminded silently.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao Zhi.. Although he was quite dead before, don't forget him."

"Well.. I guess it didn't help._

Thinking that I seem to have really forgotten Xiaogang and Xiaozhi, and then think about the time now.It is estimated that Xiaogang should almost forgive s

"Xiao Zhi, it's better to ask Mr. Billy and the others how Xiaogang is. No matter what Bi_I mean, Xiaogang is still a travel companion. Mr. Billy and the others shouldn't do anything too much to him, right?"

Although Xiaoxue was not happy that Xiaogang made trouble with Xiaozhi before, but for the sake of traveling together, she still decided to let Xiaozhi save Xiaogang.Of course, if it's too late, it's too late. ._

"Okay. I'll pick up the phone and ask.

"Is something wrong with the boss?"

"Billy, what about Xiaogang?"

"Xiaogang bx? He has _ escaped. I'm so sorry bos____s we didn't watch him... but please rest assured bass we will catch him and let him understand the charm of a man

"Really? I ran away, . . that's okay."

I was surprised to hear that Xiaogang was able to escape.After all, Xiaogang was able to escape from Billy and the others after his death-killing ability was full, proving that he had some means.

However, just when Xiaozhi was thinking about where Xiaogang could go

, Xiaogang in ragged clothes ran towards Xiaozhi waving his hand.

"Ash! Help! ⊥_ 1" Mr. Billy and the others are terrible! _⊥⊥"

Seeing Xiaogang running towards him and yelling at Xiaozhi, he quickly waved to him. After all, Xiaozhi himself is on the phone with Billy and the others.Xiaogang's appearance now is simply to report to Billy and the others.

However, seeing Xiao Zhi anxiously waving his hand.Xiaogang thought that Xiaozhi was waving at him, so he shouted excitedly, "I'm here at Xiaozhishan Xiao1!

Look at Xiaogang who is still shouting too much.Xiaozhi knows that he is finished._

Just as Xiao Zhi thought.Billy's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, we know where he is, thanks boss."

Then hang up the phone,

And Xiaozhi's side is also very helpless. After all, Xiaozhi's side is the boss, but Xiaozhi is not a slave owner, so Billy's one, some behaviors Xiaozhi will not stop, so when Xiaogang waved his hand and ran when you come.Several figures quickly approached him and took him away.

"Not on ⊥⊥⊥⊥ Mountain⊥"

Along with Xiaogang's screams, Xiaozhi saw that he was carried away by Billy and a few others, while Xiaozhi was there.

After being silent for a while, he said to Xiao Zi beside him.

"Let's go, let them fall in love with each other and kill each other, and we'll prepare for Pang Zhu."

At this time, it was more mature than before. Xiao Zi nodded, and then skillfully took Xiao Zhi's arm and said, "Let's go, I'll go to help my mother later, and I said to Dr. Taimu, wait. I need your help with something._"

"Really? Go take a look when the time comes.

Chapter [-] The Rockets will never let me down

- "Let's congratulate Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao for winning the first and third place respectively

As Dr. Ogi raised the juice cups, Ash and Xiaomo, and the people and Pokémon in the rematch raised the juice. As for why there is no wine__ ,

Aren't you worried that Dr. Taimu drank too much and said anything? It's not like Xiaozhi did nothing for a few days after going home. Therefore, some people like Xiaoxue and Xiaozi in Xiaozhi's house obviously did not escape Xiaozhi. The devil's claws, and the old man Dr. Taimu is also a good person. So he can't hide the matter of Xiaozhi, so this old man always smiles wretchedly and looks at Xiaozhi, so that Xiaozhi wants Pikachu to give it to him.

He got an electric shock.

And at this celebration, three familiar figures of Xiao Zhi also pretended to be traders and were preparing to do things, but what they didn't know was that all the traders who came to the venue this time were all from Xiao Zhi, so..._

"Would you like to get rid of them?

"Forget it, just leave it alone if Mrs. Ash doesn't care, but honestly, don't we and the others know that all the people here today are from our side?"

Look at the Rockets who are still working hard.A group of Xiao Zhi's subordinates didn't know what to say, and Xiao Gang, who was captured by Billy and the others before, was being guarded by a muscular man.


That... Mr. Billy, I'm not going to do anything... can you spare me?"

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