"Gudu.." *3_,

Seeing that Xiaozhi's side was obviously crowded and even beating Musashi Miaomiao, Kojiro couldn't help swallowing.

"Meow meow.. hurry up and use plan B_

"I know meow"

Looking at the crowd that was getting closer and closer, Miao Miao also pressed a button directly, and then a Pidiao aircraft flew towards the ground in the sky.

"This is our upgraded Bidiao aircraft 2.0 version L, but this time it's _ particularly sturdy!"

Looking at the flying aircraft, Miaomiao smiled proudly.However, Xiao Zhi, who was opposite them, said with a smile.

"You seem to have forgotten. This side of Zhenxin Town is my site"_


As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, countless storks and beaks and Bibibird flew out of the forest and then rushed straight to the aircraft.

"Dare to play Sky Raid 2 in Zhenxin Town, don't you know that my Taizui Que and Bi Diao are waiting?

? "

As if to prove Ash's words, L Sky's Tougu and Biego directly started a cooperative battle.This kind of scene is almost impossible to see in the wild, because the Taizui and Bibi bird-clan are notorious for their hatred. When the two groups meet, they basically carry it directly. However, all this is not on Xiaozhi's side. It's the same, because it's all Ash's Pokémon.Although the Bidiao and Taizuique clans in Zhenxin Town are sometimes displeased with each other, there will be no unprovoked fights. Even in order to protect Xiaozhi's family, the two clans can carry out joint operations. Lieque is responsible for close range. attack, while Bibi Bird and Bibi Diao use strong winds for remote assistance.

Only Ash can see the cooperative fighting style. After all... If it was for Ash, the so-called friction would have been forgotten by them. _, and now the rocket's Bidiao II aircraft 2 and Q are attacked by the coordinated operations of Bidiao and Taizuique, and the overlord Bi will blow the Bidiao K-2. It can't be impacted. Taizui Que is directly used, and the extreme drilling peck that he has honed will completely destroy the Bijiao Aircraft 0.

It's just that I don't know if it's because it seems to be using a lot of force to entrain the private life, and it even shows a wicked smile in the direction of Bi Diao.

while the overlord

After seeing Taizuique's behavior, the eagle shook his head and directly greeted his own group to fly to Xiaozhi's side, and Xiaozhi's Bidiao quickly gave up his position when he saw the overlord Bidiao flying. The overlord is the eagle, it's its father_

This incident was only known to Biyao later. It seems that his egg was accidentally left behind. And Xiaozhi was also surprised that his Biyao would be the child of an old friend, but that's not bad, Perhaps this incredible fate is also an interesting situation?

When Bi Diao and the others flew to Xiao Zhi's side, they all looked at Team Rocket with malicious eyes. They really wanted to use the strong wind to send them away, but it was just that

Ash stops them.

"Well, Bidiao, today is a festive day, we will send them away in a happy way."

After speaking, Xiaozhi looked at Team Rocket with a smile, and Team Rocket was completely frightened by Xiaozhi's smile.

"What do you want..."_

"It's alright, just give you a ride

Two-one dividing line one-one

"Don't go on ⊥. Why is ⊥ on the sky monkey again⊥⊥⊥⊥"*3

When the Rockets were tied to Ash's specially made Sky-Changing Monkey after a long absence.Wu. Zang Meow Meow Kojiro Can Only: While Struggle_

Ye grooved e. and Xiao Zhi looked at them and said 2

"Because today is a celebration. What can't be done without fireworks. Thank you for the Rockets' Fireworks L Fire-breathing Dragon!"


Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the fire-breathing dragon also smiled and used his tail to set the sky monkey on fire. After a long absence, the Rockets took off under the watchful eyes of Xiaozhi and the others.

"What a disgusting feeling, go on 1!"*3_one


Chapter [-]: The Powerful Arceus

"Report, the aircraft made by the three people in our scientific research department have been brought back for analysis. However, through the fragments, it can be found that the version 2 of the Bi-eagle aircraft is indeed stronger than the last version of the Bi-eagle aircraft."

Xiaozhi nodded after listening to his subordinate's report, and then said.

"Look into this bottle of chili powder, and maybe the thing that enables humans to use flame jets may be a new discovery."

After handing half of the chili powder to his subordinates, Ash turned back to look at Dr. Ogi who was breathing fire because he didn't believe in evil and tasted the chili powder.


This thing tastes very spicy. Why can't Big Ben Bo Qi not believe it? Speaking of which, what is the situation of the ability of the three voyeurs of the Rockets?"

Hearing Ash's question, the humanoid Arceus, who was eating a magical class beside Ash, thought for a moment and said.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. Our God of Creation will not interfere with the evolution of species.

"It's not next to evolution, is it?_"

"I don't know about L, but the chili powder they made is really good. At least it's worthy of praise for letting humans use flames."

After finishing speaking, Arceus patted Ash again on the head.

"Also, don't call me a voyeur, call me my wife!"

After being photographed by Arceus, Ash was speechless, but he still asked Arceus about one thing.

"By the way, who is Arceus of Midina?"

Ash's Midina is a place with a legend about Arceus. Of course, Lusa Mina seems to remember that this is related to Arceus, so I mentioned it to Ash, and Ash will ask now_If Mi Ji If Na provokes Arceus, Ash is very willing to help Arceus vent his anger in a human way.

And Arceus heard the name Midina

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