- one dividing line - one by one

"It's troublesome enough to do this in the middle of the night... and you don't think you should reflect on yourself as a blogger.

Do you want to? Rush up like that will bring more trouble to the rescue

On the way back to the research institute, Bo Yu took her Pokémon and Naimu Botu back while ranting about the trouble she almost caused today, and Naimu Botu did not refute, after all, what Xiaozhi said It's true, if it weren't for Ash, he would probably still be lying in the Pokémon Center for treatment.

"Okay, I know I was wrong. It's time to go back to rest so late. Thank you today."

"You say it's easy. Don't you know that my coffee is a special version._I'm in good spirits now⊥"


I'm really sorry, so how about I come to accompany you as compensation?"

Seeing that Xiao Zhi's mental body was obviously not cheating, Mu Bosheng also understood that what Xiao Zhi said was true, and that's why he came up with this proposal.It's just that Xiaogongzhi rejected the dimension e for the proposal on Neimu Bo,

"You better have a good rest. Jin husband, you are tired enough. Anyway, there are two Han Gan and Bidio who are with me today.

Saying that, Xiao Zhi looked at the dumb beasts Da Duck and Pidiao who were full of energy after drinking coffee.

"Really? Then this is your loss~"

"Hurry up and rest, stupid woman really don't know

Who would dare to marry you later. "

"Isn't there still you?"

"Hehe, do you think I'm such a liar? Go and rest.

After walking to the research institute, Xiaozhi reminded Dr. Uimu again to let her rest and then left with her Pokémon. Uchigi Hiroshi said with a smile as he watched Xiaozhi leave.

"I'm not lying._Then it's almost time to call Damu Botu for help. It's time for the three children to observe them independently."

Letting the triplets start their own observations is a decision that Dr. Naimoto has already made, and the purpose

I just hope that the three of them will not simply become assistants, but will be able to break out of their own fame like themselves. L is like the Sonya that Xiaozhi said. L. Sonya also changed from assistant to doctor with two identities.

"I just hope that the three children can do the housework well._This is the most troublesome.."

Thinking that the triplets are just as hard-working as myself, Neimu Botu is still a little worried, but when it spreads to Qiaotou, it's useless to think about it now. In this case, it's better to take a good rest - just as Xiaozhi said. I am really tired.

And just when Neimubo was on earth and body, Xiaozhi was

They borrowed their kitchen to make a late-night snack. After all, it's embarrassing to call out the three evil dragons at night. Even Xiao Zhi, the trainer of the three evil dragons, doesn't think he has the privilege.

On the other hand, the three evil dragons salivated from the smell of the fragrance in the kitchen.

"Today, you have a good time. Today's secret steak is so greedy that even the guy in the cracked empty seat is greedy?"

"Roar" *3 .

The three heads of the three evil dragons lit up wildly, and they were very much looking forward to Xiao Zhi's secret recipe.

And wait for Xiao Zhi to bring the oversized steak exclusive to the jade three dragons to them

In front and back, Xiaozhi also deliberately divided it into three parts and sprinkled them with different seasonings.

"The head on the left likes the spicy taste, so I use it here. The special chili powder of the Rockets, the head on the right likes the taste of clear change, so I put mint, as for the middle one, you like cumin the most, so I put more here. Are you satisfied?"

"Roar"*3 (very satisfied ⊥⊥⊥)

Seeing the three evil dragons burying their heads to eat, Xiao Zhi smiled.

"Suddenly I feel that this is not bad. It's amazing to know that after you evolved into three evil dragons, I even re-determined your taste."

"Roaring Mountain"

"Really, you didn't think that the three heads like different flavors, there are so many secrets in Pokémon,

Saying that, Xiaozhi touched the head of the snake and bear, who was still sleeping on his head.

"This guy, slept soundly enough. Is my head so comfortable?_"



Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the Duck Duck and Dumb Beast, who were eating fish, couldn't help but look at the serpentine bear on Xiao Zhi's head, and Xiao Zhi said speechlessly after seeing their I eyes.

"Will you two give me a good walk? One

All day in a backpack, baring my hand all day. , I don't need to do this if I'm too lazy to walk?"



Seeing the two guys pretending to be stupid, Xiaozhi shook his head helplessly, what a wonderful fate. , __


Chapter [-] Xiaogang is finally growing up (hope he can live)

When Xiaoxia and Nazi woke up the next day, they realized that Xiaozhi had not slept much here, and later found out that it was because of drinking the famous coffee at night. , but looking at the snoring beasts and da ducks, Xiaoxia and Nazi, who are lying in Xiaozhi's arms, have to admit that Xiaozhi is really hard enough now.

And Xiao Zhi, who was holding these two naive ones, was also a little speechless. .In the morning, these two guys actually fell asleep..__

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