I've used up one bottle, it's alright, then I'm leaving, bye! &q


"Pikapie!" (Bye bye!. )

“1uckyL”. (Next time Pi is going to die”)

"Meow, why can't you find something else to do meow..."

Although not put down by Ash, Ash's air freshener saves Team Rocket.So they feel

"Thank you kid!."*3

"The stinger bee suffocated the bee with this characteristic on them." Hearing that the three guys were dying again, Xiao Zhi directly took out some honey and let the stinger bee smear on the Rockets.

Musashi. "Huh? What is this?"

Kojiro, _ "I don't know, but it seems very sweet."

After tasting it, Meow Meow said: "Meow L is honey! Wait a minute | Honey!

Then a group of big needle bees rushed towards them with red eyes.

"It's better than being bored~"*3_

one-one dividing line - one

"It's a gym battle now, and gym trainer Erica will play against Ash!"

Alicia looked at Xiao Zhi and said with a smile, "Since your opponent is Xiao Zhi, then I'm welcome. Go.

It's "too eat flowers⊥"


Knowing Ash's strength doesn't necessarily mean that Elijah doesn't use Pokémon against ordinary rookies anymore.And Ash also threw his own luxury ball.

"Come out, Frog Seeds._"

. "Seed. Seed"."

Frog Seed looked at his opponent with fighting intent. At the same time, he himself had already started to activate the skill 'Deep Breath'.

"Flying Leaf Knife!"


To be honest, one of my own

The countless leaves of the leaves flew towards the seeds of the wonderful frog.

"Put it down with rattan."

_"Seed ⊥"

The rattan weaving of the seeds of the wonderful frog is extremely hard under the blessing of 'deep breath', and it directly smashes the I Feiye Knife.

"Using the rattan weaving to launch a one-word slash!"

"It's not good, too Shihua, hurry up and avoid it"_" When she saw the rattan weaving of the seeds of the wonderful frog hitting the big food flower, Ailijia realized that something was wrong, but fortunately her order was timely. The big food flower escaped With this blow, the one-word slash of the seeds of the wonderful frog hit the ground, and a huge crack appeared on the scene, and the power of the seeds of the wonderful frog was seen.


Dashihua heard Elijah's order and sprayed the solution directly at the seeds of the frog. And Xiaozhi said calmly, the seeds of the frog, take a deep breath, and then the seeds Gatling: Ripple Run away!"

As a ray of light flashed from the seed of the wonderful frog, its mouth bulged, and then countless seeds were sprayed out by him, directly destroying the Dashihua solution and hitting the Dashihua.

"not good!"

"Final blow! Sunshine flames!"

_"Seed ⊥⊥⊥!"

The power of the ripples flows through the seeds of the frog,

Then the powerful sunlight and flames directly hit Taishihua with a direct hit. Even if the Taishihua is a grass type.But it didn't have the strength to fight without hitting this big trick.

"Dashihua loses the battle and can be ninth. Please change Miss Erica for a Pokémon."

"Dashihua, you have worked hard. Come back." After taking the Dashihua back, Alijia threw her first baby ball.

"Go to the Emperor Smelly Flower!"


Seeing the smelly flower Xiaozhi pouted, the smelly flower is indeed a troublesome enemy, but the wonderful frog seeds are really not afraid.

"Emperor stinky flowers attack with stench!"

"The emperor stinks!"

The yellow gas rushed towards the seeds of the wonderful frogs, and the seeds of the wonderful frogs took a deep breath when they looked at these apparently unpleasant gases, and then blew them away.

"What!." Elijah was shocked by the operation of Frog Seeds.And Xiaozhi explained, "Sorry, Seed Gatling is a test of lung capacity, so your stinky flower has already lost to Sunshine Flame!"

Powered by ripples.The second sunshine flame of the wonderful frog seed is already powerful, and it directly defeats the smelly flower.

"Smelly Flower is incapacitated to fight_"

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