Joey didn't intend to let Xiaozhi go as a medical staff even though she knew that Xiaozhi's physical ability was very strong, but she still let Xiaozhi go for an examination for safety's sake.

Our domineering Xiaozhi in this regard has long been clear because of some points.

"Okay okay. I'm going to go~!"

It's still clear to Joey's toughness on this point, so Ash can only obediently go to get checked-.

The examination at the Pokémon Center was quick, and Joey took out the physical conditions of Ash and Chenglong.

"Don't worry. Because it's time to deal with Chenglong's physical condition, you just need to rest for a while. As for Xiaozhi, your words..."

Looking at the test results, Joey said speechlessly.

"Too healthy

Shan is not _ as expected of you,"_

"I already said that I have no problem.. But I need to chat with Dr. Taimu: let's go. There are really any kind of guys. It seems that the patrol here needs to be strengthened.!"

Joffr understood that what Ash was talking about was about the previous three bad boys. So he nodded.

"Yeah, the corners of my mouth are a little mixed because the Orange League match is about to begin.

And when Xiaozhi said that Dr. Taiben's "7 o'clock [-]" was poor, Xiaojian's eyes lit up. You must know that Dr. Taimu is his idol.Therefore, Xiaojian could not help but follow Shaozhi to K Bo Tu

.Oh Xiao Chi.What's the name of it... Dr. Taimu frowned after the dragon incident.

"Really? But the Orange League Cup

It's no wonder it's going to start, here it is. "Key to talk to the phone, Nami. I'm in Tachibana Taxi Specialty? There's nothing more than Ash's family needs. The one who doesn't wait for the child to be born is about to give birth. So you're there. It's outside, so Na. But Xiaozhi and Nami did not directly state that she knew that Nanamei, Nazi and Xiaoxia were both determined to be dragons. Also, what he said was that Xiaozhi's hugeness is about to give birth, and there is a huge happiness, so Xiaozhi does not even call Xiaozhi a dragon. The very safe little ones understand each other and the giant fast dragon follows, and throws them away after finishing

However, Xiaozhi can only agree not to protect Kelong after giving birth. For this reason, Xiaozhi's body and wisdom have actually been exchanged for it. I don't want it to be a shot. With enough pigs on the waist, things went smoothly. But _ seemed to be responding to the words of the luxurious ballna who seemed to tremble slightly. Xiao Nami smiled, and she was worried.Pay attention to safety, Mommy, I'll go there and call right away, and I'll call my sister if I have something to do Look at me

Helping the red light flash the little Pokémon Zhongjian's figure disappear in Shen Xiaozhi and touch it, and seeing this situation can be said.The doctor got my mother there"," and read three things to enjoy L_


Chapter [-] Xiaozhi: I didn't expect it!

For Nazi to teleport Xiaojian directly. Xiaozhi is in favor of it.If I hadn't seen Xiaogang so pitiful before, Xiaozhi didn't even want to bring Xiaogang, and just now Xiaozhi's original purpose was to let Nazi teleport Xiaojian over, and now it seems that he and Nazi really have the same meaning what.

Thinking like this, Xiaozhi and Nazi gave high fives to celebrate - next, and whether Xiaojian, who was transferred by Nazi to Taimu Research Institute, will be beaten by Xiaozhi's Pokémon first, it is not something that Xiaozhi has to deal with. .After all, the person who teleported past, Ash's Pokémon, will still save his life.. Probably.

And just when Xiao Zhi was about to set off to continue the journey

However, he encountered a little trouble "Seven-Zero".Chenglong, who was rescued before, is a little attached to Xiaozhi, so Xiaozhi can only stay with him now, otherwise Joey is worried that Chenglong will refuse to treat

"Looks like the kid is recovering well.

Xiaozhi looked at Chenglong - he was a little helpless to stick to himself. To be honest, this kid was so sticky to him that Xiaozhi was worried that someone would be jealous later._

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi turned his head and sure enough... just as he thought, Shanai and Duo Monarch Snake were both staring at Chenglong, but Minako seemed to be friendly to Chenglong.


Happy egg

Looking at Xiaozhi's current state, he brought over some food with a smile.Because Chenglong leaves Xiaozhi, he will feel very insecure. Xiaozhi hasn't eaten here yet.

"Thank you Happy Egg."


Happy Egg smiled and nodded, then took out a small bun and sat beside Xiao Zhi and began to eat it.

But generally speaking, when it is warm, there will always be someone to break it, such as Xiao Zhi's three acquaintances.

When the thick smoke screen was blowing towards Xiaozhi and the others, Xiaozhi didn't even look at it, just comforted Chenglong - and said and

"Bidiao trouble you

down _. "


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Bi Diao directly flapped his wings. The strong left wind directly blew the smoke screen back with confidence.

"Cough cough!"*3 ,

"I just said that the little ghost head is not easier to handle than the carving of smoke! Cough cough ⊥_"

"Stupid L. Hurry up and let Double Egg Gas listen to the smoke mug and cough." "Little.. Listening to the conversation of the three Rockets, Xiao Zhi, they don't know what to say.Obviously good craftsmanship, why do you always lack a muscle when you do bad things? 1

Xiaoxia hugged Porkby and looked at him

They said helplessly.

"You are really persistent

"Hahahaha! Of course, that's the mountain we prepared for that mighty Pikachu."

"And this time, we also have that Riding Dragon! Come on, little devil!

"Cough cough cough L Musashi meow meow. Where are you? l I'm so scared! Hey 1 Musashi why are you holding me?_"


When he heard Kojiro's voice in the smokescreen, even Ash was surprised. _After all, Musashi is right in front of them.

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