After confirming how to use the airship, the three of Xiaozhi took the dragon and went to Xiagan Gym, one of the stars of the Southern Cross. On the way, Nazi asked Xiaozhi a little strangely.

"Why help those three guys like that? Don't they always make trouble for you?"

"Why? Maybe it's because I really like them, and it's a pleasure to work with them. Recently, monster movies have been assisted by their mass-produced T-shirts. That kind of shocking It works very well.”


Xiaoxia is holding Porkby and watching to swim with Chenglong

The Swimming Pokémon smiled.

"The three of them may be good people, but don't forget one more thing, don't take it lightly. After all, they are staring at Pikachu all the time.

"Of course I know this. So in order to make our trip smoother, I specially reminded Lu Meijia to come here."

Saying that, Xiaozhi leaned against Nazi and Xiaoxia with a smile.

"_[Let them also feel the feeling of being chased. I'm so bad, hahahaha!_"

" did a good job__

"Then I'll leave it to you, Chenglong."

And just when Xiaozhi Xiaoxia and Nazi continued to travel.Xiaojian, who was teleported to Taimu Bo Shang, didn't seem to be in a good state at this time.



At this time, Xiaojian was tied to a wooden stake.And King Niming and the others were watching him.

"Excellent King Nido. But that, am I not a blank person and invite Dr. Jian Damu to be here?"


Looking at the language communication problem, I am afraid that Xiaojian will be tied up for a while. As for the Millennium Ghost Stone Association

Can't come to translate? The thousand-year-old ghost Stone thinks that his mission is to protect Ash's family.So he wouldn't waste time because of such little things.

At this time, the thousand-year-old ghost Stone looked at a direction country with a smile.

"I didn't expect. That guy Bi Diao also established a ghost Pokémon. He also evolved into a Gengar, it's really amazing. But the things that the old lady asked him to send should be coming soon, right?"

Chapter [-] Ya Xuan's Proposal

In the city of Oludlang, the people who greeted it when the Ghost Beagle returned with a gift were not angry because it took away the costumes of the ancient treasures of the city of Oludlang.Instead, they all knelt on the ground from the bottom of their hearts and paid their respects to it from the bottom of their hearts.

At least this eagle of the year deserves to be treated like this by them.

And Bi Diao looked at these people's heartfelt respect and fell silent for a while, then couldn't help but laugh.Yeah, that's why it was originally intended to be a ghost | Pokémon to wait for Ash, precisely because of such a gentle world after being rescued by Ash.

And when the eagle bears-

: When the t share of things came to her, Queen Irene looked at Bi Diao and couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Zhi he... Really, _

"Yeah, it's him. It hasn't changed until now. No wonder he's so greedy and lustful~"

Cong Xin returned to Genggui's posture, Genggui smiled and joked about Xiaozhi's u. Hearing that, Irene couldn't help laughing. Xiaozhi is greedy for money. People who want to open a harem say that he is lustful and has no problem.

After Gengar finished teasing Xiao Zhi, he also took out a bag and handed it to Irene.

"Give you,

Xiaozhi asked me to bring it back. He said he didn't need it yet, and he would take it when he came to pick up Lucario. "


When Queen Irene carried the bag, she realized that what Ash had asked Gengar to send back was actually the most important warrior gloves, but the useless cloak and hat were taken away by Ash.

"Why, send back the most important things?"

"Hehehe, he said that the hero gloves can only feel when they are worn on the hands when Lucario returns together, really. Why not feel it, _"

Even so, the smile on Shame's face

But there is no trace of cunning, only endless nostalgia.

"That guy. Still the same.. But that's why we_ trust him so much.."_

After speaking, Gengar looked at Queen Irene as if she was still looking for something, and the fish opened a mischievous arc.

"Okay, okay. He did ask me to send one thing. And one more

Speaking of which, Gengar took out a letter and a small long box from his body.

And Queen Irene opened it immediately after receiving the letter.

"To Erin, this is Ash and I'm still traveling

So I won't be going to Ludlang City anytime soon. , but don't worry, it will pass in a short time. But before that, I may have some things to deal with, so the brave gloves are stored with you first. , oh yes, I promised you to make a necklace for you, I have already completed it.Gengar should have delivered it to you, so just contact me if you have anything like this. "By the way, the style is the style of the flower of time you said I hope you like it ^ Yours sincerely.

After reading the letter, Irene Nuyu opened the long box and there was a beautiful necklace inside.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this guy's way of picking up girls is really

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