"Huh?" Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Guo Mei looked at Xiao Zhi with some doubts, and also to You Yezi and Xiao Xia. After all, they didn't know what Xiao Zhi wanted.And Xiaozhi shouted with a smile.

"Come out, baby,

! "

"Woooooooo! LL!"

With a melodious cry - a huge Pokémon emerged from the water.

"Fuck the roaring whale. 1⊥1⊥,

Ada looked at the Pokémon that Xiao Zhi called out and shouted directly, while Wang Bucao directly collapsed and moved towards,

Are you here to find fault!. What the hell is the roaring whale king coming out 1 |

"You said it together, my little baby likes me to stand on it the most + it's not twice that we went to the old man to steal fish together!"


Yuan Zhi, who was far away in Fengyuan, frowned, and the crew who saw Yuan Zhi like him cared.

"Captain, are you alright?"

"It's alright... I've strengthened it recently. Ash's bastard's bright whale dry wine has appeared, I don't think it's serious.

"It's the captain⊥" (3 Xiaozhi's roaring whale king. Genji's guilt exists in this heart. Always bring the second roaring whale or the roaring whale king to his side to steal fish

With such a vigilant thought, Genji said to his blood-winged dragon.

"Pay attention recently, Xiaozhi's roaring whale is too big.



The blood-winged dragon who understood the situation nodded, and he also understood the problem of Xiaozhi and the roaring whale, who were really happy to steal fish.

And on the other side, in the voice of the Small Business Committee, we are surprised by the amazing treasure, the water arrow turtle.

"Hey? Didn't the water festival fish return to the island?"

Xiaolu looked a little surprised at Xiaozhi's water swordfish, while Miaomiao explained it directly

"Recently, his group of younger brothers are on vacation, so as a thank you, he is responsible for following the old lady for a while. And also the wonderful frog flower."

"Is that so?

? "

Guo Gai looked at Xiaozhi's water arrows.

, but still smiled.

"Your water arrow turtle is very good." It's okay.I am helping him with nutrition recently. "

Saying that, Xiaozhi touched the water swordfish.

"A little more exercise would be better."



And just as Xiao Zhi was talking, Xiao Zhi's water arrow turtle and Guo Mei's water sign Bao Ran came together to follow each other and saw this appearance.and

After a situation, he said speechlessly "Uh..

These two actually look right _

"Ha 2!" 2__Xiao Zhi and Guo Mei were a little surprised when they heard Miaomiao's words.After all, the game is about to start here, these two actually like each other 2

And Xiaozhi said with a look of regret.

"If you cut it like this, can't you let the water arrow turtle move with its fart power?

"l 1 you wait first L what did you just say in the drama? September 91 is not right for a while. And facing Guo Mei's cannibal eyes, Xiao Zhi is really serious this time.

"Ah. Isn't it useless?"

"You tell me

Clear L1⊥↓

Fart power, that's a trick that all of Ash's Fish Pokémon will know.Created by Xiaozhi and Jenny Turtle 2 and now the entire ultimate trick has also been learned by the water arrow turtle, and the blue is better than the jade blue! After all, the water arrow turtle's fart power is as powerful as a landslide!

However, this trick is too damaging, so it may not have a good impact. Why is this mountain day so small?

Small and big plans, this is also the reason no

) Chi rarely let them use the pair of eyes,

Now that the water swordfish and other people's eyes meet Xiaozhi, it is impossible to let the water. 1 6 arrow turtle use this kind of mirage.

Recruited.Bi Yi's Pokémon's happiness is more important

Looking at Xiao Zhi's face, I'm a good person and won't fool people.Guo Mei felt that her water hoop corner might have escaped a robbery or maybe... .

And Xiaoxia and Na, who already knew what Xiaozhi's so-called fart power was, even held back their own laughter, otherwise it would be bad if Yuguomei asked.

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