"this...this is",

Looking at the crystal Taiyan snake Xiaoxia in front of her, she already understood that this is the Pokémon that Xiaozhi wants her to conquer.But such a precious god

Is it okay for Pokémon Ash to subdue himself?

And just when Xiaoxia thought so, Xiaozhi's voice suddenly came.

"Xiaoxia L is about to subdue it, I'm afraid I can't help knocking the crystal off it. That's why I dare not subdue it. It and Tailing Duck are too penetrating to me⊥"

"Okay, I understand, _

"Duck with green onion...The green onion thief_

No wonder. Poof!_"_ __


Chapter [-]: Xiaozhi Attribute: Greed for Money

No one is perfect and Ash is not a god so Ash has his own flaws and Ash - one of the biggest flaws is nothing else but the greed of money.

No kidding, if Ash wasn't greedy for money, he wouldn't be making such crazy money.It's just that Xiaozhi's greed for money has his own bottom line, so A generally thinks that he is a person who likes to make money.But once Xiaozhi discovers the minerals he likes, such as crystals, then the consequences will be serious. Even if Xiaozhi doesn't get rid of all the unowned things, he will still have a serious desire to snatch them. This is why he carries it himself. Ash and Dago learned to dig and probe to find rocks or minerals, and then they were greedy to touch and dig.

The reason for the digging tool.No one knows what the consequences of Xiaozhi's convulsion are. If it wasn't for Dawu's help to use Pokémon to hold Xiaozhi together last time, I'm afraid that mountain could be pierced by this guy Xiaozhi.

This is why even if Xiaozhi's nose can find those minerals very easily, Dawu still dare not ask Xiaozhi to help 10 find minerals. He is now afraid. Xiaozhi digs stones. Mineral Pipi who don't meet Ash's liking are really prepared for too much bleeding.

What Ash wants is the kind of minerals that are purely appreciative.

As for the green onions that are too scallion duck. .No _ to say more, now

In the meantime, Jun Shajing is still in the dark.In fact, Jun Shajing's partners from the Galar area have discovered the secret of Xiaozhi.

And now Xiaozhi dare not conquer the crystal big snake except for his own big steel snake, they are - one reason, there is another reason that Xiaozhi is afraid that he will take out the chisel when he looks at the crystal big snake.

After learning about the situation, except for Xiaoxia who looked at Xiaozhi helplessly, Nazi was now laughing wildly.After all, everything that Miaomiao explained to them just now made her laugh seriously.

And Xiaozhi temporarily gave up digging after seeing Nazi start laughing wildly and turned to help Nazi get better


"Although I don't know what to say.. But since you said so, Xiaozhi, then I have to do my best."

Saying that, Xiaoxia took out the baby ball and said

"Go and dry the carp" [B. After appearing in the water, the carp king is already ready to go.After all, Xiao Zhi has already told him to help him find an opponent to prepare for evolution.

However, when the carp king saw the crystal Taiyan snake, he was a little surprised.After all, it has never seen such a big rock snake.

And Xiaoxia said directly.

"Carp King, since Xiao Zhi said it might be ice type, then use jet fire

flame! "

"po!"_ .

Let yourself use a jet of flame.The carp king instantly became emotional, and found the culprit who had been wandering in the pepper hell and sweet water paradise for the past few days.

Therefore, the carp king spewed out a terrifying flame directly towards the mouth of the crystal big rock snake.


When the carp king used the jet flame, the crystal Taiyan snake was stunned. _What the hell did you encounter with your tm? _I won't say anything about the carp king fighting with me, but how could this guy use the jet flame 2L

However, when

It's too late for Crystal Taiyan Snake to think about it. Even if the fire spray is not the carp king's original trick, but Xiao Zhi has been helping him to train, so that now it can only fire fire except for splashing water and dragon rage. The Carp King had already practiced this trick very well, so when the hot flames completely burned on the Crystal Taiyan Snake, the Crystal Taiyan Snake could only howl in pain, and it didn't even have the ability to fight back. As Zhi guessed, the Crystal Taiyan Snake was an ice-type Pokémon.

Finally, when the burnt red crystal Taiyan snake was poured into the water and could not get up again, the carp evolved.

Festival of Lights with Evolution

, the child of this small-minded tyrannical carp dragon, Zhongyu, has evolved into a tyrannical carp dragon just like his father.

"Congratulations on the tyrannical carp dragon, who actually defeated Taiyan snake when carp: Yuyu. It's really powerful."

Xiaoxia, who is no longer afraid of the tyrannical carp dragon, touched the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, and the tyrannical carp dragon also kissed Xiaoxia intimately, and after congratulating the tyrannical carp dragon, Xiao_xia is also ready to subdue the crystal Taiyan Snake up.

"Here, it's a diving ball that should be more convenient."

"Thank you."

Xiaoxia did not refuse the diving ball that Xiaozhi handed over.

It would be a bit hypocritical to hold.And as the diving ball touched the crystal big rock snake.After entering the diving ball, the crystal big rock snake was already in a coma, so it was successfully subdued by Xiaoxia without struggling at all.

"I didn't want it to go so smoothly.

"It's definitely going well. After all, I said that the guy is almost ice-type, so using fire-type to deal with it will definitely work. But Xiaoxia..."__

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhi suddenly showed a dark smile.And seeing Xiaozhi's smile, Xiaoxia couldn't help but step back_-step

"Jade... king."

"Since I gave Le you such a great opportunity

Should you say that the meat tonight...".

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