"As expected of Mr. Kojiro. I didn't expect that Kojiro Shaogu's speed and physical strength would be so good now! But I, Lu Meijia, didn't blow out L, I wanted to train Kojirota A to be a perfect person, on the mountain."

Lu Meijia, who used the same pedal carp king submarine because of his anger with Musashi, directly confronted the person behind him.

Let's start right away when the champion says "Housekeeper! Let this little man know our strength"

"I'm here Mr. Kojiro!

"It's better than being bored" The whole 3-

Just when the Rockets were being hunted down by Lu Meijia, Xiao Zhi and the others just made up with a rather strange Goda duck. As for why it's strange, this time Goda duck is a little lewd.But it's nothing. After all, there are Pokémon with various personalities, right? As for now.Ash and the others are visiting - on

"It's too much carp,"

"That's right.

, sister Joey should be today

Go ahead and see that kid, but to be honest, that kid can really grow."-

Thinking of the carp king Xiaozhi, who can grow as a thief, he feels that it is still not overnutrition. Of course, his size also causes it to be seriously deficient in calcium.._

After listening to Xiao Zhi's description, Nazi nodded and then thought of something.

",Is this caused by the huge Hudi and the huge Gengar and the huge surplus of fat workers?"

"That's a ghost, right?-_

"POIL" (unchanged on-

When Sheng T, who has been sitting in Xiao Zhi's arms after hearing the huge fat dick, is born 5, she has always been eating giant

Big Fat Ding's Vinegar.

And seeing this little guy's jealous look, Xiao Zhi smiled and touched, "Okay, okay. I know you're jealous. Come and try this for you?" Li Nuo's bar)

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhi's mouth was on the side. At first, Fat Ding wanted to be more reserved.But Nai He Xiaozhi's dim sum has been seducing her.So fat cloves are really fragrant"

After that, under the leadership of Xiao Zhi, everyone visited the Joey and the giant dried carp that Xiao Zhi said.Although Xiaoxia was surprised that Joey was actually stronger, she only understood why after seeing that she kept fighting the King Carp and throwing it back into the water.

And without the rocket

When the team comes to make trouble.Xiao Zhi and the others took a leisurely rest at Joey's side and then continued on their journey. _

Chapter [-] Sports Universal

Chai Puru Island, on this island there is Stem Puru Gym and if Ash is going to fight the Orange League, the White Wave badge here is essential.

It's just that when Xiaozhi and the others arrived at Napro Island, it seemed that the islanders were all out to fish or surf. Fortunately, a surfer named Xiaodan guessed that Xiaozhi and the others were going to fight against the war gym. Agreed to take them to Tipuru Gym but there was a little interlude before that.._

"These three, my wife. Understand 9"

"Well.. Although I really felt it, I didn't expect it to be true. In a sense, you are also quite powerful..

"I'm stingy, understand?_"

"Of course I understand"_

Looking at Xiaozhi Xiaodan who is holding his hand tightly, what can he say. Even shaking hands with others will suddenly appear_ ,

And Xiaozhi seemed to see Xiaodan's thoughts and said directly.

"I feel that you are the kind of person who may be eloquent. So come directly to stop the work. After all, I am a bad-tempered person and may have a righteous beating on you. Or a shameless backstab."

"Shan, you're really honest. _ -s But it's quite interesting."

Xiao Dan didn't think Xiao Zhi was so

Excessive.After all, compare your heart to your heart.-

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi and the others came to the Tixilu Gym, but only when they entered the gym did they realize that if they wanted to compete with the Xinpulu Gym, they had to go first, and they had to climb up instinctively without relying on the power of Pokémon. Take the Gym Challenge.

"Climbing a mountain? To be honest, it's not a problem in general but now..."_

Looking at the dumb beast who was clinging to his arms, Xiao Zhi could only take him down from his arms and asked, "How about you squeeze-squeeze with Duck?"


The dumb beast looked at Xiao Zhi blankly, he

That wise look made Xiao Zhi very helpless, and finally he could only put down his backpack and talk to Da Duck. "You two, don't scratch it."

After talking, Xiao Zhi put the dumb beast-qi into his black technology backpack, and now Xiao Zhi is carrying two Hanhans on his back.

"Well, why don't you put them in the ball?"

Not ugly looking at Xiao Zhi's operation, he can't understand a little.Xiaolu said directly

"According to Ash's statement, the kid with a headache needs fresh air, but he is very attached to Ash.."

"As for the dumb beast, he, too, is a sticky

With the old lady, and he doesn't like getting into the ball very much.."_

Miaomiao glanced at the dumb beast who looked at the crowd with wise eyes and sighed.

"The popularity of the old lady is also a kind of trouble.."_

"Really, but Xiaozhi is really powerful."

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