Crack Crack!

"Waizhi silently took a few pictures of them and sent them to Uncle Sasamoto and Musashi's mother Miyamoto.

"Um.. Ash, what did they do to make them hate you so much?"

"It's nothing, just told his fiancee the location of the man opposite. Then you know ^"

"Shura Field?"

"It's not that his fiancée wants to train him well. So he was forced to go to gentry training, but

Neng will also do him by the way, and the woman on the hot air balloon is also his fiancee now.It may be that the United States rescued the hero successfully.”

"Oh is the relationship so complicated?"

Xiaodan looked surprised after listening to Xiaozhi's words. He didn't expect such an interesting thing to happen.

And Xiaozhi said with a smile and raised his thumb.

"Our relationship is super good. So mutual pitfalls are for sure!"

"Hahaha. What an enviable friendship."

"That's weird 1⊥_L on"

I heard Xiaozhi say that

& Jiro shouted for ten days, and then took out his baby ball

"Go on double egg gas oops!_ !


With Kojiro's scream, Dashihua directly swallowed him into his mouth, and Xiaodan couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene.

"Do you actually like your Pokémon so much?"

"Yeah, what a nice guy.

"Bing woo woo. !⊥!"

Seeing the embarrassed Kojiro Musashi silently pressed his head.

"You can be a little more embarrassed


Xiao Zhi looked at the Cong Arrow team and they smiled - he turned his head and said to Xiao Dan, "Is it okay for me to use the magic treasure to see them for a ride now?"

... [

"As long as it's not Bashan, then there's no problem."

"Okay, let's go, Big Needle Bee, give old friends a ride!"

"Om!""! "

As the giant stinger emerged from the baby ball, he looked at the Rockets and nodded and then flew to the Miaomiaozhi balloon.

"Um.. don't go" ⊥⊥_"*2

Apart from being large

Both Kojiro Musashi and Miao Miao, who were holding the flowers, let out their last screams.And the big stinger gently poked a hole in the Meow Meow hot air balloon.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, go up. Mountain⊥"

With the screams of Musashi and Meow, they flew away.

"Wow, what a special way to say goodbye."

"Well, old friends, it really made them fly better. But...they didn't say that, I think they will come back.

Xiao Dan scratched his head as he watched Team Rocket fly away.

"I don't quite understand, but it looks like your relationship is really good."

"Well, although it's in the middle of a pit, let's go, I still have a gym battle. I hope your game will be very interesting."

"Hahaha, don't worry. My game will definitely be fun."


Chapter [-]: White Rose Breath

When Xiaozhi and Xiaodan arrived at the top of the mountain, Xiaodan really admired Shaozhi's physical strength. After all, he was able to carry three Pokémon on his back. Not to mention the cold air of the mountain, Xiaozhi hardly affected Xiaozhi.

But soon Xiao Dan became expressionless.Because he found that both Xiaoxialin and Nazi put a blanket on Xiaozhi, and he was alone on his side.

"Cut...isn't it just dog food? I ate it","

And just when Xiao Dan was thinking so sadly and indignantly: a Mao secret was handed to him - and the one handed to him was a happy egg.

- "Happy!&q


"Thank you. Happy eggs, you are really angels~

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