
"It's unexpectedly romantic...

Xiaoxia listened to the captain and didn't know why she said such a sentence, but the captain said with a smile.

"Hahaha L. For us, the boat may be our partner, maybe~

Xiaozhi looked at the captain and they looked at the Orange League trophy and suddenly thought of something, took out the camera and said.

"How about taking a photo? It might be interesting to put this photo next to the trophy~"


Hearing Xiao Zhi's proposal, the captain couldn't help but feel a little

Heart moved. Perhaps leaving the last stroke is also a good choice. ,

"So please, Ash, can you please recruit us and the boat?"

"no problem."

Then follow the captain to take the trophy.Ghost and Ghost Stone floated beside the captain.Behind them the huge ghost ship floats in the air Ash smiles and raises the camera.


Crack! Crack 1 Crack!

Appears quickly from the camera with a few photos.Ash handed the photo to the captain.


"Very good, thank you. Then I'll leave - Zhang as a souvenir."

"no problem."

Finally, after the captain signed his name and message on a photo with an ancient text, he and Ghost and Ghost once again boarded their ship.The Dark Night Demon silently boarded the boat with them. After all, he needed to open the door to the spiritual world.

"Thank you Xiaozhi!. Then we are going to start a new journey. I wish you and your traveler will always be healthy~"

"Thank you 1. May your journey be smooth sailing

With each other's blessings, the ghost ship slowly left, and Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered something.

"Your beads⊥"

"Give it to you. That should be of great use to ghost Pokémon!

And Xiaozhi looked at these beads and didn't know what to say, but he put it away and handed the photo to Junsha.

"Give you Sister Junsha, take it and the trophy back."

"Well, Wei thank you for your help Ash.

On the other side, Kojiro also found Musashi who was thrown into the bushes and saw that Xiaozhi and Junsha didn't pay attention to them, so he picked up Miaomiao

And Musashi just slipped away _.

"That's it this time! Next time

When Ash and the others left the Stary Island, Nazi suddenly said to Ash who was playing a game.

"What's the captain's message?"

"I don't know, Ah Shan, my major is not this."

"Really? What a pity.."_

"What a pity. Just ask him directly next time, hey! Fat Ding pay attention to avoid. This bess will use the L of the barrage.

At this time, in the Xiaozhi exhibition hall, a historian silently read out the captain.

's message.

"Bless my friend Xiao Zhi and his family, may their journeys always have a warm harbor..."_


Chapter [-] Heaven to the Left, Soldier to the Right

Marcotte Island, an ordinary island in the Orange Islands, of course, it also has something unusual that is _

"Yaaaaaa Shan Xiao!!"

With Xiaoxia's scream, she threw herself directly into Xiaozhi's arms, and Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder was wearing his own small earplugs as if he had expected it.

"That's why I said it. You'd better wait on the submarine - it's better._ Why don't you listen?"

Holding Xiaoxia in his arms, Xiaozhi also sighed helplessly, saying that he had persuaded her before.

And hear Xiaozhi

Xiaoxia said helplessly.

"Where did I think there would be so many bug-type Pokémon... Xing doesn't know."

Looking at the insect-type magic treasures like the green hand worm that passed by, Xiaoxia can only hide in Xiaozhi's arms and shiver.And Miaomiao looked at Xiaoxia and said helplessly.

"We just didn't say it because we were afraid that you would be more afraid...or else you would be even more burdened..."_ ,

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