In the end, Xiaozhi and Ayi reached a reconciliation formula.After all, if it is investigated, Ayi is harassing Xiaozhi, and it is to protect his girlfriend. It's just that the shot is a little heavier.It's really just a little bit...

At the same time, Ayi also seeks help from the master Xiaozhi for the sake of his own future happiness.

"Master, I want a wife. What should I do?"

"Why do you call me Master?

"What do you think?"

"I am here

Love is born over time r. The day is not a verb, if you really want to find a wife, you should grind it slowly

"It turned out to be persistence? 2 Thanks to the master for explaining the doubts⊥"

"Thank you Taishi for solving the puzzles" *N

Seeing that a group of people in the Grapefruit Gym call themselves Master Xiaozhi, I don't know how to complain.These A's are finally crazy_

However, how could Xiao Zhi understand the thoughts of these people.They are all about to get off the list, can you imagine yourself. They are surrounded by the horror of helping the big guys? 2 They want to be Billy's good friends ⊥⊥!

As for Ash hitting them.How

What to say.If they had wives, they would be in the same state as Ash.Therefore, they have a sense of identity for Xiaozhi's behavior. Yes, it is a big thing we have to learn.

In the end, Ayi and Xiaozhi decided to have a match the next day.The game is Ash's favorite battle. It's just that both sides have to fight with Pokémon with the same attributes.

However, when Xiao Zhi saw that Ayi and the others determined by lottery that the attributes were electricity type grass type and water type, he didn't know what to say, he had to know the words of electricity type Pokémon.There's only one Pikachu beside Ash!" 5.0LL_L __


Isn't it Jieqin who is going to die?

Of course, Xiao Zhi didn't remind them that he just returned to the Continental Hotel with an inexplicable expression on his face.

"To be honest, although I know that Xiaozhi has a high level of force, it's too good to fight..."

Recalling what happened this morning, Xiaoxia felt that she still underestimated Xiaozhi's strength.

"Really?. After all, we are civilized people. I won't act blindly unless I have to." Saying that, Xiao Zhi threw an orange fruit into Snake Bear's mouth.

"Really, I remember that you took down a lot of things at Uncle Gopher before."

She smiled and glanced at Xiaozhi Xiaoxia didn't mind telling what Xiaozhi did before.

"At that time, Xiao Zhi was also quite handsome. Let's take a look at today""


Chapter [-] The Great Frog Seed

How could Xiaoxia blame Xiaozhi for Xiaozhi's beating up people? No matter what, Xiaozhi did this for them.Xiaoxia is not the Virgin, although Xiaozhi's behavior is indeed bad.But it did make Xiaoxia very moved.

As for Xiaozhi, just like what he said, some things are unbearable, and they should be given to them, otherwise, what is the purpose of training all the time?

"I'm more curious than this, will you be affected by my super power, Ash?"

"Well 2 I don't know, we haven't mentioned it yet, why don't you try 2"

"Okay, then don't move."

After speaking, Nazi's eyes glowed with a faint blue light.And Xiaozhi's body also radiated light, but in the end Nazi seemed to be sure of something and shook her head and said.

"No, my superpowers are useless to you."

"Really? Even Nazi, you can't use your super powers to affect me? It seems that it may be with a voyeur.." _

A pink punch hit Ash on the head, Arceus - said unhappily while eating Ash's magical candy.

"I heard it all. I've told you if you think I'll know, and your immune superpower is not what I did, it's the other one.

The blessing that you are by your side.

After speaking, Arceus disappeared again.And Xiaozhi heard Arceus say this and looked at Xiaoxia and the others.Then Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia came to a room and knocked on them.

"Please come in."

After hearing this voice, Ash and the others entered the room, and Ho-oh, who was in another world, was resting in this room.

"Xiao Zhi, what's the matter?_"

"It's alright, just to thank you for your blessing of being immune to superpowers."

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Ho-oh smiled-he said e with telepathy

"No, this is what I should

What to do, my life is yours to save.You guys stopped me before I made more mistakes and that's my thanks to you_"."

When Ho-oh said that, Ash nodded, and Nazi said it clearly.

"Are the legendary Pokémon so powerful?"

"No, that's just because I belong to the Pokémon that can bless."

After speaking, Ho-oh looked at Satoshi again.

"This is the first time I feel that my blessing ability is good, you must know that in a long, long time, there were many famous people because of my ability to bless me.

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