"sorry..."_ ,

"It's me who should say sorry.

Ash also knew that Russa Minai was really worried that he would be like this or else it wouldn't be.


Just when Ash was about to comfort Russa Mina. .__


With the sound of a sneeze, Ashmina and Ash's Pokémon all set their sights on the sneezing Kojiro.

"Um... sorry, a little _

"It's cold, isn't it? It's good to exercise more. Give me a 1⊥ fight to the death."

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"*N

"Oops ah ah ⊥_⊥! ⊥⊥" Don't slap your face, don't slap your face! Shan l_ l_

When Lin and the others got off the boat, the L Rockets were basically

The face that has been beaten up has grown fat.

"Why are you all here?"

Soothing Lusha Minai's emotions, Xiao Zhi looked at Lin Xiaoxia, Nazi and Qian Lula, and felt helpless. Things that had already started to become dangerous have now become more troublesome.

"Worrying about you, since things have turned out like this, we must be here to help, or do you think my superpowers are not good?

Nazi was straightforward and Ash nodded.

"Nazi, your super power can really help, but it seems that this time we have to deal with...",



Along with - the Pokémon Lightning Bird, purportedly named Legend Bug, comes.And this legendary Pokémon will release electric shocks everywhere as soon as it comes out. It's about to hit Xiaozhi and the others._

"Pika~chu LL!LL!"

Pikachu, who had been on Ash's shoulders, jumped high, and then the electricity of the lightning bird began to converge towards its body. All these violent forces finally surrendered to Pikachu's power and became the source of Pikachu's charging.

"Thank you Pikachu!"

Seeing Pikachu's meritorious deeds, Xiaozhi thanked Pikajin, and Pikachu

Qiu gave Xiao Zhi a thumbs up and then looked at Lightning Bird seriously.

It's just that Pikachu Lilia and Glagio, who were looking at Ash now, have completely lost their voices.After all, Pikachu just absorbed the lightning of the Thunder God!


Chapter [-]: Everyone is ready

"Although I know that Ash's father's Pikachu is very strong, isn't this a bit too strong?"

Glagio was still a little shocked when he saw Pikachu and Lightning Bird looking at each other.A Pikajin" absorbs the electric shock of the lightning bird⊥ The electric shock of the lightning bird is not something that can be absorbed by special repairs1 and the most important thing is that this is- z Pikachu ah

"That...what are Pikachu and Lightning Bird doing?"

Seeing that she was looking at Lightning, Lillie kept using electric shocks to electrocute each other, and she couldn't understand the situation, and this was also strange to others.So Ash's Meow explained.

"It's nothing, it's just using electricity to communicate. It's almost like Pikachu is asking why this guy is here, and then he says that the owner here is gone, he's here to occupy the land."

Everyone who heard that the Lightning Bird was actually here to occupy the site was a little speechless, but something that made them speechless happened.

"Wait a minute"_You said you came here to occupy the land? Then I'll have you.I came first, right? This should be my site.”

With Xiaozhi's words.The whole thing started to get weird. .

_"...electricity (what territory do you occupy as a human being?

!_! !⊥)


"Electricity⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥_" (what did you say"⊥!)

When he heard Xiaozhi Yecao's own strength, Lightning Bird was really mad.While it's true that it's been recently in office, it's not - a human being can slander!

Accompanied by the terrifying electric shock on the Lightning Bird, he ran directly to Xiaozhi and went to the Lightning Bird to show himself well. The majesty of this new God of Thunder is yet _

- "happyL" (at one.stand! 1er)

As the prismatic shield continued to unfold in front of Ash, the Lightning Bird's electric shock couldn't touch Ash at all.

"Electric l⊥⊥⊥" (how could 1⊥⊥)

Lightning Bird is a little stunned now.How can a happy egg block its own attack?

And just when Lightning Bird was a little dazed, Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted into the void.bump!

I have to say that the word voyeur is like a country summoning spell. As long as Ash says it, Arceus will immediately appear and send a pink fist.

"How many times have you said it? Don't ask me to peep at me! Huh? Have you become a hero of darkness?"

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