That fast dragon is unstoppable

It's not something that I can deal with, and the stinger jellyfish, I don't know why I can feel the threat from that stinger jellyfish.

Of course, the more important thing is.. he remembered the s he gave him before. Well, who is the existence of the trainer-fist. The boss, Arceus

Nima can't afford to offend himself at all. 1⊥⊥⊥

Why did the eldest boss become a woman?! And it seems that he has found a human as his spouse?! I went to the eldest eldest and your old man's house, is this good?!,

Of course, these leaf slot lightning birds are bored in the heart, if he dares to say it, then he is probably true


"Lightning Bird!"

"Electricity!" (What's the big deal? 1_ )

Suddenly I heard Xiao Zhi call him Lightning Bird and immediately responded.He now understands how unpleasant his trainer is _ To put it bluntly, the name of the God of Thunder is not enough to be seen, and the tn is the spouse of the boss ⊥_ ⊥

"It's not a big deal, I just wanted to ask you guys. This stuff really calms your anger."

-"..." (You have almost praised us all again.. do you need to calm down your anger?)_

After listening to Miao Miao l's translation, Xiao Zhi nodded clearly.

"Also, since that's the case, then everyone is happy, and then we can go through the process, right?"

Boom L⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥⊥

I don't know if Xiao Zhi's mouth has been opened. When Xiao Zhi had just finished talking and then he would just follow the process. Two waterspouts appeared in the sea, and at the same time, three figures appeared from the sea.Looking at the three figures, Xiao Zhi immediately said vigilantly.

"It really came? The three gods of the first generation? But... I care more about it_

Looking at the eyes of the two waterspouts Xiaozhi

It became deeper, and Jill Lutai looked at the two waterspouts with excitement.

"Is it finally coming? The legendary Pokémon I've been waiting for. Enter Lugia"

And Gilroy's words also attracted the attention of others, the legendary Pokémon Lugia, although Ash and the others have basically seen Ho-oh, but Lugia has not seen it yet.

However, to everyone's surprise, when the two waterspouts were completely broken, two Lugias appeared, and only one of them was black."

"How?". There are two lugias! But the black one?"

Nanami was very surprised when she looked at the black Lugia, after all, she had only heard of the white Lugia wood.And Xiaozhi looked at Black Lugia and the group of fossil helmets that appeared with Black Lugia with great interest.

"It turns out that they all ran here, but it would be bad to let them go to Asia Island. You know these guys eat meat.. And they should still have this predator.

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Ku Lula couldn't help but be surprised.

"Then what should I do 9 Xiaozhi, can I borrow your Bidiao to inform everyone? LL"

Seeing Furula's anxious look, Ashiya

He didn't make her wait any longer, but looked directly at the sky and said,

"It's alright. They can't get through."

Saying that, Xiaozhi blew a whistle directly towards the sky.

Accompanied by Xiao Zhi's whistle, the overlord Bi Diao Ba Taihu all flew over.

"Notify the others, get rid of those fossil helmets! Be careful to avoid Lugia and them!".

"Bia!" (Understand!,

Following Xiao Zhi's order, Bi Diao and the others headed straight for the fossil helmets, while Xiao Zhi looked at the old-fashioned Three Divine Birds.

"Those three, the situation is very wrong, it seems that

Pay attention! You three look - look, is this your father or mother, is there something wrong?

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the three divine birds on his side.indivual_

Chapter [-] Let's Fight

In fact, Xiaozhi has already discovered that the third generation of the three gods is wrong, but Xiaozhi will not jump to conclusions if he is not sure.

But now Xiaozhi is almost certain, because now these three old-generation three gods actually start to confront the normal Lugia together with the black Lugia_This situation is very wrong e

And Xiaozhi is not acting rashly now. After all, there are still his mother Hanako and the others on the aircraft. It would be bad if they were involved. The Fossil Helmet is okay to say that he is being tyrannized by his own Pokémon now, but now Tiangami It is estimated that the fairy of Wu Lun carried the flying ship of Jill Lutai

Let it be over if it gets affected.

Just when Xiao Zhi was thinking about it, Lugia and the others started fighting.However, although the Three Divine Birds seemed to be helping the black Lugia, Xiao Zhi also discovered that they were actually attacking each other, which means that these guys should be "five-five-zero" in a state of confusion.

"Mr. Jill, please hurry up a little. There's something wrong with this."

"No problem. But Ash, aren't you going to beat them up according to the prophecy?"

Although the speed of the aircraft is being accelerated

But Jill Ruta still mentioned a little about the prophecy.

Guo Xiaozhi shook his head and said seriously.

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