After Xiao Zhi came out of the prison, he took off his glasses and gentleman's clothes.Put on the hat and red uniform! Perfect!

"Ah, I'm so tired. Okay, Sister Junsha, you can wait and watch the joke. I hope the guy who took the credit won't cry when he gets slapped in the face."

Jun Sha, who was on the side, coughed and said. _"Ahem, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ah, that's right, Sister Junsha doesn't know anything. Then I'll go to my companion._

"Hmm. Be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention.


Chapter [-]: The Duck

Starter. Please move

After Xiao Zhi returned to the Pokémon Center, Xiao Xia, who had already changed her clothes, was waiting for Xiao Zhi.

"Ash, you're back. Miss Joy has a Pokémon here for you to see.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Then Joey walked up to the Duck and said, ∠ "Look, it's this kid, he still seems to have a headache.".

Da Ya and Xiao Zhi who watched Joey's report came over and looked at him. And Da Ya also looked at Xiao Zhi like this, shouting from time to time.

"Wo? Wo."

while watching

With this Duck Duck Xiaozhi silently stretched out his hand towards Miaomiao, Miaomiao brought an apple from it knowingly.And when Xiao Zhi put the apple in front of Duck Duck's eyes, the guy's eyes were always on the apple.And he was still watching as Ash's hand moved.

In the end, Xiao Zhi handed the apple to Da Duck, looked at Xiao Xia and Joey and said, "This guy. How should I put it: there is a problem with IQ."


"Although I don't want to say that. But even among the headache-loving Duck Ducks, this product is the best in terms of IQ." After saying that, Xiaozhi touched Duck Duck's head, and this product actually rubbed comfortably. rub e

"The reason for this may be that his super power is very powerful, but it makes his head hurt even more and even lowers his IQ."


Joey's mouth fish twitched for a moment, which can make Xiaozhi say that there is a problem with IQ, then this Duck Duck is really the best.And Xiaozhi touched the head of Duck Duck and said, "If this guy is not adopted by a good-tempered trainer, I am afraid that it will be difficult to live, and the adoption by a bad-tempered person is very likely to be made into stewed duck soup. ."

blah blah blah.

Da Duck looked at Xiao Zhi s with saliva, and Xiao Zhi wiped his saliva helplessly and said

Dao, ∠ "Silly child, the one who was turned into soup by candles is you." After saying that, Da Ya Xiaozhi, who was still drooling, was about to cry stupidly. It's a miracle that this child can survive until now.

"A nest on a nest!"

Da Duck waited for Xiao Zhi to wipe his saliva, looked at the luxury ball on Xiao Zhi's waist and touched it lightly, then the luxury ball became bigger, and the stupid boy Da Duck touched it again. The light flashed and directly conquered.


Miaomiao opened her mouth to see this scene and finally said, "It's a miracle that it can survive."

"Pickupee." (Beyond a miracle.)

"1ucky." (Xiaozhi's dad __ Dad was about to cry stupidly by him e )

Xiao Lu and Joey watched this scene speechlessly. At the same time, I finally understand how serious the IQ problem Xiao Zhi said.

Looking at his luxurious ball, _Xiaozhi silently released the Duck. a And Da Duck still looked at Xiao Zhi with its mentally retarded eyes.


"Da Duck, you are my Pokémon now, do you understand?"


Looking at the doubtful Tadaka, Xiaozhi couldn't bear to turn his head and cut some fruits one by one.

Put them down on the ground and the ducks will be picked up one by one and eaten.Until I walked to Xiaozhi and looked at the apple 2 in Xiaozhi's hand

Xiao Zhi was really dumbfounded by him and said, hugging Duck Duck. "Okay, baby, you can follow me later. I really cried stupidly by you⊥"


Looking at Da Duck, he still doesn't know anything. . The trainers present were in tears

This duck is really stupid⊥

In the end, this stupid cute duck was subdued by Ash just like this.. And Ash is now following the elves around him with Pikachu Meow Meow, Geely Egg

.Chirulian, who is attached to Xiaozhi, is like a bird in the house. The bee that can fetter evolve, the fire dinosaur that is ready to evolve again, and the frog seed jenny and the hot monkey are constantly training themselves.There is also the Duck Duck, who can make Ash cry stupidly. As for Ash's giant fat and giant stinger jellyfish 2. The giant fat lady is still with Ash. Zhi sent it back to Damu Botu to supplement nutrition. After all, the giant stinging jellyfish was made big by three of the Rockets' treasures with a thing called domestic three cups of vinegar.Nutrition can't keep up, ..___

"By the way, before Ash, you looked handsome as a gentleman."

"Xia Xia, the female companion you are dressed as is also good_How about a person in the Pokémon fan club?

"They're all nice people. So they like Pokémon so much."

"Why don't you call it the Pokémon Fan Club?"

Looking at Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia who have completely left the Yoyoyo District.Miaomiao couldn't help but said 4.5; "Boss, we seem to have forgotten who?."

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