"Urgent!" (Hippopotamus, tell them..)__

Hearing Frozen Bird say that, Hippo King nodded and said.

"Then let me explain to you

Come on, this is something that can't be helped. In fact, the three divine birds and the dark Rocky_A-sama will become like this because they are completely influenced by blood.To be honest, we still don't know the origin of the blood moon, but what I can know is that in the case of blood and_ The adults went to check, but in the end it seemed that they were affected by the blood moon together. The three god birds were not deeply maddened by the help of the dark lucia. But the dark lucia..."

Speaking of Hippo King, I watched a

Dark-eyed Lugia everyone also understood what was going on.It's the point..."_

Nazi frowned at the blood moon in the sky.

"There is no super power fluctuation, it seems that I can't help H anymore.."_

"It's okay, let's look at Ash's side now. It should be resolved after Ash beats them all up."

Lin is not worried about the blood purpose.So it comforted the others. _

Chapter [-]: Big Wood: Xiaojian and I are innocent

- "Xiaozhi's kid... he is really struggling. Although I understand that he has his own ideas, he is still very worried."

Ash's mother Hanako doesn't care about the blood moon or anything. , she is only worried about the safety of Shan Xin Xiaozhi.

After all, compared with the so-called world, she only needs Xiao Zhi to be safe.

When Xiao Zi heard Hanako say this, she held Hanako's hand helplessly and said.

"Don't worry, Mom, Xiaozhi doesn't usually like to get involved in these things. Back then..."_

Speaking of which, Xiao Zi thought of something and made a hand to Xiao Zhi's hot monkey

Potential and Hot Monkey immediately looked at Team Rocket, who was still lying on the ground when he saw the hand-pad roar.._ _

DuangL Duang!Duang!

Accompanied by three loud noises, 2 Musashi Kojiro Meow and the three lay on the ground with smoke on their heads, while Hot Monkey calmed down after completing the dizziness with the greatest strength.

"Thank you fiery monkey e"

Seeing that the hot monkey had solved the trouble, Xiao Zi turned his gaze to Xiao Jian who was being held up by the heroic people.

"Otherwise...you'll be dizzy too_

Hear Xiao Zi say so 1 & Jian Kai

Started struggling frantically.

"Ming ming ming! _ Go 1!"

And looking at Xiaojian like Taimubo - +28 helplessly stood up and said.

"Okay, Xiaojian is a good person, so don't treat him like this.."_

After looking at Dr. Taimu and then at Xiaojian, Xiaozi was a little silent - said after the formation

"Damu Botu, I will not discriminate against you, I wish you happiness"_

"Shanbye, L Xiaozi, don't be led by _ Xiaozhi, 11L, I don't have that hobby. Xiaojian, please explain it - please!"

Saying that, Damu Bo Shi hurriedly let

Haoli don't cover Xiaojian's mouth first.. But what makes Dr. Taimu Ye Xue is.. After being rescued by Dr. Damu Botu's fans, Xiao Fitness looked at him with a blushing face.

"Dr. Damu!" "Xiaojian L, don't suddenly blush right now. The relationship between the two of us is unclear."⊥⊥⊥"

"Okay, Dr. Taimu, we know, you don't have to hide from us anymore. You won't tell Xiaomao..."

Hearing Qingmei's words, Taibenbo-Ten realized that now everyone is slightly away from him and Xiaojian, that is, Haoli is looking at them with red eyes.


Even Nanami silently called out her Geely Egg and hid behind Geely Egg, "No! 1 1 Don't do this, go ⊥ D Year⊥ We are innocent!

"Just when Damu Bo Shi was misunderstood that Long Yangzhi was good, Waizhi and the others had already started a complete fight.

Chao Meng directly found the flame bird - sent a mental blast and blasted out.

After seeing the mental explosion, the flame bird did not care about it, but chose to avoid it. At the same time, his moonlight also completely focused on Mewtwo.

"Let's fight."


already affected

How could the flame bird stand this kind of provocation, rushing directly towards Mewtwo, and at the same time spewing flame jets towards Mewtwo.

And Chao Meng waved his hand gently. A multi-light wall blocked in front of him.

And when the flame jet collided with the light wall, the multiple light walls of Mewtwo were instantly destroyed a lot.And Chao Meng was not angry but said with a smile.

"Interesting, that's right, this kind of strength is worthy of me to deal with e"

After saying that, Chao Meng was wrapped in energy and rushed to the flame bird e.

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