
Looking at the flame bird that kept attacking the water blade with flame jets, water balls condensed behind Mewtwo again.

"Shooting together!."

With Mewtwo's command. 2 These water polo began to turn into one by one - rushing the blade to the flame bird, and the subsequent scene made Lusa Minai not know what to say after seeing it.Because now Mewtwo's battle

The way is like controlling a pile of flying swords to fight, just like a sword fairy.

"Xiao Zhi he... Can you think of this fighting style...",

Russa Minai didn't expect that Xiaozhi would actually let Chaomeng play the same superpower as Xiuxian.She didn't know how to complain 1, and she didn't know if Mewtwo would suddenly take out a sword composed of elements when she was carrying the frame in the future.

I don't know about Rusami Nai's rant about Mewtwo, but Mewtwo feels very cool now. I don't know why this fighting style makes him feel very elegant and comfortable.And it's very easy to use, and I watched the flame bird keep evading and defending there.

A sword made up of my own water, and myself, like a master, watching with his hands behind his back, this feeling is simply amazing.”

"Is this what Xiao Zhi said about the feeling of Sword Immortal? It's pretty good." So, just play a little more?"

Thinking so much about Chaomeng, he decided to play for a while, at least he didn't want to stop with this comfortable feeling now, and even Chaomeng planned to see how strong he was, so he gathered more water swords.

"According to Xiaozhi, this move is called the Five Swords Art."


Looking at Mewtwo's fighting style, Russa Minai really squirted

.Is Ash really going to take Mewtwo on the path of Sword Immortal 2!

Pokémon sees playing Xiuxian 2! This kind of screen looks weird no matter how you look at it?!

And just when Chaomeng and Firebird were about to make the battle the same as Xiuxian.The battle between the gigantic fast dragon and the lightning bird has also heated up.

The giant fast dragon followed by his passive dragon scale armor was simply supporting him with the output of the lightning bird, and the more the giant fast dragon fought, the more excited it became.

"Oh, although I know that I can beat the beasts, it's really good to beat the older generation of Thunder God~ Oh, and it's even more fun to beat him at the level of abuse."

It can be said that the huge fast dragon is chasing the lightning bird all the time.And now the huge fast dragon is a slapstick operation

"On the Flesh and Egg Chariot"

Just as Lightning Bird was dodging the Dragon Wave of the Giant Fast Dragon as before, the Giant Fast Dragon actually approached quickly and then sat on Lightning Bird's butt.

And the Lightning Bird suffered directly under this circumstance, and at the same time, it was severely crushed by the huge fast dragon.

"Oh, it's much more comfortable this way, then I'm welcome, I hope you can bear it."

Two-side talking, the huge fast dragon slightly crushed the lightning bird under the butt, and then its two fists began to emit a breath of fire and ice.

"Hey! Eat my king eight fists" ⊥⊥!

With the roar of a huge fast dragon.The fist of the huge fast dragon slammed directly at him, and the lightning bird under him was frantically outputting. After seeing this situation, Lin and the others fell into a strange silence. _


Chapter [-] Meow Meow: Hey Sun Thief!

"Xiao Zhi... gave Wang Ba fist to the giant fast dragon?"

Looking at the huge fast dragon madly hitting the lightning bird with his fist, Lin didn't know what to say. In fact, Lin knew the trick of Wang Baquan, but how should I say it?

Wang Baquan is a bit embarrassing.Yes, it's shameful, not so much a boxing skill as it is said to be carried around together, there is nothing at all.

According to Xiaozhi, that is the master of chaos and planning. . Press the opponent to the ground and beat the opponent until you can't get up!

When I think of Xiao Zhi's so-called boxing technique, even Lin doesn't know how to describe L, but

Now watching the huge fast dragon sitting on the lightning bird - carrying it through the storm, Lin had to admit that this carrying method was surprisingly easy to use.

At least now it seems that the Lightning Bird has no room for counterattack at all.

"It's amazing...Is this a new trick from Xiaozhi's father? The Lightning Bird was suppressed and couldn't move at all!"

Glagio, who has basically become the ultimate fan of Ash, looks at the giant fast dragon's brave fighting style with admiration. In his opinion, this move is simply a super move prepared to restrain the enemy and make the enemy unable to move easily. !

"I want to learn

! "

"Glagio... This move is actually just a random move__ You just need to pay attention to the pace and you can basically

Looking at the longed-for Glagioline, she felt that it would be better to make it clear to him.The provincial Glagio was broken.

However, Lin still underestimated her adopted son Glagio, who is Ash's ultimate fanboy.

"I see. Is the road to simplicity that Xiaozhi's father said? You only need to use the most common fighting style to completely subdue the enemy. This kind of fighting style is really admirable!"

"Forget it, you'll be happy.


Wanlin looked at Russa Minai again and gave her a look.

"'This child is about to be taken away by Xiaozhi?,

'fine...Whatever you want, Chi is happy. '

Parents are true love._

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