"Well... not stupid, okay, it's up to you."

After speaking, Xiao Zhi also stood up and said.

"I still have two eggs to deliver here, so I won't stay any longer."

"You kid... won't you rob the divine bird?"

At this time, Mr. Muto remembered, Xiaozhi seems to have two eggs!

Thinking of this, Muto's eyes changed a little when he looked at Xiao Zhi.

He always felt that Damaranch's hospitalization might have something to do with this kid

Unlike Muto, Yasha couldn't have imagined so much. She was just a little reluctant after hearing Shaozhi's words.

"You're gone so quickly, isn't it?"

"No. I'll give the remaining two eggs to the right owner. Then you can do your best."

"Let's be small"_"

Seeing her so confident, Xiao Zhi smiled and then came to Chaomeng and said a

"sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, I learned a lot here too.



Looking at Chaomeng Xiaozhi strangely, he couldn't understand what he meant.Chaofan didn't mean to explain but just smiled.

"It's not a big deal.. It's just fun."

"It's weird. Yasha waits for the flame bird to hatch, remember to find me, I'll give you some self-created skills."

Asha nodded after hearing Xiaozhi's last instructions.

"No problem, I'll definitely remember it!"

And the old man behind Yasha also nodded to Xiaozhi, indicating that he knew.After all, Asha's character is sometimes easy to forget things. _

And seeing the old man nod for Xiaozhi is finally relieved, at least some of the old man don't have to worry about Asha's affairs.

One by one dividing line --

In the Shenno area, Shirona was resting at her home, while her grandmother, Mustard Rambotu, was sorting out some materials.

And just when the two were doing their own thing, the voices of Ash and Chao Meng appeared in the room.

"Huh? Xiaozhi, are you here?"

It was a bit of a surprise to see Ash and Chao Meng coming to Shirona.But then he still smiled and walked forward and hugged Xiaozhi.


Dr. Lan also smiled after seeing it - down.

"Why did you come here?"

"It's nothing. There's a Pokémon suitable for Nana here, just bring it over to Nana."

"Oh? A Pokémon suitable for Shirona?"

It's a little surprising to hear Xiao Zhi say that to Dr. Mustard. After all, Shirona is also an all-round trainer. , What would be the Pokémon for Shirona?

0. Ask for flowers: 0_

Seeing that Shirona and Dr. mustard are very curious, Xiaozhi also took out a lightning bird egg from his backpack and said s

"It's the egg~"

"This egg is!"

When she saw this egg, Mustard Seed Rambo recognized it in eleven strokes, and she observed it carefully _ said after a while.

"Xiao Zhi. The handwriting is really big."

"Grandma, you have won the prize."

"How dare you kid... Forget it, Nana, take it. Your words can indeed train him well."

Seeing that Finn Zilan was so solemn, Xirona asked curiously as she hugged the egg.

"What kind of egg is this 2, let you be so careful, grandma?"

See if Shirona doesn't

Knowing that Dr. kale said helplessly.

"The mythical beast of the Kanto region. The egg of the lightning bird.."_

"Oh, so Ash, is there anything I need to pay attention to when I train?"

Seeing Shirona was not surprised at all, Dr. Kale glanced at his granddaughter speechlessly.

"I said granddaughter. Do you understand what this means? The egg of the beast.

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