Chapter [-] Beat You To Death

"Dianshan" (Silly Big Guy". It's the Silly Big Guy!)

"What's wrong with Electric Bug 2"

Electric "(It's okay", the person opposite is stupid, and the big rock snake is stupid too!)

"Forget it.. just meow meow_

Thinking that he couldn't understand Dian Dianwu's words now, Xiao Zhi took out an orange fruit after thinking for a while, and Dian Dian Zong's eyes lit up when he saw the orange fruit.

"Wait until the game is over."

"_.." (Wow the master is good _ bad! ⊥⊥1)

The electric bug looked at Ash with his big sweaty eyes.However, Xiaozhi does not


"Challenger your next two Pokémon."

A Fang looked at the puppet Pikachu in front of him and couldn't accept it. How could he be so strong? He could defeat his own Taiyan Snake without a command, and it was just Diandian. L was restrained by the Taiyan Snake attribute.

And Xiaozhi didn't think about that much. This electric worm is the child of his electric tarantula in the Hezhong area. He happened to take it to see the world, but he didn't expect the enemy to be like this.

But Ash wouldn't let his guard down.Have you been hiding your strength without seeing this? Although it is still very weak. But who knows the next opponent

Will it be hidden deeper 2

Don't look at the fact that Xiaozhi has never given orders before, but Xiaozhi has already planned the battle strategy with Diandian before the game.

Although the performance in the electricity seems to be very arrogant and fearless.But those are all hidden L electric bugs. I have always remembered what Xiao Zhi said, that the enemy will keep a hand. You are an example⊥

With my own example of keeping countless hands, how could the electric bug be really light?

"I won't give up easily 1. Go Flying Mantis!"

With the appearance of the elite I fly without mantis_The audience is surprised again

Two elites, indeed

"The electric bug, the opponent is the flying mantis. The old way!"

"Electricity for a long time!" (Understand! )

Hearing what the puppet Pikachu on the opposite side said, Alfon immediately became alert.

"Flying mantis shadow clone and then rush. Go up and slash with one word"


As the audience exclaimed, the Flying Mantis directly displayed a shadow clone, while A Fang showed a smile, he knew that the audience would be surprised.You must know that your flying mantis is very strong.

However, in Alfon

When the flying mantis rushed up, Xiao Zhi spoke slowly.

"Grid 2

"Electricity!" (Facing an enemy who is faster than you. Let him become slower than yourself!. )

With the continuous spraying out of the electric grid, the clones of the flying mantis disappeared one by one, and when the real I flying mantis body rushed to the electric power.The electric worm sprayed the flying mantis on the face of the power grid that had been prepared for a long time.


With the scream of the flying mantis.It took a step back, and at this time Ah Fang realized something was wrong! Because now the four.

"Not good! Flying mantis be careful!

However, he reminded it too late. As the power grids of the electric worms suddenly became more controllable in the electric worms, the flying mantis directly enjoyed the horror of electric grid electrotherapy.

"Slag! ⊥⊥⊥"

With the screams of the flying mantis, the deep damage of the electric system to the flight system began to appear at this time.

And due to the slowing effect of the grid - the speed of the Flying Mantis is now almost reduced to the lowest point.

"Then it's almost over. Electric bugs, electric balls!"

"Electricity!" (bye bye

you _ )

With the electric bug to use the electric ball.I Flying Mantis, whose speed was reduced to the lowest level, was wrapped in grid 1 and hit by an electric ball. With the screaming of Flying Mantis, it completely lost consciousness.

A Fang looked at Xiao Zhi's electric bug and couldn't believe that he lost like that. And he still lost to an electric bug!

"Why, my 1 Flying Mantis Speed ​​Root will not lose". Why!"

Looking at Alfang Xiaozhi, who was in a self-defeating situation, he didn't know what to say.

"'s alright 2"

Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Ju'er, and Xiao Ju'er shrugged.

shrug a

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