Thinking of the people in the alliance here are also a lot more at ease, but they are still a little unwilling. _

"God bird eggs... can you really let people hatch? I mean won't the god birds blame them? Do you need to return them?"

"No need. Xiaozhi has already communicated with him, so don't worry about this.

"Okay,. I have nothing to_

See almost everything is arranged by Xiao Zhi.The league also has nothing to say.Now you can start talking about the next-item

A dividing line --

And just as the Elf Alliance continued to hold a meeting.Ash, who has been a headache for the Elf Alliance, has ushered in a new challenge. Of course, it is not so much a challenge as an encounter.Of course, this encounter was proposed by the other party.

"Then the fighting Pokémon is - just right? Xiaoying?"

Xiaozhi looked at the boy named Xiaoying opposite him and said a word, and Xiaoying also nodded." He nodded and said.

"That's right, I'm sorry for wooing you. But I'd really like to see why you, who was called a demon who couldn't be defeated by Gym trainer Ah Yi, made him so scared.

"The Impossible Devil?"

Hearing Xiaoying's words. Even Xiaoxia and the others are a little strange. After all, no matter how the name sounds, it makes people feel a bit like a bad guy.

Seeing Xiaozhi's expression on what are you talking about. Xiaoying explained with a smile.

"Because your previous fighting ability made Ayi feel the vitality deeply, Ayi called you an impossible demon, and even said that if I could defeat you, I might be able to win the Orange League directly."

" this a compliment? But why does it feel like he's talking bad about me?_"

A strange look at Xiaoying Xiaozhi and Pikajin looked at each other, while Pikachu smiled.

"Pika~" (He seems to be right.)

"Come on then. Let me see what Pokémon you're going to use to fight me?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xiaoying also said with fighting intent.

"Then since you have survived so well by Ayi, I can't help but take it seriously and let you see my comrade-in-arms."

"Go for a swim"

After Xiaoying's fast swimming frog appeared, Xiaozhi was a little surprised, because the fast swimming frog's

With a championship belt on his stomach, Xiao Zhi was amused when he saw the belt.

"Wait first, you also like to let your partner carry a symbol of honor, hot monkey come and see!" rub L

He didn't even need Xiaozhi to carry the tee shot. Guang Xiaozhi said that the hot monkey came out of the luxury ball by himself. He looked at the championship belt of the fast swimming frog opposite, and couldn't help but straighten himself up to show his championship belt. Show Swimming Frogs.

"Oh, oh, did your hot monkey win a contest too?_"

"That's right! It's a P1 fighting competition. To be honest, the hot monkeys broke out in a J-wave before they were killed.

That over-stressed Sheba. Really a P1 fighting match mixed in..",

"So it is. No wonder Master Shiba said that with good skills, the weak can defeat the strong. It seems that the winner of the P1 fighting match was your hot monkey. This muscle is indeed quite powerful."

Just by looking at the muscles full of explosive nines on the Monkey, Xiao Cocoon can understand that the Monkey in front of him has a famous and terrifying fighting power. After all, his fast swimming frog is also a fighting type. Therefore, he also has some research on dry fighting type Pokémon.


Hot Monkey proudly puffed out his chest after hearing Xiaoying's words, and then

Stand beside Chi.Although he is very happy to be praised, it does not mean that he will be arrogant, but this honor is indeed genuine a

And Xiaoying, who looked at Xiaozhi, was a little surprised that Cong Banghou was so obedient, but still said with a smile. __

"Amazing, is your hot monkey so respectful? You must know that the z-like hot monkey has a bad temper."

"That's because they didn't communicate well. In fact, if they communicated well, they are still very good at talking, right?"

Saying that, Xiaozhi glanced at his hot monkey, and hot monkey also nodded his head.

"Then you want to

Let Hot Monkey come and fight me?"

"No. This time it's him who's fighting you. Fire-breathing dragon!"


Hearing Xiaozhi calling himself, the fire-breathing dragon appeared directly from the treasure ball. Then he turned his gaze to the fast swimming frog opposite.

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥"_ 6 boss! Is that him? )

"Fire-breathing dragon? Attributes are beneficial to our side."

"I don't know why I want to send a fire-breathing dragon. But I just want this kid to fight with your fast-swimming frog, and the fire-breathing dragon also-must think so.



Hearing Xiaozhi's words, he sprayed Shaolong and roared - the sound agreed with Xiaozhi's meaning. I don't know why he really likes to beat this fast swimming frog in front of him.

"Really? Then I'm not going to show mercy! Go and swim the frog!"

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