With Miaomiao's control, the robot began to continuously attack the Kirby beast. However, it was useless.

The speed of this beast exceeds all

Someone's imagination.

Chapter One Hundred and Twelve The Supreme Teammates

Yubi beast himself is very special, because he finds that he has a great advantage compared to the same race and is different from his own speed and can do many things that the beast can't do. For example, butterfly swimming

But on the other hand, Kirby also understands that its appetite is much more terrifying than that of the same clan, which is why Kirby will never stay in one place for a long time.

Kirby beast is also afraid that he will be completely exhausted by the quilt area.

But it's different now, because Ash appears.

Kabimon is now really grateful to the legendary creator god Arceus for gifting his master

To myself, since I fought with Xiao Zhi, Kirby finally doesn't have to eat half a minute to be full. Little Kirby can eat a full full.

Therefore, although Kirby doesn't usually talk much, he still likes Ash very much, which is why Kirby agrees to lie on his stomach, because Kirby really likes Ash, so it is very Happy to let Ash lay on his stomach

Of course, Kirby will also have more angry things. That is, someone threatens Ash and prevents him from eating.

In Kirby's view, Ash is as important to him as food.Although it sounds strange, it can be said that this is the Kirby beast general

What Xiaozhi sees is very important, after all, food is really important in the eyes of the Kirby-Clan.

And now the Kirby beast equates Xiaozhi with his own food, not that he wants to eat Xiaozhi, but that he really regards the owner of Xiaozhi as his important treasure.This is why the Kirby beast will not forget to bring Xiaozhi and the others when he is going to track the food. The Kirby beast must not forget his treasures.

And now that the Kirby beast has found the damn food thief, then the Kirby beast will let them understand well what the consequences of provoking themselves are!

One by one dividing line --

"Mother! This

Kirbymon's speed is a bit too fast, right?⊥"

At this time in the battle between Meow and Kirby. ,Miaomiao finally felt the horror of Xiaozhi's Kirby beast. This kind of speed is not something that ordinary Kirby beasts can have at all, and looking at Kirby beasts, there is no watering at all. Miaomiao also knows that he has encountered Hard stubble.

"But if you underestimate the technology of our Rockets... then you will lose very badly! Kojiro! Have you upgraded the equipment?⊥"

Hearing Meow's question, Kojiro was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted and said

"Of course there is". Three red, blue and green

button on the green one."

"Oh? Is it? Then let me see it."

I heard Kojiro say that pressing the green meow is very obedient.Then Mechanic Meow actually stretched out two robotic arms and two legs.

"Oh oh oh this is so awesome! It's good to see the trick, you fat man,"

I was also excited to see that there was actually an upgrade mode, Meow Meow.It sensed an opportunity for revenge.

"Look at my upgraded version of Crazy Catch! ⊥ Hey 3 mountains."

Just when I thought it would be successful this time, I suddenly found that my robot was actually stuck.

Bimon grabbed it with one hand, and not only that, Kirby also raised the robot high

"Mom" the hand is short"

Watching the robot dance over there.Kojiro covered his face in horror. His hands were shortened because of funding problems!

"Wait 1. Why don't you make the robotic arm longer?"

Musashi looked at the meow meow robot dancing over there and pulled Kojiro up, but Kobero said aggrievedly.

"It's not because you spent half of the funds.."_

_ "Little Okay, it's excusable.. Meow Meow" Come on! L

trust you"

"No, meow, you two idiots" L'er"

Listening to the conversation between Kojiro and Musashi. How could Miao Miao not understand what happened? He is now being scammed⊥

On the other hand, Kojiro and Musashi looked at him embarrassedly. __L

"Come on. If you lose, we'll collect your corpse..."_

"You two go up the mountain ⊥_"

"Kirby.." (I seem to be ignored by _12)

Kirby raised the other hand of Meow Robot and burned.

"Mom, it's a flame fist"

. "

It was a surprise to see that Kirby beast could actually know flame fists. Of course, the trainers who had already come here were surprised to see Xiaozhi's Kirby beast 1. They didn't expect Kirby beast to be so strong.

And Xiaozhi is observing the battle of this Kirby beast. After all, for his own Kirby beast, the operator of the Kirby beast, Xiaozhi still wants to see what is special about him.

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