"Drink?" (I'm still in the bag

"Boy!" (I'm in my clothes_)

Pikachu, standing on Ash's shoulder, looked at the

The deadly Pokémon surrounded by wisdom couldn't help shaking their heads.

However, Pikachu, who thought of Xiaozhi's defense, also understood a little bit, and Xiaoxia and Nazi looked at Xiaozhi's fully armed appearance and didn't understand what was going on. L quietly asked Miaomiao .09. _

"Xiao Zhi is this?"

"It's okay.. An aunt with bad eyes always treats the old lady as her son, and the boss is also very helpless.."_

Speaking of which, Miao Miao is a little speechless.It's also a pity that Liuli is a gym owner, why does she always admit people wrong? I don't know how sad her son L Zihaoji will be.


Xiaoxia and Nazi were a little unclear, but Lin explained it directly.

"It's nothing. The lady boss of the Durian Hotel in Durian Island, because Xiaozhi may be a bit similar to his son Koji, so she always mistaken Xiaozhi... By the way, her son also carried a Pikachu. . .

Think of that troublesome aunt.Lin was also a little helpless, but.

"hanp.." (You are pretending I don't exist. L_

Although Happy Egg said that he wants to be generous.But watching these guys surround Ash and happy eggs

Still jealous, he walked to Xiaozhi's side angrily, pulled the dumb beast from Xiaozhi's arm, and put it in Xiaozhi's backpack to be with Duck. Happy Egg grabbed Xiaozhi's other arm.

"Happy!L" (Xiaozhi Dad_Dad is mine" 11)

Two-one dividing line --

Durian Island, the island is famous for two luxurious resort hotels and comfortable resting places.It's just that a few tourists came to the Durian Island today? And one of them, the tourist's shape is a bit strange.

"That person is amazing.

"Is he not tired?"


However, it looks like you can make friends

When they saw Xiao Zhi with all the accessories, the people on the beach - everyone looked at Xiao Zhi in amazement, and there was no way Xiao Zhi looked now - it was scary enough.But looking at Xiao Zhi's current appearance, the eyes of some of the elder sisters also changed. It seems that she knows Xiao Zhi.

And feeling those eyes like those of the hungry wolf, Xiao Zhi silently hides himself among his magical treasures, however.

"Koji 11!"

"I'm going! 1⊥⊥"

When he saw the figure that kept rushing towards him, Xiao Zhi vomited

.Can you admit it wrong? 1 Auntie, did you do it on purpose?!

As the figure Ren-a charged towards Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi looked at her helplessly and said.

"Aunt Liuli.. I have already armed myself to such an extent. How did you admit that you were wrong?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Liu Li was stunned for a moment, and then smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh oh oh. I'm sorry, Ash, I got you wrong, but I thought it was Koji when I saw Pikachu and you."

"Don't you see so many pendants on me? Look at little Ibrahimovic! Fat Ding 1, Jenny turtle! Snake pattern can!,"

"Hahaha! Don't worry about L, but Lin is there too? Not bad not bad"

"Aunt Liuli.. I'm here to go to my hotel first."

"Oh, since I have found L. Just go to my place! Rest assured that our two hotels are cooperative, there is nothing to pay attention to!"

"Hahaha! Let's go! Come and come with me"

Just as Xiao Zhi and the others were being pushed away by Liu Li, a group of people from the Continental Hotel silently took out the walkie-talkie and said e.

"Report report. Boss was cut off again _."_

"Nima" ⊥. 1 That damn woman, Laojie Hu Boss, why did he go to find his son?"

"Prepare to rescue BoesL This is our war"."

The people on the beach looked a little speechless at the group.But they were more curious about another thing.

"Well, may I ask you this?"

"It's okay, we're going to save our bess. Damn 1, that woman can't help but recognize Bess as her own child! Brothers, let's go!"


With a group of mainland wine drinkers marching towards

After rushing to the Durian Hotel, the eyes of a group of big sisters looking at Xiaozhi changed again.

Nima, this is a super golden tortoise-in-law! Xiaozhi, the chief boss of Continental Wine. This matter is no longer a secret, Nima is this

It seems to have thought of something. A group of big sisters looked at each other, and then the beach rioted.

On the other side, Xiao Zhi was just taken to the Durian Hotel by Liuli, and the people from the Continental Hotel came to rescue him.

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