As soon as Liuli finished speaking, Ash poked her head out of the room and looked at her.

"Oh? Aunt Liuli? Tomorrow is a relay race? How about I let the two of them go on?. Let's break in, let's come out- Come on, Aunt Liuli can be trusted."

"Two 2 run-in? To be honest, I'm quite surprised. Ash, your Pokémon actually needs to be run-in... Ash... Are you sure you're not here to mess with the 2"

When I saw Ho-oh and Dark Lugia with their heads sticking out.Lucy almost fainted.

It's too bullying."

Although Ll knows that there are very strong Pokémon around Ash.But the beast is too much!!_ !

And at that time, Ho-oh, there was also a black Lugia, go to LL, you put these two people away - you definitely didn't want to demolish my hotel 3

"Come here, Aunt Liuli. Let me introduce you_ This is Xiaofeng, this is Xiaoluo. . . . . ., can't you..

Seeing Aunt Liuli's stiff expression, Xiaozhi sighed with some pity. Xiaozhi really wanted Dark Lugia and Ho-wang to get along, after all, they might fight together in the future.

"Xiao Zhi, Aunt I, although I know it_ Dao Zi

I will lose, but I don't want my hotel to be demolished.So can you get normal Pokémon?"

Lucy looked at Ash.She couldn't help but feel a little tired, she could see that Satoshi really wanted Ho-oh and the black Lugia to come on.

"You kid. Sometimes you have unexpectedly rough nerves.. Forget about your family's Black Lugia and Ho-oh, I don't know how to name them. You should be careful yourself."

_ ",. You can rest assured on this point, I'm still measured."

"Hope, .. can you help me pinching my shoulders later? I've been sore to death recently,

"no problem."

Say it again.Xiao Zhi still respects his elders, even if the elders make him very indifferent.

On the other side, in a place that Ash didn't know, the three of Musashi Kojiro Miaomiao were making a new machine, and beside them were a group of Pokémon poaching.

"Cut... If it weren't for the lack of materials, I wouldn't be bothered to rob these guys.

"Indeed, the weak will die, not to mention the Pokémon, there is nothing precious, just send it to the boss later."

"Just - help the poached Pokémon, does the boss want it?"

"who knows."

After speaking, the three of them looked at the lying Pokémon Hunter and sighed again.

"It's too weak.."*3_(King Qian's"

And Musashi's Arbor and Big Tongue, as well as Kobeiro's Double Egg Gas all nodded, and it was indeed the same as what Musashi and the others said.They also felt that these Pokémon hunters were too weak, at least compared to Xiao Zhi, who was the old man who carried them. These guys are simply weak and can't be weaker.

After Musashi and the others almost robbed the Pokémon hunters here, they happily called the local Junsa to the police.After getting a bounty in disguise

The three of Musashi Koeruro Miaomiao left the island with wicked smiles, and set off towards Durdu Island, where Ash was.

"Hey Lili, this time we have to let the kid know how good we are!"

"That's right, L's mechanical tyrannosaurus will definitely let him know that we're not going to cause trouble!

"It's time for revenge!_ !!"

"Come on Rockets" White hole white tomorrow is waiting for us

Chapter [-] Boss Sakagi is shocked

"Really? Musashi Kojiro and Miao Miao solved it with just three people. Almost all the magical treasures on that island are seen in Hunting 2. It seems that their strength is still good.

When Sakamoto received the Shencha babies who were stolen by Pokémon poachers and were sent by Musashi Kojimo Niaomiao.I couldn't help showing a smile, and the three guys actually became a lot stronger-

And Dongmi, who is communicating with Sakagi

.Blood here Kojiro Meow This is the result of this action.

"Ma'am, according to the situation here, those Pokémon hunters are not Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao at all.

All three of our opponents, and even Meow Meow, can defeat an Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus with frantic grabs...-You see "_It's impossible to grow without a long time."

"Lord Sebastian, I see, but since their third brother's ability has been strengthened. Do they need to give them some advanced tasks?" This one turned over a team of Pokémon hunters.So Dongmi wondered if he should give them some more advanced tasks, but Sakagi shook his head and said.The various machines that are made today can make organizations a lot more profitable, so there is no need to give them such dangerous tasks. "

After he finished speaking, Banmu asked the old lady who touched his cat again.

"By the way, how did they think of attacking Pokémon Hunter this time?

".I heard that it was because of the materials they brought with them. That's why they were full of these Pokémon. But the things they made were indeed..."-"

Send Sakagi the information about the Mecha-Tyrannosaurus

Zuo Mi saw his old lady's face in an instant.Of course not dissatisfied with Jiro Meow, but really speechless

"They're good enough.

Sophisticated mechanical storm

How did they come up with the idea of ​​making dragons 2"

Looking at Musashi Kojiro and Meow's Jay

How come they are so powerful? Do you want to transfer them to the research department?

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