
When hearing this song, the Pokémon hunters also saw who was singing, _only meow.

That moment.Miaomiao felt the endless gaze.A group of wolf-like eyes were watching him and he couldn't help but tighten behind him.

"Why am I the bait,

Thinking that I was actually a bait, Miaomiao felt aggrieved for a while, I was actually a bait! Too much 1

But no, it's too late to think _ to refuse.Musashi and Kojiro sold their teammates really thoroughly

Thinking of this, Miaomiao continued to sing another song with grief.

"There are [-] possibilities in an instant! It's time to move forward or keep waiting!"

And the Meow Meow Pokémon hunters who watched the singing all showed wicked smiles.

"Meow meow who can sing. __

"Yeah, and more than one.

"It can be sold for a big price."

"Yes, but if it's a male, it will be a little troublesome. Or 'get' a female? That way, it can sell for more money."

"That's right, after he catches it, he will be operated on to become her!"

After listening to the words of these Pokémon hunters, Meow Meow was silent for a while, and then quickly ran away.

"Mom 1. What kind of devil is this ⊥⊥⊥"

"Not good!. That Meow Meow ran away!_"

"Catch him! Castrate him! 1_ 1_ "

"Meow, don't run". I

We give you gold coins⊥”

"Go away" ⊥11 You actually want to castrate me" Are you the devil!"

After that, the chase began..

At this time, Xiaozhi Musashi Kojiro, who was hiding in the dark, danced Xiaoxiaana pose and Green River were all shocked by the operation of these Pokémon hunters.

"These guys are also talented.."

"Yeah.. actually want to meow meow_

To be honest, Lin really understands now that these Pokémon Hunters are famous and scary.

And Xiaozhi's Miaomiao looked at Xiaozhi after being silent for a while.

"Boss, I want to scratch their faces

- "Okay. Wait as you wish.".

"Thank you."

one-one dividing line-one

Just when Miaomiao was running desperately, the Pokémon hunters behind him were also in hot pursuit. After all, Miaomiao who can sing can definitely sell for a big price.

But just as they were chasing.They don't know they have entered the trap area.boom!

Accompanied by the moment when a hunter stepped on the trap.The whole forest rioted. Countless small stones began to splash around and the first hunter squatted when they saw this.

Then the one behind him suffers

"Ah ya go⊥⊥⊥_!"

With a scream, this unfortunate brother was smeared.But it's not over _ What's even more unfortunate is that the hunters behind him decisively sold his teammates to not only straighten his waist, but also use him as a human shield to block forward.

"Ah" ah" ah ah ⊥_ "Boom"

Before the Pokémon hunters arrived at a big hole and let them step through the air under their feet, all the hunters fell into the hole but it wasn't over yet. Just when the other hunters realized something was wrong.Ash has already rushed out with a mace

Then Yi-bang Yu hit a person.It's just because Xiaozhi uses Haidilao and the place to hit is limited and subtle..._

Ka 咛. With a sound like the cracking of the balls, the hunter was silent for a while and then uttered the cry of his own life.

"Ahhhh! L!⊥⊥!"

Accompanied by the heart-wrenching screams that made the listeners feel sad and shed tears, the hunter stooped down while clutching his baby.

And this man's scream was a signal, and Ash's Pokémon also - all sprang out of the woods and attacked the hunter directly.

Some people were kicked on the ground by the hot monkey-z. Then there was a burst of Euler.Some people are smeared on their faces by Jenny Turtle's righteousness, which is a turnip.Some people were carried by Xiaoxia's gem starfish with the shock trick. Of course, the most disgusting thing for the Pokémon hunters is Xiaozhi's Duck Duck and Beast. The use of petrochemical power together with the power makes them only stand and beat.

And the follow-up Pokémon Hunter will have to face Musashi and Kobeiro.

"Damn L. Are you Rockets coming to steal our voice?_"

Pokémon hunter looking at Musashi and Xiao

Jiro's face was a little dark, but he still threw his precious ball.

"Let them know how great you are! Howe ⊥"

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