Home is coming to Beauty Street Beauty Wars! I think everyone can't wait to start it! "

"No mistake ⊥_⊥"_*N .

The three of the Rockets looked at the situation at this time with a dazed expression.Immediately after they agreed to Xiaozhi's game, a group of people appeared to resist them and then carried them. aThen they are caught in the arena, and Ash is waiting for them across from them.

"The way of the game is very simple, that is to make the Pokémon beautiful in the way you are good at, and the materials are used by you"

Kobero Musashi touched for them

The prepared materials will not let go when you touch them.

Musashi, "This feeling!"

Little Quilt, "It's the fabric we've only dreamed of!"

Xiao Zhi looked at the two of them and said involuntarily. "You guys are very knowledgeable, that's right." These are the top-level fabrics. Come on. 02.An upright showdown!"

"Little Ghost" lets you see how powerful we are! "

"Yes" this is our show

Then Musashi and Kojiro began to use those good materials to dress up the arbor and the gas bomb

, while Xiao Zhi looked at the Pokémon he was responsible for this time, his own stupid duck, Da Duck.

"Miaomiao, you are responsible for making one. I'm responsible for massaging the head of Duck Duck, hey."

"Let me leave the massage of Kadoya. Xiaozhi, you can take charge of the herbal diet that you are best at." Just when Xiaozhi looked at Kakaya helplessly.Xiaoxue came over. At the same time, he started to press the head of Da Duck.And Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxue and asked, "Your body...".

"It's alright, Xiao Zhi, your previous medicines have already helped me recuperate, and what was really bad for me before was my spirit, now it's alright. Besides. I'm very

I want to help Pokémon with Ash again. "

Looking at Xiaoxue Xiaozhi, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll leave the massage to you, and I'll take care of this stupid duck's medicinal diet.


Da Duck looked at Xiao Zhi strangely.Some didn't understand what it meant, but Xiao Zhi touched his head and said, "You have a good taste."

"Drink up"

Then Xiao Zhi patted the container beside him.Rows of knives and pots and pans appeared

"Team Rocket, what I'm good at is food! The beauty that makes Pokémon feel happy from the heart after eating it

Food! "

Then, under the horrified expression on Team Rocket's face, Ash played with a knife and started cooking, while Xiaoxue started massaging him through his previous observation of Duck, and Meow started sewing.

Soon, the preparations for both sides were completed. The Rockets' Arbor and gas bombs were dressed up, while Xiaozhi's Duck was happily eating the stewed fish that Xiaozhi made for him.

Afterwards, along with the audience's votes, Xiaozhi and the Rockets are evenly matched. After all, the Rockets' costumes are garish, but some people still like them, and the beauty brought by the happiness of Xiaozhi's Duck is also attractive.

Multiple people.

"I didn't expect it to be evenly matched.

! "Xiao Zhi was a little surprised by the result that they were evenly matched, and Xiao Xue said with a smile, "It's okay, Xiao Zhi, because everyone's aesthetic views are different. It's normal to have such a result, but the real happiness is that we are together. When taking care of Pokémon, isn't it?"

"Ah, yes, taking care of a Pokémon is a happy thing in itself.. even if it's taking care of my stupid duck with no mountains and no lungs

Seeing Duck Duck happily eating candlefish, Xiaozhi just smiled.However, Xiaozhi accepts. Accepting this result does not mean

Musashi accepted, she looked at Xiaozhi's Tadaka and roared, "What are you kidding? My arbor is the same as that stupid duck_ 2. Then let's talk with strength⊥_Go on Arbor. Biting ⊥”

. "Check!⊥⊥"

Hearing Musashi's order 1, Arbor dashed towards Tadakka with its mouth open.But Duck Duck was stunned for a moment when he saw the Aber snake who was rushing towards him with his mouth open, and then he kept the stewed fish beside him and his eyes glowed blue.


Aber Snake was directly set in midair.. And Musashi was also treated the same.

"What's the matter?_⊥ How do I move

no more"

Seeing the immobile Musashi and Aber Snake L Xiaozhi said speechlessly, "My Duck Duck is a foodie. Your Aber Snake opened his mouth and rushed over, thinking he was grabbing food. This trick is petrochemical..." __

Xiao Zhi was speechless, his Duck Duck actually used a super power-type trick in order to protect his food.

And Da Duck's eyes flashed again.Arbor snake flew back and hit Musashi directly and then flew away.

“Better than feeling bored”

Looking at Feiyuan, Musashi Satoshi touched the head of Katsuya and said, "It's amazing, Katsuya."

"Oh yeah"

Seeing that they still didn't understand anything, Kadoya and Xiaozhi could only helplessly shrug their shoulders, then looked at Kojiro and said, "Since it's a draw, then I'll admit your beauty, by the way, I'll give you the materials. .

Xiao Erlang smiled and said: "Really? Thank you very much. Then let's go to Musashi first. Bye bye kid!

Team Rocket's Meow also said with a fish in his mouth. "Thank you for the fish kid. Goodbye then"

"What a great feeling!"*2_1. (chao.

Chapter [-] Xiaoxue joins the team

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