"Musashi is

..sick 2

Kojiro glanced at Musashi and said helplessly.

"Hey.. It's almost. After we arrived at this island, Musashi saw a sea of ​​flowers and ran towards it, and then not a little. Stumbled..",

"Then she shoved her whole head into the flowers of the tyrant flower, meow. Then we were busy here for a long time. The most important thing was that she said she wanted an apple.,As a result, we found it⊥ She didn't eat it at all! And What kind of Snow White is she playing there!.⊥! We are all going crazy with her L!⊥"

Hearing what happened to them, Lindu, who is still sitting still in her arms,

Don't know what to do with the leaves. .But seeing Xiaobianlang and Miaomiao so pitiful, she still took out a bottle of medicine. Go to Musashi's place.

"I've really taken you all, don't you know to bring enough medicine?"

While talking, Lin directly picked up the potion and sprayed it towards Musashi... sprayed the sprayer

Watching Rin spray Musashi there, Ash thought of a terrible thing.

"Lin... The medicine that people use is taken by mouth... The one you take is sprayed... That's not..."__

"Ah! I got it wrong, this is not for the horse-type Pokémon you made, Xiaozhi.


Lin heard Xiao Zhi's reminder that this soil was indeed wrong, and this potion is specially used for Pokémon. If it is used for people...__.

"Hahahahahahaha! ⊥⊥_! I suddenly felt a burning flame in my heart! I'm going to run l I'm going to run_ Hahahahahahaha!!"


Accompanied by a fiery red figure, L Musashi left and ran out under everyone's dumbfounded expression.

And watching Musashi running out, Kojiro asked Xiaozhi blankly.


. . . Musashi how long does she have to run?"

"I guess it will take two days. After all, _ is a special version of horse-type Pokémon. And don't think about catching up with her, she is catching up with the little fire horse quickly.."

"Then what to do, meow 2"

Rocket's Meow looked at Musashi who kept running and thought that this is not a problem, ._

And Xiaozhi was not so worried, but looked at his own Miaomiao, and then began to take out a bunch of parts to assemble the gun

"You guys still carry gun parts?.⊥"

"Well...after all, sometimes I can't help myself, but I can't help myself.

Carrying a gun is too dangerous.."

"So my boss and I made the guns into parts and wore them so we could assemble them at any time."

"Okay done"

"Come on!⊥"*2

Watching Xiaozhi and Miaomiao assembled a sniper rifle together in less than a minute. Kojiro and Miaomiao were both surprised, while Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi and asked e.

"Your preparation.. is complete_

"Don't worry, I won't bring real 5 bullets. I usually bring hypnotic bullets. And my marksmanship..."_


Xiao Zhi suddenly shot to the side.touch L

"Ah ah ah ah!"

With Musashi's second scream, there was an anesthesia needle on her ass.

And Xiaozhi said with a smile.


However, Miaomiao looked at the anesthesia needle and couldn't help but sweat.

"Boss, we made a mistake. That carbine-level anesthesia 1.1 needles⊥"

"Oh, I'm going! Quickly change the awakening needle!

When he heard that it was a carbine-level anesthesia needle, Ash was startled.After all, this thing can easily happen.

, when Musashi becomes fat because of this needle, it will be more than killing her.

And as Xiaozhi reloaded and fired again - in one breath, this time Musashi finally stood up slowly."

"Hahahaha⊥_Burn it!_⊥! Hahahaha!!!⊥"

Following Musashi's frantic waiting, she rushed out and looked at Musashi who was able to make a rampage.Xiaozhi looked at it silently _ what version of the second glance is the awakening needle

"Um.. as expected... I'm useless... she might be the same as the hot monkey now.


Fei and Lu remind you that there are three things about reading

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