Two-one dividing line --

With Ash's arrival in the Orange Islands, and the news of the Orange Alliance and the arrival of a challenger, the news quickly spread throughout the island, and for the residents of King Island, it was a big deal. After all, it's been a long time. The challenger has arrived.And Xiaozhi's side is also ready to challenge after the repair-day.

In the Continental Hotel, Xiaozhi's exclusive room

"Are you doing this on purpose? You actually threaten me with this kind of thing?"

Looking at a group of Pokémon holding pillows and staring at him, Xiao Zhi didn't know what to say.

Originally, I was going to talk to Lin or Xiaoxia or Zenazi.Who knew that he was cut off by these guys?

Miaomiao watched these guys gloat over misfortune and said e to Xiaozhi

"Boss, after all, everyone has to compete tomorrow, so you need your encouragement at this time, come on."

"Meow meow... Do I want to put the horse _ Dan

Na sent it to Alola to play for a year"!"

Miaomiao Xiaozhi looked at the soft smile and smiled, and then looked at the fire-breathing dragon.

"It's not that I told you that the fire-breathing dragon is so bright, are ruthless."

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon who consciously took a hood to cover its tail.. Xiaozhi knew that what he said was useless.

"Okay" Since you want me to accompany you, then I will accompany you today! But remember not to mess around, I sleep lightly!

After saying that, Xiao Zhi lay down on the bed by himself.And when Xiaozhi just lay down, Shanaido appeared next to Xiaozhi in an instant, lying next to Xiaozhi

on the arm.

"Sana!" (Good night, master!

Seeing a bunch of numbers on Xiaozhi's head like Shanaido, but thinking that it might be Shanaido who wants her dad to be with her, she won't say anything more.

It's just that they all had a look of atmosphere when they saw that Shanaido took the lead in Jenny.

"Jenny!" (Hey "Tomorrow is our game! Don't come here!_ )

"Sana"_" (It's okay child_ Mom helps you try Dad's arm, it's very comfortable)

"Jenny L_⊥.⊥⊥" (Don't stand me cheap!").

Finally, in this noisy atmosphere, Xiaozhi finally ushered in the first day of the game, but when he saw Xiaozhi's shape.Even Xiaoyong couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes, because Xiaozhi's equipment is a bit too complete, right?

The snake-printed bear L on the top of the head is on the left and right shoulders - while standing with the Jenny Turtle, while standing in the backpack, the dumb beast and the Duck are holding their heads, and there is a small Ibrahimovic hidden in the clothes.The arm is held by the seeds of the wonderful frog, and the other hand is holding a fat worker.

Xiaoyong's eyebrows jumped wildly in this look

"You .. it's very kind to welcome you _

Xiaoyong can see that these Pokémon are named after all

Stick to Ash.So he can only say so.

And Xiaozhi nodded silently (King Qian's" __"Sorry.. I didn't expect that even the seeds of the wonderful frog would be like this this time. I always feel that there is no place to put them on my body in the future..."_

"Thank you for your hard work, I'm Orange. _League's chief trainer Xiaoyong, I hope this time will be a good match."

Saying that, Xiaoyong stretched out his hand towards Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi looked at his own shape and looked at his fat Ding and said.

"Fat worker, I'm going to shake hands with someone

"poiLL thing",

hear small

Zhi said that Fat J was unhappy and gave up his seat, while Xiaoyong glanced at it speechlessly and shook hands with Xiaozhi.

The referee is speechless looking at the current situation, the whole scene is really too weird.

"Then... Orange League Contest _L is the beginning" by Chief Trainer Xiaoyong vs. Challenger Xiaozhi L The competition is now starting ⊥⊥⊥⊥"_


Chapter [-] I didn't expect it!I only have one move!

"I've heard about you for a long time, your Pokémon are very powerful, so I won't say much more, let's fight⊥_ "

It is still very clear to Xiaozhi Xiaoyong

A monster whose fighting power is absolutely boundless, you never know what kind of monster-like Pokémon the guy in front of you will come up with to fight e

Thinking so, Xiaoyong took out his treasured ball. ,

"Then, the first battle will be handed over to you, the Variety Monster!"

With the appearance of Xiaoyong's treasure in the ball - only a variety of monsters, Xiaozhi instantly guessed Xiaoyong's thoughts.

"I'm trying to imitate my elf with a variety of monsters, and see if I can force out some tricks? I'm so sorry. This time I just have a restraint on you ⊥_"

While talking, Xiaozhi patted the snake-patterned bear on the head, and the snake-patterned bear was patted by Xiaozhi - and immediately rushed into the arena.

"The first player Xiaozhi sent out was the snake-patterned bear who had been lying on top of his head. I wonder how Snake-pattern can deal with the ever-changing monsters?_"

Xiaoyong didn't let his guard down when he saw that Xiaozhi sent a snake bear, but he knew that Xiaozhi's Pokémon couldn't be treated with normal eyes.

"Various monsters, transform!"

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