Lache was put together? But don't think that's the case 1 Gengar uses the wave of evil! "

"Road to the Road!"

Gengar stood up with difficulty and then the handworm condensed a black ball and hit the happy egg.However, with the appearance of a wall of light, the black sphere shattered and Xiaoyong finally saw it.In front of the happy egg, the multiple walls of light that can be called maddening

- "As for what? L as for what _⊥ so ruthless! ⊥⊥"

"It's called tactics". Now I'll let you know

Shiro's dirty tactics! Happy Egg! Poisonous~"

"Are you crazy? My Gengar has poison or something!"

Originally, Xiaoyong thought that Xiaozhi was commanding mistakes.But Xiaoyong was stunned when he saw that he had fallen into a poisoned state with a group of poisonous eggs.

"How could it be possible.. Poison-type magical _ baby.. Poisoned?"_ ,


Xiaozhi did not answer Xiaoyong but smiled meaningfully.And seeing Geng Gui poisoning Xiaoyong also knew that he was in trouble.

"Quickly fight the Gengar and the waves of evil!"


"Geng Shang"

"Ignore him. Let's start now! Happy Egg will make the most perfect defense state and consume blood"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the happy egg gave a smirk, and then waved his hand to start making a wall of light. At the same time, he did not forget to release the trick of rounding to improve his physical defense, and looking at the trick of Xiaozhi's happy egg, Xiaoyong has already Shouted out.

"" Little ⊥⊥ is too grandson!!

Yes, it's really too grandchildren.Xiaoyong has never seen this kind of fighting style before, but now after seeing it, he just wants to scold people, it's too damaging." Co-authored with you

I used it. The poison has poisoned the shameful ghost of my family, you don't care 1 and then you deflate and defend your grandson, right?

And just when Xiaoyong was thinking of a way, Xiaozhi's voice came from the side. It was just accompanied by a more grandson's order.

"Happy Egg is trapped by the light wall, so slowly grind him!"

"...Geng Gui, hurry up and escape.

. "Geng Shang"

To be honest, Gengar didn't expect the opposite to have a grandson to this level, but thinking that his physical strength is being depleted now, he can only find a way to sneak into the past, but when Gengar wants to get in.

When I was in the field, I found that there was a wall of light under my body and a bunch of walls of light were being built around me!

Looking at this maddening operation, even Xiaoyong now feels the deep malice from Xiaozhi.

And some people who were watching the Orange League game showed a stomachache after seeing the operation of Happy Egg.

"Sure enough... every time I see this _ tactic, I want to ask what color is the heart of Jian Xiaozhi? Can such a dirty tactic be thought of by him?"

"Uh...I can imagine Ash wanting to_

It's time to challenge the King of Heaven 1. Our expressions when he sent the Happy Egg.._

Shiba watched Xiao Zhi's crazy tactic, his stomach kept twitching, and Du, who had already learned it in private, was even more face: It's extremely ugly, and Xiao Zhi's operation is too... Cao Dan (expletive language) ) .__

After poisoning people, don't care. Not only that, but also trapping people with multiple walls of light 2.1, this is not the last. The grandson is that Happy Egg may use an egg-laying trick to watch you there. Grind to death by poison.I really don't want to feel this kind of crazy tactic, so Kona can rely on frozen purgatory.

Quickly kill the happy egg to make her lose, otherwise it is useless.

And the same stomach pain is Xiaozhi's father-in-law, Mrs. Sakagi, as one of the victims of Xiaozhi's trick.Sakagi Zheda once again felt the disgusting degree of Xiaozhi's move s

"It's too cruel. Too Sun Spear.

"Huh? Dad, I think Ash's tricks are pretty good. I want to learn it anyway."

Unlike Sakagi, who had a stomachache. Xiaolan looked at Xiaozhi's tactics and was greedy.After all, in her eyes, Ash's tactics are all good. _


Chapter [-] Lin, you are really a good wife and good mother!

"Happy Egg, be careful not to break it when you carry the egg, yes, there is still cream to make later."

At this time, Xiaozhi and Happy Egg in the arena.How do you say it? It's too cheap. Xiaozhi actually instructed Happy Egg how to make a cake on the spot. And Happy Egg actually took out z of his own eggs as materials.And Gengar is getting weaker and weaker in the endless light wall cage at this time - after all, he is now poisoned.Even if he used his skills to attack the wall of light before, it was useless, because the happy egg would make a new one with a wave of his hand, which made countless audiences feel the horror of the happy egg.

At this time, Xiao Zhi is also very patiently waiting for the end of the battle.

It's just at this moment that Happy Egg Baoran turned around and called Xiao Zhi.

"Ma'am, Happy Egg said that he wants to use the finishing move to solve Genggar. After all, it's a competition."

After listening to Miaomiao's translation, Xiaozhi nodded, and Xiaozhi would still listen to the words of his own princess, because Xiao12zhi looked at Happy Egg and said.

"In that case.. Happy Egg, give Gengar a decent ending, let's go to gravity blasting⊥_


Hearing the name of this trick mentioned by Xiao Zhi, Happy Egg looked at Geng Gui with a look of luck.Then its two palms began to condense - a sphere

.And when they saw this sphere, Lin Xiaoxia and even Nazi were shocked because they had seen this sphere when Lugia used what Xiaozhi said about the retreat cannon.

And now, although the ball in Happy Egg's hand is small, Lin and the others, who can't stand the truth, understand the horror of this move.Luckily it wasn't a retreating gun.Otherwise, it is estimated that the entire venue will be lost.

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