"Ahahahahaha!,!. 11 I'm sorry! I will try my best to hold back. 1. Hahahaha L can't L really can't stand it_hahahaha⊥"

I glanced at Xibadu and wondered if I wanted to practice with him e_

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Chapter [-] The Final Competition

- "In a sense this is the last battle... Dragon...

Xiaoyong looked at his fast dragon.Look at Xiao Zhi's fire-breathing dragon and smile helplessly, this time the opponent is really terrible.._


Hearing Xiaoyong's words, Kuailong nodded, and she also understood that this time the opponent could not be easily defeated, and even if she was defeated, the fire-breathing dragon probably didn't have the strength to fight again.


Seeing Kuailong roaring, Xiaoyong understood what Kuailong meant.

"Is that so, you have to fight too?

Let's go fast with Dragon Wave!

"Fire-breathing dragon flame jet!_"

"Roar!"*2 _

As the dragon's fluctuations of the fast dragon collided with the fire-breathing dragon's Gawain flame, a distance explosion was generated in the sky, and the smoke and dust generated by the explosion flew the fire-breathing dragon at a very fast speed. At the same time, the fire-breathing dragon's wings And the tail shone with a metallic sheen.

"Not good! It's the steel wings and the steel tail, the fast dragon k up!" Boom!

With the fast attack of the fire dragon, the position of the fast dragon was directly destroyed by the onslaught of the 12 fire dragon. Fortunately, the fast dragon had already

He flew to the sky and began to charge his fists.

"Go fast dragon! Use lightning punch!_

"Fire-breathing dragon flame fist fights back!"


Two more growls.The fists of the fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon smashed together, and the power of lightning and flames continued to swirl.

And just when the two dragons were equal in strength, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and an ultra-high temperature jet flame was sprayed on the face of the fast dragon.

"Wow ⊥!"

The fast dragon, which was sprayed to the face by the flame jet, flew back with a scream.The fire-breathing dragon is

Taking advantage of the victory, he swept his tail towards the fast dragon.

"Fast Dragon L. Grab its tail"_ "

Hearing Xiaoyong's reminder, Kuailong endured severe pain and grabbed the fire-breathing dragon's tail after being swept by the fire-breathing dragon's tail, and then smashed the fire-breathing dragon towards the ground.

"Roar!" (I play the rest ⊥2

The fire-breathing dragon that was thrown to the ground did not panic, but adjusted its posture directly to avoid touching the ground. Then the fire-breathing dragon stood firm in mid-air, and then used a jet of flame towards the fast dragon to let Laibu dodge. The dragon was attacked again.

To know Xiaozhi's squirting

One of Shaolong's favorite melee skills is to throw on the earth. Therefore, when the enemy throws himself down, the fire-breathing dragon has some counter-attacks.

That's why the fire-breathing dragon said it was the reason he played the rest of the hope

"The blood now fire-breathing dragon saw a fierce light flashing in his eyes when he saw that the fast dragon was injured by his own fire.

"Fire-breathing dragon, flame storm!_"

"Roar" (understanding 7

The fire-breathing dragon's eye, who had already guessed that Xiaozhi would issue this order, had already begun to accumulate his own strength, and then accompanied by the fire-breathing dragon's jet, a fireball rushed towards the fast dragon.

"Quick Dragon!"

Seeing the fire-breathing dragon's attack, Xiaoyong immediately reminded the fast dragon, and the fast dragon had to avoid it.However, Ash, who had already been prepared, said to the fire-breathing dragon.

"Gravity Bomb Interference"


As the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings, the two gravitational bombs arrived at the fast dragon's side at a very fast speed, and then exploded and completely imprisoned the fast dragon. At this time, the fireball also hit the fast dragon and turned into a flame storm and a cyclone of the gravitational bomb. Combined to wrap up the fast dragon.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also knew that it was almost over.But to guarantee - hit kill small

Wisdom to let the fire-breathing dragon strengthen it

"Fire-breathing dragon. Evolve with the last dragon's melon!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, he nodded at the fire-breathing dragon, and then its body was wrapped in colored light to such an extent that the fire-breathing dragon was able to complete the fetter evolution with Xiaozhi freely, and the fire-breathing dragon also understood what Xiaozhi meant, using Dragon Melon gives the final blow to the fast dragon

As the fire-breathing dragon evolved into a mega fire-breathing dragon x in the colorful brilliance, the claws of the msa fire-breathing dragon x also shined.Then the fire-breathing dragon X rushed into the firestorm.

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

"Quick Dragon⊥⊥⊥⊥"

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