"Goodbye L. Live with your family well, and come to me if you miss me!⊥⊥"

Watching the wandering dragons, Xiao Zhi wiped away the tears of the eye fish and said.

"Hey...it's a heart-wrenching choice. But there's no way around it.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Xia was silent for a while, and then she held Xiao Zhi's shoulder and said after handing Porkby and little Ibrahimovic to Na Zi to hold them.

"If it's a normal situation. It's really sad... But you just _ have already subdued all their ethnic groups. Now you are sending people to take care of them,

Don't you think it's weird that you say it now!"

By Xiaoxia - said Xiaozhi also put away the eye drops in his hand.Then he said confidently.

"Please.. I'm the ones who conquered them with water arrow turtles!_"Four-seven soil" water arrow turtles have many enemies at one time, and the water sword fish won the victory after so much hard work."

"Kame!" (You're welcome!)

The water arrow turtle proudly raised his head and said that he didn't care. And Xiaozhi patted the water arrow turtle's arm and said.

"If it weren't for the strength of our water arrow turtles, do you think we could conquer them!_"


So you- can't you just get over it from the beginning?. L makes it so sad that it doesn't really make a difference in the end.Chenglong and you can meet if you want to meet. Even you have subdued their ethnic groups⊥ Mountain⊥”

"Because I want to try this sad situation!"

"Then make it clear to us first! We've been with you for a long time since we were sad!"


With Xiaoxia's headbutt, Xiaozhi fell, and then Xiaoxia pulled Lin and Nazi and said.

"Let's go, Sister Nazi. Sister Lin. Leave this idiot alone. Harm

We are all worried about him, the structure is all messed up by himself!

Looking at Xiaozhi Nazi who was lying on the ground, she smiled.

"Then let's go shopping first. Take it easy, Xiaozhi. Pooh!"

"Xiao Zhi, the way of thinking is great, so remember to assemble later."

Seeing Xiaoxia and the others leaving, Xiaozhi smiled, then looked at Fat T and the others who were standing beside him, then sat on the edge of the port and looked at the sea.

". After all, I don't like that kind of sad situation. So I can only do this, it seems that I am still pretty bad.

Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Da Duck tilted his head.

Then he took out an apple from Xiaozhi's bag and ate it, while the dumb beast was dumbfounded by Xiaozhi.Upon seeing this, Ash also took out an apple and put it to its mouth for him to eat.

"Madam, I'm going to have a good date with Madonna when we go back this time. I hope you can give me a holiday."

"Well.... It is indeed time for you to accompany your wife. I agree."

"Thank you."

"Pickup.." (I'm going to find _ Jinqiu to play L)

"Oh, yes, we agreed with Xiao Huang that when we go to Chengdu for a trip together, you will be able to accompany Qiuqiu more."

"Pickup! ." (I look forward to it)

two - dividing line - one

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything too big here.However sometimes things come to you, like now.

Chi's expression was silent when Ash was fucking looking at the naughty bombs that were almost piled up. The whole city.What's the situation?."

Looking at the almost full of naughty bullets and Lei Jian Xiaozhi who was playing with Porkby, she was a little speechless, but Lin looked at such a famous naughty bullet and said with a frown.

"Really. I don't know what the people in this _ think, I don't know this

Will a lot of naughty play together cause a big problem? Xiaozhi help me."

Saying that, Lin looked at the naughty bombers.

"Look this way!"

Following Lin's cry, the naughty bombers all turned to look at Lin, and then Xiao Zhi handed Lin Er a special thing. This thing is one of the Latin American people who specialize in stocking naughty bombs. A special bait.And the naughty bombers immediately turned their eyes to Lin when they saw it, and at the same time they were not ready to blow themselves up_ After all, that bait is too penetrating s

"Look this way 1 look this way! Okay, just walk out with me, just fine."

Just in Lin

A person suddenly appeared when he was leaving with them.

"We've got a place here for these naughty bastards to go!"

Then the man called out a lot of gophers and these gophers kept digging holes

However, Lin did not listen to this person directly, but looked at him seriously and asked.

"You say who you are first, and if there is no evidence, we can't be sure whether your words are true."

The man was stunned when he heard Lin's words--but he thought it was normal, so he took out a power of attorney and said e

"There is also a power of attorney from the residents on my side. Take a look. My name is Brother Qiang, and I am specially entrusted by the residents to transport the naughty bombs away. After all, there are too many naughty bombs and they will be under pressure when they gather together. Then blow it up."

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