clap clap clap clap clap!

With the mad fan of Happy Egg, Xiaogang finally calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't think too much about Miss Huang.."_

Xiao Huang is like this kind of person, _

"I understand Xiaozhi brother, I will protect myself"

" can understand it. You must know that many bad people now stare at innocent-looking girls like you."

"Brother Xiaozhi, I'm not stupid.

Although he is happy that Xiao Zhi loves Xiao Huang so much, he also feels that Xiao Zhi treats himself a little bit like a child.

And Xiaozhi smiled when he saw that Xiao Huang was a little emotional.

"Really? Maybe I'm too worried about you. After all, Xiao Huang, you are very kind, and it's not easy to reject others. For example, this one in front of us now...

Saying that, Xiaozhi glanced at Xiaogang on the ground.

"You know, Xiao Huang, the brother Xiao Gang in front of you was--he was so weak that he couldn't move, I thought he should be restrained now--a little bit, but he's still the same.

.you I have to make you understand.There is a kind of person who is very scary, and Xiaogang is one of such people,"

"So that's it... I understand Brother Xiaozhi!"

I don't know what Xiao Huang understood, but this time Xiao Huang slightly clenched the hand holding Xiao Zhi and leaned himself slightly towards Xiao Zhi, which seemed to mean to guard against Xiao Gang.

"Xiao Zhi.. Pi with this,

Xiaogang couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard Xiaozhi's words, is this the case in the eyes of others?_⊥

I heard Xiaogang lying on the ground

What do you mean, Xiao Zhi silently hugged Xiao Huang for a while?

"I'm sorry Xiaogang, but your character makes me unbelievable. You talk about you one by one_the king's affairs all the time_how do you say I believe you? Every time you heal, the scars forget the pain

"But...Xiaosheng wants to drink tea and noodles with Chai_Li's big sisters...

After listening to Xiaogang's words, Xiaozhi silently hugged Xiaohuang a little higher, and Xiaohuang finally fully understood and deeply understood what Xiaozhi meant, and then Xiaohuang hugged Xiaozhi tighter again.

"Let's go.... now go to my house first_.. as for this guy... Billy L took the man

on ⊥⊥”

"Yes!. bess! Xiaowang bey, your rehabilitation seems to need to continue.

"Don't go on _⊥⊥_!"


Chapter [-] Three Holy Beasts: Scared!

After repairing for a while, Xiao Zhi was about to follow H to Chengdu, and before going to Chengdu, Feng Wang of Xiao Zhi's world found Xiao Zhi.

"Xiao Zhi, you are going to travel to Chengdu"

Seeing that Ho-oh, who was already a resident of his own house, asked himself a question, Satoshi nodded.

"Right? _What do you need me to do for you?"

Looking at Feng Wang Xiaozhi is a little strange.After all, this guy now eats and lives here and doesn't treat himself as an outsider_

"No... I don't need your help for anything. Rather, I hope you can bring Suicun and the others with you.

After all, Chengdu is my territory. "

"Little three holy beasts? Do they intend to enter Long?"

"There is no problem with the people on your side. After all, everyone is already familiar with it..

Speaking of which, Feng Wang is a little embarrassed. After all, he is living in Xiaozhi's house to eat and drink...and _and it's still the kind that doesn't give money. ._

"Let's ask them for their opinions, just if it's the three of them, they can guarantee the people around me."

"Well... it's true that the gods around you are indeed strong enough, but the people around you need a

some guarantees.. "_

After listening to Xiao Zhi's proposal, Feng Wang also thinks that Xiao Zhi's idea is right. After all, for the current Xiao Zhi, his strength is the least need to worry about. Tell me. Only Dark Lugia.There are also two monster-level Pikachus. These three are scary enough. Not to mention two giant Pokémon at the strategic level. This is also the reason that Xiaozhi let the giant Gengar and the giant Hudi stay at home in order to strengthen the defense of the home. , or it would be more terrifying.

And now there is Geng ghost following in Ash's shadow. Ash's safety doesn't need to be paid attention to at all. Instead, it is by his side. People do need - a little protection

. ,

"I'm sorry. Shui Jun Yan Emperor Lei Huang, do you mind scoring goals!"

Let's be honest.In the goal, Sui Jun and the others don't mind. After all, they have known Xiao Zhi for a long time. But _but I don't know why Sui Jun and the others feel that they don't seem to have the right to refuse.


As the three holy beasts nodded, Xiao Zhi also felt relieved, at least the three were willing to cooperate to protect Xiaoxia and the others. 2 It's just that what Ash didn't look at was that behind him, there were two Howangs, a dark Lugia, a split empty seat, and a super dream.

There are huge fast dragons looking at the three holy beasts with very kind eyes. _And not only that, even Arceus silently walked out of Void 3 and stared at the two holy beasts with his emotionless eyes, waiting for them to say no.

Seeing that the three holy beasts agreed, the two Ho-ohs withdrew their deterrent gazes, and the dark Lugia's hideous eyes also became stable. The dragon's two fists also withdrew the flame and the electric shock, Chao Meng played the gravity bomb in his hand as a ball, and finally Arceus took back the prepared sanction gravel.

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