"How is it possible that L Xiaosheng's love for Pokémon that L Xiaosheng will never see is."_

"Because I wanted to help the beauties, I deliberately hindered other people from subduing normally, and I was praised by them in the end. I would like to ask _ if this matter is known to the Pokémon League or if someone files a lawsuit. m_

"Sorry" is Xiaosheng's mistake!_".

Seeing Xiaogang Xiaozhi who bowed his head to admit his mistake, he sighed helplessly, this guy.It is a fundamental reason for Xiao Zhi's helplessness.

As for why Xiaozhi agreed to bring Xiaogang..I really can't bear to watch Xiaogang get caught by the triplets and get juiced. Although Xiaogang has just been cured with decoction, it doesn't mean that Xiaogang is all right. On the contrary, Xiaogang needs to be properly groomed - it will take a while to fully heal though Xiaozhi didn't want to take Xiaogang with him.But no matter what, they are friends.And it is normal to help Xiaogang, who has a close relationship with the triplets, to help take care of Xiaogang, who is closely related to the triplets.So Xiao Zhi didn't say anything more.It's just that Xiaogang can only rely on himself to protect him, Bi Yi... If he really has a treasured Pokémon beside him to help protect him, who knows if this guy will not

Will be fascinated by beauty tricks and can't find the side? Duxiu Mingwu. . .calf

. just so unreputable? .”

Looking at Xiaogang in tears, Xiaozhi cage group "Kazan said with an expression on the left.


"You go and ask yourself." (

Hearing enough wisdom to say that, Xiaogang wiped his tears and looked at Lei Huang, who was riding with Zheng Xun Shuihuang.

"Mr. Lei Huang Xiaosheng.."

"Hooer⊥⊥⊥" (Go away! You pervert 1. )

After being yelled by Lei Huang, Xiaogang walked away knowingly.Then he looked at Zheng Yulin

Diess, the Yandi who combs his hair like a horse

"Mr. Yandi. Xiaosheng,

"Roar" ⊥⊥⊥" (Go ⊥ I don't have time to care about you, right! That's right there! Ouch! It's so comfortable)

Xiaogang, who had yelled at Emperor Yan, showed a happy expression when Lindis was grooming it.

"Really the same as Xiao Bima? Although Xiao Huoma and the others prefer to comb their flames."

"Roar L_" (It's really comfortable. Go on. )

Yandi Xiaogang, who looked at him ignoring him, knew that he was deflated again.So I can only look at the eyes that are being watched by Xiaoxia

Hikaru then feeds Suicune who is feeding the magic candy.

"Shuijun Tairen I"

"Ming!"_ (You dare to disturb me. I will freeze the light and ice you!. )

Sui Jun, who was enjoying the magical candy, immediately looked at Xiaogang with a terrifying look after hearing Xiaogang's words, and Xiaogang was stunned by this look.

To be honest, when Xiaogang really knew how to make selections, Lei Huang had no complaints about Xiao Huang being able to ride on him. Because Xiao Huang actually had the power of a permanent rock, this power was slowly repairing Lei Huang. The dark wounds left by the emperor.

And the Emperor Yan

In fact, it's almost like Lindis is using his own special technique to help Yan Emperor adjust his physical condition and make him relax.At that time, Xiao Zhi can also help him deal with the dark injury.

Not to mention Sui Jun, the magic candy, Sui Jun has been greedy for a long time.But in Ash's family, Arceus is as stubborn as an iron rooster.He also likes to rob other people's magical candy, _so Z Suijun and the others have basically never eaten this thing, and now they have finally eaten it from Xiaoxia.He hasn't had a good time yet.This Xiaogang is here to disturb himself. Do you really think that the beast has no temper?

It's okay to be her Pokémon.But Xiaogang, since Xiaozhi before Xiaogang said that he is easy to be tricked by beauties, Suicune doesn't plan to give him a good face.After all, Suijun is very accurate at seeing people.Xiaogang is indeed a good person, but his minor flaws are too fatal, too easy to be tricked by beauties and lead to sending out his Pokémon.

"Woohoo.. Mavericks were disliked .. Mingming!" _

Seeing Xiaogang crying over there, Hippo King who was walking with Xiaozhi, patted Xiaozhi and asked.

"Boss, don't you mind him?"

"No need to

, This guy is still not conscious, in short, just leave him alone. "

"That's right, meow. This guy goes to someone else for tea when he sees beautiful women all day long, and we are also treated as perverts. Just leave it alone."

What happened to Xiaogang, a member of Miaomiao's team, can be said to be a clear door... so he doesn't feel sorry for Xiaogang at all.And after saying this, Miaomiao looked at Fat Ding beside her. . How much you occupy the arms of the boss.What's wrong with letting Madonna stay for a while now?"

"poiLL!" (Unhappy!

Even meow persuasion is useless_Because Fat Ding

It's really unpleasant, Xiaozhi's arms are originally his own position. Why can a mother who is tired of it occupy it at will! Little Ibrahimovic didn't say anything L

But being looked at by the fat worker like that, Madonna shrank in Xiao Zhi's arms.Ma Danna, the new owner of Xiaozhi, still likes to play coquettish with him. After all, Xiaozhi's hair is really comfortable. The only pity is the Pokémon who seems to be staring at this position. It is very famous. I can't stay for too long uc _


Chapter [-] Xiaoxia: It turns out that we are rich to this extent

"What Pokémon is that? 3

"I don't know, but it looks amazing."

"Hey hey hey". Let's play and wait" That looks like it is!"

When he arrived at Ruoye Town, the Thunder Emperor that Xiao Huang was riding directly caused quite a commotion, and Xiao Zhi had already guessed this situation.

But this Xiaozhi is not saying that he neglected to keep secrets.On the contrary, Xiao Zhi deliberately let Xiao Huang ride Lei Huang over.As for the reason

Xiaozhi doesn't believe that no one knows about the matter of Asia Island, and the situation is just the opposite. There are definitely countless people who know about it.

Love, since Xiaozhi is so, there is no need to keep anything, just let Xiaohuang directly expose the trump card of Leihuang.

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