"Xiaozhi, are you sure there's no problem with this? , The Pokémon on your side really intended to be captured by us 2"_

"Don't worry. They are actually very good at talking, but this dam still needs to see your true skills. But if you want to talk about shortcuts... there are indeed.

At this time, in the ranch behind Xiaozhi's villa, Xiaozhilin, Xiaohuang, and Xiaoxia are under the leadership of Xiaozhi, preparing to capture the two-one-two Pokémon.

And the words of Xiaogang. .Because I was taken away by the big sister when I went to the Pokémon Center. I am not here for the time being. And even those big sisters are aiming at it^. Little

Chi here.._ ,

All since Xiaogang has his business, Xiaozhi is too lazy to say anything... Being played by those too_ sisters, Xiaozhi is too lazy to care._

"Master, do you need "four or six soil" and I go to the kitchen and let the old lady prepare some food?"

The old housekeeper, Amber, looked at Xiaoxia and Xiaohuang brought back by Xiaozhi and showed a relieved smile. As for Lin, he had known it for a long time.

Amber is Xiaozhi's agent in the Chengdu area. After all, he is the old housekeeper who has been with Xiaozhi for a long time. The only problem is that the old man has no problems with his body. It is a pity that he has no children with his wife, but this also leads to Amber's thoroughness.

What should I say about Xiao Zhi? The annoying little master treats him like his grandson, and Xiao Zhi doesn't mind Amber's thoughts. 2 After all, Xiao Zhi also learned a lot from Amber's side.

Amber was a relatively accomplished trainer when he was young.Now it's just a peaceful life, and Xiao Zhi, a young master, just fits Amber's stomach.So Amber didn't do much to take care of Xiao Zhi.

The so-called kitchen is actually a group of chefs led by Amber's wife, Aunt An. Although the cooking skills of the elderly are not as good as Xiaozhi's, the taste is also very good.


Then I'll trouble you., By the way, let Auntie An prepare some bitterness. Bidiao by my side likes to cry. "

"Okay, yes sir..."


"come on."

After speaking, Amber left with a meaningful smile.On the other hand, Xiao Zhi was a little speechless looking at the direction Amber was leaving.

"Amber is still the same. It seems that there is no need to worry about Amber's body in the near future. After all, you can still make such a joke."

Lin looked at the direction Amber left and smiled, and then said sorry to the two Dairubies beside her.

"I'm here

I want this little guy.I have long wanted to have a Dairubi by my side, so that grazing will be easier in the future.

"This little guy 2 isn't this Little Sixteen? Just wait and I'll get you his baby ball."

Ash basically knows all the Pokémon in his family.So this Xiaozhi that Lin held over; at a glance it was obvious that it was the sixteenth child of her own family, Heluga.

"Little Sixteen, you can cheer up with Lin in the future, and see if you can surpass your father in the future."


Darubi cried happily when he heard Xiao Zhi's words

As for the Pokémon Dairubi who became Lin, I didn't find it troublesome at all. After all, Lin's aura of Ash is very strong... So it knows that Lin is Ash's _ spouse, and if that's the case, then there's no problem .After all, it's all - family u_

And Xiaoxia and Xiaohuang are not without progress, both of them have made a lot of gains. For example, Xiaoxia, she was very surprised to see a Mary Lou.Under the perplexity of the special bait given by Xiaozhi, Marilou voluntarily became Xiaoxia's magical treasure.

Although Xiao Huang is riding a Thunder Emperor, but the Thunder Emperor doesn't roar at everyone, so a bunch of electric-type Pokémon are quickly killed.

Attracted to come, and Xiao Huang also unexpectedly subdued - the day is only baa profit sheep.

When the time was almost up, Amber also came over with lunch, and specially reserved a copy for Xiaogang, but Xiaogang didn't come back after waiting for a long time, so Xiaozhi and the others had to eat first.

"Amber. I'll let you know about the hotels and restaurants in my subordinates later, and say that I'll be staying at my own place when I travel in the future."

"Okay sir, do you need me to prepare some ingredients?"

"Get ready. The freshest. And the meat."

"Good sir."

With Amber

Go get ready, Xiaozhi also reminds Xiaoxia and Xiaohuang of some things

"Chengdu is not like Kanto, there are more towns here, so our family has opened more restaurants. But don't worry about the restaurants there are also reserved for rest. Then the only thing you need to pay attention to is... Yulong's family Those idiots... At least if they say anything about introducing objects to Kuailong, don't be surprised by those idiots. It's not wrong to be beaten out later!"

Both Lin and Xiaoxia were silent. After all, they knew about this and almost made Na Zi laugh.

"Then, Brother Xiaozhi, how should we deal with the Yulong family you mentioned?


"Whoever laughs the worst just ignores him!

one by one dividing line one by one

At the headquarters of the Pokémon League, President Damaranch, with a tape on his forehead, sat there quietly. L was recently carried again. ,. Who can laugh at his wife playing in the fall. _ _

And just when President Damaranch was sitting, a man walked in and reported to Damaranch.

"President... Mr. Xiaozhi again.

"What a shocking thing to do again!"

Damaranch was not surprised to hear this man's words.small after all

Are there still few major events for King Zhi? One guess is accurate.

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