"Okay, we can just wait."

"sorry to bother you."

Jun Sha was relieved to see that the Dairubies started to act.After all, Dairubi is a canine Pokémon, and it should be quick to find it. At this time, Junsha also discovered what Xiao Huang was riding. Lei Huang.__

". This little sister, Xiao Zhi, is riding.

"Oh... Lei Huang, what's wrong_?"

Junsha and Joey don't know what to say now, after all, Emperor Lei is a divine beast. Is it okay for you to let your sister ride like this?


"Ahem...Although I know Xiaozhi, it's inappropriate for me to say that and I don't have a position, but is it okay for you to let your sister Xiaohuang ride the Thunder Emperor?"

"No problem, Lei Huang is quite happy, you see."

Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to Lei Huang, who can still chat with Xiao Huang, although only Xiao Huang was saying that he was roaring_

But this scene can't help but make Junsha and Joey believe.Lei Huang is indeed willing to let Xiao Huang ride, otherwise he would never talk and laugh with human beings so easily. After all, Lei Huang is one of the three holy beasts in the Chengdu area, and he still has his own pride.

"Ahhhhh, go to _ L! 1 Where do you get so many Darubies? Go ⊥_ 1!" 3_

Just when Xiao Zhi and Junsha Joy were chatting, three screams sounded.Then Musashi Kojiro and Meow rushed blood at a terrifying speed to Ash and their side, A and behind them was a bunch of gleaming-eyed Darubes. Now in their eyes, the Rockets are super mobile. dog food!

"Wang Khan, Sweat, Sweat," *N.

"Oh my god _⊥⊥ where did so many Darubies come from!"

"Who knows?" But I've

I have a guess"

"Me too! To be able to see so many Pokémon..."_

"Only that kid!"*3

Having said that, Miaomiao, the Musashi Thief, finally saw Xiaozhi e in front of them.

"It's not good, it's a kid!"*3

"...you guys...still don't accept the lesson...in that case,...who is Heluga L for!"_


With Ash's roar, the Derbys started to strike back and forth, and the Rockets knew.They are miserable.

"Better than boredom!"*3

Chapter [-] The Darubes


Today's Ruoye Town is still so peaceful.

"Better than boredom!"*3

Looking at Team Rocket flying away under a group of flames, Ash glanced at the little giant crocodile with Musashi hair in his mouth and asked

"They didn't bully you, did they?"


The little giant crocodile shook his head happily and threw out Musashi's hair.

"Okay, it looks like you're having a good time too.".

"Okay, okay, since you're all right, I'm relieved. Now

Let's go back to the institute. "

Junsha came over and saw that the little giant crocodile was all right, so she smiled and hugged Jiang Tang, and the little giant crocodile was also very obedient and did not move.

Then Xiao Zhi and the others returned to Dr. Kongmu's research institute, and now Xiao Huang has basically known each other with his fireball mouse.

"Fireball rat is good, it's so good.

Sitting on Lei Huang's body, Xiao Huang hugged the Fireball Mouse and looked around, and the Cong Ball Mouse was also very close to Xiao Huang because of the power of Vibrant Pan on Xiao Huang's body. ,

"It seems that Xiao Huang is having a good time with Fireball Rat. Then I can rest assured."

"Brother Xiaozhi, the fireball mouse is very good

"Really? That's good. Now let's visit Yi-Xiakong Mubo Shi. Then..._Hippo King."_

"Huh? What's the matter, boss?"

"If you don't want to be entangled.

"Okay, old lady, I will remember what you said.."

Although it's strange why Xiaozhi doesn't let himself speak, but Hippo King has been doing well since he started with Xiaozhi.So he doesn't have much time left.After all, Xiao Zhi couldn't possibly harm him.

When Xiaozhi's mother entered Dr. Kongmu's research institute, Kongmubo's eyes were high when he saw Miaomiao on the eleventh.

, and ran directly to Meow.

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