At this time, Xiao Zhi was very helpless because Mary Lu, Fat T and Shanaido were constantly hating each other by his side. Of course, they didn't really have hatred with each other, but for the throne they are now enemies A_._

"It's not a good thing to be popular.

Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi's situation and didn't know what to say. After all, Xiaozhi is suffering because of being too popular._

"Forget it... This shows that as a _ trainer, I am still very

Competent, right?"

Xiaogang didn't know if he should tell Xiaozhi that Shanaido was obviously wrong to him, but thinking that he might be hated by Shanaido because of this, Xiaogang shut up.

"Well.. Although it's a good thing to be liked by my Pokémon, being too popular is indeed a troublesome thing... Ash is working hard right now.

Lin looked at the three Pokémon who were arguing with jealousy and felt a little sympathetic to Xiao Zhi. After all, Xiao Zhi looks really hard now. L. Marylou and Fat Ding slapped each other on oZ7 in Xiao Zhi's arms, while Shanaido It's because she keeps looking at Xiao Zhi with her own eyes.

It seems that he wants Xiaozhi to understand his own intentions.

In this case, Xiao Zhi really felt that there was a lot of noise around him, but fortunately, the rescuer came.

"Go on the chrysanthemum leaves and hit them!"


As the voice sounded, Xiao Zhi walked over quickly. After all, if he didn't find something else, his three should start the war again.

But when Xiao Zhi walked over, he found out.It's a little girl with chrysanthemum leaves who is taking on Pokémon.And what she wants to conquer is a little Rada.

"Little Rada? It's really good. After all, the killer front teeth are-

: The door is unique. If you use it well, you can give the opposite side an unexpected big surprise.”


_“poil _”_

Hearing Xiao Zhi say that Little Radha is good, Marilou and Fat Worker instantly became anxious - they looked at Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi said helplessly while looking at the two jealous little guys.

"Okay. You two are cute..",


_“poil _”_

Seeing that Xiao Zhi worked so hard, the Duck Duck and Dumb Beast, who had been showing their heads in Xiao Zhi's bag, both sighed.


"Oh.." (It's really troublesome...2_It's hard work...Master, do you send it?_

Decachu was a little surprised to hear the words of Da Duck and Dumb Beast. These two idiots will also feel distressed? It's not easy._

At this time, Xiaoxia and the others also came.It's also a little surprising to see the trainer who is taking the Pokémon.No

"It's Chrysanthemum Leaf. It seems that this is one of the rookie trainers who set off from Kongmu Bo Shi."

Xiaogang was a little surprised when he saw the trainer who had subdued the little Radachi and started to sing, and the trainer also looked at the blood after he noticed that there was movement behind him.

After Xiaozhi and the others, they excitedly ran to Xiaozhi and Xiaohuang.

"Wow!. It's a yellow Pokémon! ⊥L I like yellow Pokémon the most!" Pop!

Before the little girl trainer could get close to Ash, he held her head and said it silently.

"Please don't be so self-conscious, thank you,

"Sorry...but I really like the yellow Pokémon 1, my name is Nana L and I'm a fan of the Dengeki Beasts!"

"Yama Nana...has the same name as my fiancee..."_ ,

"Are you taking advantage of me_?


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Nana looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly.However, Ash shook his head and took out the picture book to get a picture of himself and Nana of Dukan Island.

"Look, this is Nana from my family."

"22? There really is a ring!

Looking at Xiaozhi Nana with some surprise

"But isn't the Shock Beast team you're talking about the team that must be at the bottom every year? 2 To be honest, I don't dare to invest in the ball.

"What did you say

!Dengekimon_Team is amazing, how dare you insult my idol"."

Nana, who originally wanted to have a good chat with Xiao Zhi, was unhappy when she heard what Xiao Zhi said, and she didn't dare... After all, no one likes their idol being slandered.

However, Xiaozhi silently took the tablet from Miaomiao after looking at Nana twice and said e

"Look at it.. Basically every year in the baseball league, the Electric Shock Beasts are always at the bottom... Of course, I didn't mean to speak ill of them. But you know, you can do your best In the case of _, it has always been at the bottom of the electric shock beast_ team is also a passer

Weird as you say..

_"...It's so hot!! Come on up 1 Let's fight with Pokémon to decide the winner!"

Although what Xiaozhi said was the truth, Nana still couldn't accept it, so she challenged Xiaozhi.And Ash won't refuse a fight like this

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