Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 5: Hatching, 1st elf

In the blink of an eye, two days later, Tian Chi finished his breakfast hastily as usual, and stayed beside the elf egg.

The changes of the elf eggs have become more and more frequent these two days. He knows that this is a phenomenon that is about to hatch, so he simply quit his part-time job and guards the elf eggs in the house every day.

It is worth mentioning that the butcher shop owner did not deduct his salary after knowing that he was going to risk his life, but instead gave him 300 more alliance coins. Therefore, the original money on him is about 800 yuan plus the salary of these days.

When the elf egg appears abnormal, you don't need to keep it in the incubator to avoid the broken egg shell scratching the body of the newly born elf when the elf breaks its shell. Therefore, for the past two days, Tianji has been putting the elf egg on the chair, and put some old clothes of his own in the chair as a cushion.

"It should be soon, the hatching day is today" Tian Ci recalled the content taught in the general education class of elves in the school. As long as there is a change, it will hatch within two days, and today is the second day.

His elf egg is not a quasi-god, it is a rare and precious attribute of dragon type and super power type. So the hatching day should be today.

"I don't know what kind of elf it is. Is it possible that it is the seed of a wonderful frog! Picking up a royal family for nothing?"

Tian Ci made fun of himself when he talked, and he also knew that this was an extravagant hope.

As far as he knows, the Yu Sanjia ethnic group has long been firmly guarded by the alliance in his palm. Even if there are small groups in the wild scattered outside, there will be some news circulating nearby. They have never heard of this town since it was established. There has been a family of wonderful frogs.

In general, the black market sources of small towns and small cities are based on local materials. Only in famous big cities such as Hualan City and Golden City will there be elves from foreign regions.

"It should be walking grass or trumpet bud or Pylas. After all, these are the kinds that often appear in the Aoki Forest. I hope it is Pylas."

"Although Pylas can't evolve in three stages, its final evolution does not require evolution stones, and the mushrooms on it are also very valuable, hehe!" Tianci recalled the appearance of Pylas and couldn't help but think of the valuable mushrooms. Laugh out loud.

"Comparatively speaking, it requires evolution stones to evolve into a beautiful flower or an overlord flower. The Leaf Stone is a common evolution stone. The lowest level and low level also need 200,000, the middle level is 400,000, the top level is 800,000, and the best level is even more. It's priceless!"

After all, a good evolution stone can help elves improve their aptitude in the process of evolution.

Thinking that he may not be able to buy the evolution stone, and he has been with the smelly flower all the time, Tianji couldn't help shuddering, he didn't want to carry a smelly body. "The leaf stone is so difficult, the rarer sun stone, the price is almost several times that of the same quality leaf stone"

Tian Ci remembered Lijia, the owner of the Yuhong City Pavilion, who he saw on TV before. She has an overlord flower and a beautiful flower in each of her hands. Her powerful strength, beautiful posture, endless stunts, and proper white and rich beauty. , the money of evolution stone alone is enough for ordinary people to eat and wear for a lifetime.

"Oh, forget about the beautiful flower, I don't deserve it, and the trumpet bud is not bad, it's easy to support. I remember that this kind of common spirit was introduced in the book, so go look for it."

Tian Chi ran to the stack of books and dug out the "Compendium of Common Elves" from the old books. This book was led by Dr. Oki from the Kanto region, and gave the illustrated book to several excellent trainers, asking them to collect information during their travels, and then communicate with him. A book published by several other famous doctors and scholars, which basically covers all the elves that can be seen in Kanto, and introduces their habits and dangers.

This book is a book that everyone has at present. If there is anything or nothing, they will turn two pages. After all, no one can say that they will not be attacked by elves.

Tianji skillfully opened the catalog to find the grass system, and turned to the page of trumpet buds. In an instant, the introduction of a trumpet bud appeared in front of his eyes.

Elf Name: Trumpet Bud

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Introduction: The soft body can be bent, which can effectively help it avoid attacks. A liquid that can dissolve even iron is spewed out of the mouth. When it stretched out the vines to catch the little bugs to eat, it moved very quickly.

Note: Be careful with the solution and be careful not to be confused by the aroma in the wild.

"It seems that I prefer to eat insects. There are green caterpillars in the forest, and there are a lot of unicorns. If it is a trumpet bud, it is possible that the food cost can be saved, which is not bad." Tianci compared the three possible elves. After a while, he found that according to his current situation, Pylas should be the best, which can help him accumulate money quickly, and is also a good player in controlling the field.

If you walk on grass, although the final evolution of the beautiful flower is very strong and beautiful, the evolution stone is too expensive. It is estimated that you will have to guard the smelly flower for a long time. This stench is not tolerated by everyone, and in the early stage of walking grass Compared with the other two, it is a little weaker. Although there is no need for food, as long as it absorbs the nutrients in the soil, he is not here to raise pets.

If you don't feed energy-rich food, just look at absorbing the soil, you don't know how long it will take for grass to evolve into stinky flowers, so you still have to feed elf food. Among these three, it is obviously a late stage, and he himself does not know if it is really walking grass, can it last until the late stage.

The trumpet bud is the middle choice. It is a meat eater. After the food has been trained and fought in the early stage, it can go directly to hunt the green caterpillars and unicorns on the periphery of the forest. They have energy in their bodies, so it can be said that they save food. fee. You can also learn the three powders by yourself (hypnotic powder/poison powder/paralysis powder). It can be said that the field control is also a good player, the only disadvantage is that the final evolution type also needs the leaf stone.

The advantage of Pylas is that it can also generate income for him. After all, for him, whether he was a gangster in his previous life or living alone in this small town now, he has long understood the importance of money.

Suddenly, a crisp "click, click" woke him up from the difficulty in choosing. He quickly looked like an elf egg, and found that the elf egg had cracked a few cracks, through which he could see the green leaves inside.

Tian Ci couldn't help but feel mixed, "Luye, it's either a walking grass or a trumpet bud, no matter who it is, I will walk with you, come on! Little guy"

As if hearing Tianji's cheers, the elf inside became more and more forceful, and finally, with a cry of "Moo, Moo!", the elf egg completely shattered.

Appearing in front of Tianci is a 30cm or so, with roots that look like feet, the slender brown stems are its body, and then green leaves on both sides, this is its hand, on the top is a yellow one. On the bud, there are two cute, kind big eyes.

Tian Ci looked at the little guy in front of him, and said to him softly, "Welcome, Hornya!"


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