The more you move, the more you can stop the fifth-order new human.

Blocking the actions of the fifth-order new human, you can use the rule talent to completely seal it!

But Chen Xiao underestimated its terrifying and overbearing power.




The mountains are shattered one by one!

Even though he is restricted by the rules, he is so powerful just by relying on his physical body!

Chen Xiao cannot estimate how much the [Nine-foot Seal] can restrict him.

Because it is a bit like the bee girl using the [Queen Bee Barrier] on herself, the power is so strong that it is no longer afraid of the percentage limit!

Because even if it is only one percent, it can blow you up!

"Level 5... In my previous life, I would have died instantly if I met this guy."

"But now."

"I can only say."

"Take my halberd!"

The halberd that killed Li Taixuan, the door-carrying god, and the Level 4 new human in seconds before.

It was just my performance in the normal life form.

But now.

This is the strongest halberd after [Dragon Transformation]!

The blue halberd flashed with cold light, like a dormant dragon awakening instantly!

The sharp halberd tip firmly locked!

The head of the Level 5 new human!

The murderous intent was revealed, pointing directly at the bloody slaughter!




The blue light suddenly burst out, like lightning tearing through the steel field.



This halberd almost emptied Chen Xiao of all his strength.

The mountain and river map was quietly and quickly replenishing his physical strength.

And the Level 5 new human.

Chen Xiao's halberd pierced his head.

He lay straight down.

He looked like a common corpse in the apocalypse.

If no one said that this was a fifth-order new human, no one would believe such an outrageous thing.

At the fifth order, his behavior was no different from that of a human.

But his intelligence was still relatively low, and he didn't know how to run away or be afraid.

Once a sixth order appeared.

That would be a devastating disaster!

Because new humans of that level already have human wisdom!

They would even fight guerrilla warfare with you!

It's a headache just thinking about it.

Just as Chen Xiao was replenishing his strength.

While thinking quietly.

The eleventh monster at the gate of hell!

Came out!

Good news, he was not a sixth-order new human.

Bad news...

He was a god...

Standing opposite Chen Xiao at this time.

was a naked man whose gender could not be distinguished.

His outline was faintly visible in the dim light.

He was a little shorter than himself, with his arms hanging naturally.

And the most important thing.

It's his head!

It's a goat's head!

The sharp horns are spiraling upwards!

Those eyes look particularly sinister in the dim environment!


"I've heard of you."

"Jiangbei, Chen Xiao, right?"

"You can call me..."

"Sheep Head!"

Sheep Head opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of teeth.

Those sharp and dense teeth flashed coldly in the weak light.

And cruel.


Chen Xiao did not reply, only numbness.

Recognized himself at a glance? !

His eyelids twitched wildly, and he was pressed down hard by Chen Xiao.

He had only felt this completely abnormal pressure from the horse-faced man!

Is this really a normal difficulty? !

Now, is there anyone alive besides himself? !

Sheep Head!

What the hell is this horse!

This level... just appeared like this!

I was still thinking about awakening the second animal, maybe I would be able to fight the horse-faced one again.

But I actually met the sheep-headed one halfway? !

This is really a crazy game!


"According to the rules, I have to kill you."

"Are you ready?"



The next moment!

A dark vortex appeared under Chen Xiao's feet!

It was about to swallow him up in an instant!

But Chen Xiao reacted very quickly, and the divine wind pulled away, floating lightly in the air.

Looking down at the figure in the dark, vague and mysterious.

"Oh? You can fly."

"I'm really curious, what on earth are you, and who gave you the qualifications to call yourself a god?"

"Hehehe, you don't need to know."

The sheep-headed one smiled playfully, and with a wave of his big hand, a series of blazing flames gushed out like a mad dragon out of the sea!

It pounced on Chen Xiao with its claws and teeth bared!

This was not the end, thousands of dazzling ice stars fell like stars!

Suddenly appeared in the sky!

They intertwined and swirled in a dazzling way, swiftly

The whole steel corridor was quickly covered by it!





Chen Xiao's figure flashed in the space, and he kept retreating!

The black goat bloodline showed a very strong effect at this moment!

Even if he was attacked occasionally, he was almost unharmed!

"Horse-faced man said that you have great potential."

"You must be strangled."

"In fact, even if he didn't say it, I would do it."



A series of powerful rolling stones condensed from earth elements attacked again!

Accompanied by waves of terrifying light blue magic!


Not just light blue!

There is also bright red!

There is also dim purple!

There is also the familiar blue-green!


Seventy or eighty kinds of magic exudes terrifying power!

This is divine power!

It is venting madly, beating on the steel corridor like a waterfall!

The earth fire and lava danced together, and the thunderstorm rushed by!

The vast water mist lingered around, and the bright starlight resonated!

The ice crystals and gravel hovered in the air!

The dark abyss swallowed the light!

The stars and meteorites traveled and tumbled in it!

In just a few seconds!

The goat head has summoned nearly a hundred kinds of magic!

Still increasing!


Deafening buzzing!

Like the end of the world!

Everything will be destroyed!

Everything will be turned into dust!




A bold guess emerged in Chen Xiao's mind!

He knew that most of the people who awakened goats had magical talents!

And this goat today...

has shown too much magic!

Among them, there are some magical talents that he has seen!

Could it be that these gods...

have all the talents of a type of animal? !

This goat.

Is it the combination of goat talents? !

Thinking of this.

Chen Xiao's face turned ugly.

If this is true, it would be too scary.

This national destiny game really shouldn't be participated in.

In the first level, I encountered the Sheep Head!

Who knows if I will encounter some Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced monsters later!

How can I pass this level!


A terrifying rock directly smashed Chen Xiao hundreds of meters away!

This is really a mountain pressing down on my head!

It is ten times more terrifying than the "mountain" in the mountain and river map!

It rolled several times in the air and stopped by grabbing the ground tightly!

Now the good news is.

[Dragonization] + [Black Goat Bloodline] makes Chen Xiao's defense reach its peak!

The only thing that can cause damage to him is the terrifying boulder just now!

Thinking of this.

It's not that I don't have a chance of winning!

It can even be said that the only god I have a chance to compete with at this stage...

is the Sheep Head!

Because, his own bloodline...

But it's a black goat!

The disaster of the tribe!

After figuring this out.

Chen Xiao no longer retreated.

Instead, he slowly moved forward.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex armor covered him again.

The divine wind blew.

The eyes were extremely tough.


Want to kill the gods!

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