The monkey threw Charmander directly into the sky.

In the game, the earth throw is a fixed damage skill, but in reality, its damage is definitely more than a little.

The Charmander fell from the sky and hit the ground, leaving a pit.

The ground was stirred up and filled with dust.

When the smoke cleared, Bai Yi saw Charmander lying in it with his eyes spinning.

Seeing that Charmander had lost his fighting power, Bai Yi quickly took it back into the Poké Ball.

He was not too surprised by Charmander's defeat. After all, the level gap was here, and the monkey's qualifications were not worse than Charmander's.

So he thought Charmander's performance was very impressive, and he was only a little bit away from killing the monkey monster.

Of course, the monkey monster is in a very bad state now, with the negative effects of burns and unhealthy physical strength.

Bai Yi didn't say much nonsense and directly commanded Xiaobai to attack: "Xiaobai, use hot water."

The power of the hot water move is 80, plus Xiaobai's high level

Xiaobai's small body in front of Bai Yi suddenly inhaled, and the originally small mouthparts actually gathered strong energy.

A thick water column that can be hugged by one person shot directly at the monkey monster.

Xiaobai's use of moves is in a state of perfection, and the speed of this water column is very fast.

The monkey monster felt a strong threat from this attack.

He could only barely withdraw half of his body, but he was still hit hard.

The powerful impact of the water column pushed the monkey monster's body back, and directly broke the tree hole where the monkey monster lived.

Suffering such a huge injury, the monkey monster lost its ability to fight on the spot.

[System prompt]: "Xiaobai defeated Monkey Monster, and the item dropped: Get the Gentle Badge (Primary)"

Bai Yi rushed over and threw the Poké Ball first.

A red light flashed, and Monkey Monster was put into the Poké Ball.

Monkey Monster, who was already unconscious, could not resist of course. The Poké Ball shook left and right three times and captured Monkey Monster steadily.

Xiaobai happily ran over and picked up the Poké Ball and handed it to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi captured the Pokémon, and Xiaobai was also very happy.

Bai Yi took the Poké Ball: "Thank you, Xiaobai, we have a new partner."

After praising Xiaobai, Bai Yi smiled and opened the two Poké Balls. Because Poké Balls have simple healing effects, Charmander and Monkey Monster woke up.

Monkey Monster has accepted the reality. After all, it was too difficult for it to survive alone in the forest as a Pokémon, and it often lived a life of hunger and fullness. In the past, it had heard the elders in the tribe talk about trainers, that is, a kind of human who can guide you to become stronger and provide you with a living.

So Monkey Monster is still looking forward to the future life, and he is not resistant to Bai Yi.

Why fight? Please, Monkey Monster also needs to save face. What if the trainer thinks that he is not important?

So Monkey Monster fights with Charmander to show his value.

Ah~, I am really smart.

Bai Yi didn't know Monkey Monster's inner thoughts, and took out the powerful wound medicine to help Charmander and Monkey Monster to heal.

The treatment process is not troublesome. Spray the powerful wound medicine on the seriously injured area and eat a few orange fruits.

Bai Yi has prepared a lot of high-quality orange fruits in his backpack. These tree fruits have a miraculous effect on the elves that have just been injured in the battle.

After a treatment, Charmander and Monkey Monster are full of energy, but now the two Pokémon are a little tired of each other.

Charmander is naturally a little angry after being abused.

Of course, it only knows that Monkey Monster is stronger than it, so it is just a little unhappy.

Monkey Monster wanted to be the big brother, and of course it couldn't beat Xiaobai, so it wanted to show off in front of Charmander, but Charmander didn't even look at it.

Bai Yi looked at the two Pokémon like this, but he didn't care too much, after all, they just fought.

It's impossible to let them live in peace now.

Use the system to check Monkey Monster's data.

Monkey Monster/Other Color

LV: 25/Advanced

[Gender]: Male

[Attribute]: Fighting

[Feature]: Anger Point

[Qualification]: King Level

[Skills]: Grab, Stare, Gather, Kick, Grab, Chop with Bare Hands, Chase, Throw on the Earth, Survive from Desperate Situations (Inherited), See Through (Inherited)

[Status]: Other Color Pokémon, more emotional, amplify emotions.

Bai Yi focused all his attention on

In the Monkey King's skills, I have to say that these skills are very powerful. The two status skills of gathering energy and seeing through that increase your hit rate are never too many.

The inherited skill of desperate survival is definitely a turnaround skill.

The maximum power can reach 200.

In this way, Bai Yi successfully harvested a King-level Pokémon

Now Bai Yi has a champion-level, King-level, quasi-King-level, and gym-level Pokémon. Two of them are different-colored Pokémon.

I have to say that the distribution is quite even.

Don't think that King-level Pokémon are common.

In fact, it is difficult for ordinary Pokémon trainers to come into contact with them.

It was still early, because Bai Yi deliberately chose the early morning to find Monkey King, because it can avoid the attacks of many wild Pokémon.

It didn't take much time to capture Monkey King.

So after feeding Monkey King some energy blocks without attributes.

Then I continued to train in the forest.

After eating the Pokémon Cube, the Monkey Monster also became close to Bai Yi.

The current data of Charmander is as follows.


LV: 15/Intermediate

[Gender]: Male

[Attribute]: Fire

[Feature]: Fierce Fire/Power of the Sun

[Qualification]: Quasi-King Level

[Skills]: Grab, Call, Spark, Flame Fang, Flame Fist, Shadow Clone, Jet Flame, Reverse Scale (Inherited), Dragon Dance (Inherited)

[Qualification]: The terrifying potential is waiting for the day when it will explode in the body.

The current Charmander's attack skills are enough. There is jet flame for long-range and flame fist for close combat.

There are also auxiliary skills.

The only thing missing is defense skills.

Similarly, the Monkey Monster also lacks defense skills.

So Bai Yi plans to arrange Xiaobai to teach them defense skills.

The Monkey Monster and Charmander can learn from Xiaobai together.

Save teaching resources.

As for Magikarp, Magikarp generally cannot learn any skills at all.

Bai Yi just let it listen and didn't ask it to learn.

Guarding can directly resist all the damage of most skills.

Perhaps this skill needs good prediction to be used in the game.

But in reality, as long as the release speed is trained, this skill will be a magic skill.

So the training of the day began.

When Charmander and Monkey Monster studied together, they gradually got along harmoniously.

Of course, the two very aggressive little guys would still compete with each other to see who learned faster.

Bai Yi saw it but didn't stop it. Sometimes good competition can also promote their mutual growth.

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