The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Xiaobai successfully broke through himself in the battle, and the burst of courage made him successfully break the shackles.

He evolved into an armored warrior.

And because of his previous accumulation, his strength rose directly to the quasi-king level of 61 as soon as he broke through.

Bai Yi was full of pride when he saw Xiaobai's successful evolution.

He waved his hand and pointed at the fossil pterosaur in front and said, "Xiaobai, use a head-on attack."

Head-on attack: It has a power of 90, a hit rate of 100, and a very fast speed.

The only drawback is that it needs to be used immediately after it appears in order to be used successfully.

Xiaobai's head-on attack directly broke the destructive light of the fossil pterosaur.

He rushed towards the pterosaur in the face of the light.

The pterosaur saw that the opponent was coming up with his attack, and he increased his energy output, trying to block it.

But the armored warrior did not slow down at all and rushed in front of the pterosaur.

In the eyes of the pterosaur in disbelief.

The armored warrior's powerful blow almost made the pterosaur vomit bile.

He fell to the ground on the spot.

[System prompt]: "Armored Warrior defeated the Pterosaur, LV: 61-LV: 64, Items dropped: Gold Qualification Enhancement Fluid, Characteristic Capsule (Perfect Grade).

"Huh~" Bai Yi let out a long breath.

Although this wave was exciting, the harvest was particularly good.

Bai Yi took out a Poké Ball and threw it at the Pterosaur.

The Poké Ball took the Pterosaur in, but it jumped out just after it was taken in.

The Poké Ball was also scrapped on the spot.

This was the first time Bai Yi failed to throw the ball.

Looking at the Pterosaur motionless on the ground, Bai Yi threw another Poké Ball in disbelief.

It still jumped out, and the Poké Ball was scrapped again.

At this moment, all the members of the Rocket Team who survived the disaster came to Bai Yi's side under the leadership of the sturdy man.

They all knelt on one knee, bowed their heads and nodded.

Thanked Bai Yi in unison: "Thank you, great "People come to rescue me"

At this time, the sturdy man already thought that Bai Yi was the boss of his company, as for why he was wearing an ordinary team leader's uniform.

The sturdy man also imagined that Bai Yi was a big shot who was on a secret visit, and he might be here to test how well he did his job.

And Bai Yi was startled by the voice.

Looking back, he remembered that there were people from the Rockets next to him.

But Bai Yi felt a little confused when he saw the people in front of him kneeling down to him.

What's wrong? He looked down at his clothes and remembered that he was also wearing the Rockets.

Instantly, Bai Yi realized that they thought he was a senior executive of the Rockets.

Fortunately, he was also wearing a gas mask. The other party couldn't tell what he looked like

At this time, Bai Yi continued to pretend to play along with them.

Pretending to be old-fashioned, he said: "Get up, you guys should evacuate here first. "

Bai Yi thought about dealing with them first.

Then he continued to throw Poké Balls at the Pterosaur.

But no matter what, the Pterosaur went in and out again.

"Why is this happening? Bai Yi was a little confused. Even if a powerful Pokémon is hard to catch, it should at least shake once or twice."

Bai Yi was at a loss at the moment. Now there was a powerful Pokémon in front of him and it had lost its combat power.

But Bai Yi couldn't catch it. How painful it was.

At this time, the burly man next to him said respectfully to Bai Yi: "Sir, we found three strange Poké Balls in the first room. I wonder if we can help you? "

Bai Yi was obviously stunned when he saw the three ancient stone Poké Balls handed over, and he checked them with the system.

[System prompt]: Ancient Poké Ball: A special Poké Ball from a long time ago, which is very effective in capturing specific Pokémon.

Oh my god, is this a pillow sent to you when you are sleepy?

This Poké Ball is obviously used to capture these ancient Pokémon.

Looking at the sturdy man in front of him, he also became cute.

Bai Yi took the Poké Ball handed over by the man.

Throw one of them at the fossil pterosaur, and the red light took the fossil pterosaur in.

Sure enough, this time the fossil pterosaur did not come out directly, but began to shake in the ball.

Bai Yi's mood also shook violently.

After shaking three times, the ancient Poké Ball stopped shaking, indicating that the fossil pterosaur had been successfully captured.


Bai Yi walked over and excitedly picked up the Poké Ball.

He wanted to say "I successfully captured the Pterosaur!"

But seeing the Rockets staring at him, he couldn't say such shameful words.

Now, Bai Yi has gained a quasi-king-level combat power.

It's just that his character should be tempered.

At this time, the man walked to Bai Yi's side.

The originally honest face was now full of flattering smiles and compliments to Bai Yi.

"Congratulations, sir, for successfully capturing the Pterosaur."

Bai Yi didn't know what to say, after all, he was just pretending.

Adhering to the principle of talking less and making fewer mistakes, Bai Yi just nodded at him and replied "Yeah."

At the same time, Bai Yi guessed in his mind: 'Will this Pterosaur be handed over? '

After all, generally speaking, the Rockets will directly hand over the rare Pokémon they catch.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi calmly put the Pterosaur's Poké Ball into the Poké Ball slot on his belt.

Seeing Bai Yi so cold, the sturdy man was puzzled. He was so cold and wore a mask.

And he had never seen Pokémon before. Who is this big shot?

But since he came here, he must be here to check the work.

Although the sturdy man had a lot of inner drama.

However, he hesitated for a moment and said directly: "Sir, my name is Tatsumi, the person in charge of the Moon Mountain excavation plan. I don't know what your name is."

Bai Yi thought for a while and couldn't think of which senior executives of the Rocket Team were similar to him in size and Pokémon.

So he just made up a name.

"Just call me Zero."

"Zero?" Tatsumi searched hard for this name in his mind, but couldn't find any record at all.

Without thinking too much, "Sir Zero, is there any order from the headquarters?"

Bai Yi saw Tatsumi who was so easy to fool in front of him.

Suddenly, it occurred to him that Team Rocket had been digging here, so they must have some inventory, so he said tentatively: "I am here to inspect the results of this excavation plan."

Even if the other party saw through it, he had the strength to crush them, and the other party could not make any waves at all.

This is the benefit of having strength.

Tenji was a little confused when he heard it, and thought to himself: Why did you come so early this month?

But he still listened to Bai Yi and took out a small space bag from the back of his cloak.

He opened the space bag. Tenji directly poured out a pile of precious stones from the space bag.

"My lord, this is the result of this month."

The various stones on the ground that emitted light competed with each other.

Bai Yi used the system to check the stones on the ground.

"Moonstone (medium quality), Moonstone (inferior quality), hard stone, shell fossil, shell fossil, star sand, star fragments..."

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