The young man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Who are you? You broke into Yangjiabao without permission. This is a serious crime that will punish all nine clans in the apocalypse!"

"Don't make a mistake. Follow me into the Yang family's confinement and wait for Master Yang to come back and make a new decision!"

"Catch him!"

In Yangjiabao, the Yang family members didn't know that Chen Xiao had already killed all the elites of the Yang family.

Chen Xiao didn't go back to explain.

After all, this time he came here to flatten Yangjiabao!




In a flash, Chen Xiao didn't even use the long sword of water, and he killed people everywhere.

It was like entering an empty land!

"Monster! This is a monster!"

"Hurry up and rule the front line, there are enemies at home!"

"Xiao Liuzi just came back from the front line... said..."

"What did you say?!"

"He said... they are all dead, all dead!"



A huge roar, as if the sky is falling and the earth is cracking, shocking people's hearts.

One side of the wall of Yangjiabao was broken by Chen Xiao!

Amid the flying rubble, the broken wall was stained with bright red blood, as if the whole castle was swallowed by blood, which was shocking.

"You... we have no grudges, why do you..."


Before the man finished speaking, he was blasted into slag by Chen Xiao's bare hands, and his flesh and blood were scattered all over the ground.

"Because I said, the top three families must die."

"From the head of the family to the dog."

Chen Xiao's cold statement made the whole Yangjiabao fall into a deep hell.

What kind of monster is this, who can say such cold-blooded words!

"You are the devil!"

"How can there be a beast like you who kills innocent people!"

"What did my Yang family do to deserve your venting of anger!"

"Oh my God, we are the top three families, how can we..."

In the blood, the people of Yangjiabao had no idea of ​​resisting.

That violent and murderous devil was simply invulnerable!

Every step he took was killing people.

Every breath he took was shuttling between blood and flesh!

Yang Family!


As the blood flowed into the river, Yangjiabao became more and more gloomy.

Everyone saw a black figure walking out of it.

He was bare-handed and covered in blood.

Like a demon crawling out of hell!


A rumbling roar like thunder sounded, low, thick and penetrating.

It came from a mammoth approaching Yangjiabao!

Its existence is like a terrifying mountain, and every step it takes is heart-wrenching.




It stretched out its trunk and took the figure back to the sky.

Then it turned around and walked towards the horizon. The earth hummed under the mammoth's stomping, like an earthquake.

"Their direction..."


"He killed all the Yang family, is he going to destroy the Li family?!"

"How murderous is this man!"

Everyone was talking about it, and suddenly found that there were still people alive in Yangjiabao?

There were three people in total, running towards the wedding stage, and they were so scared that they almost wet their pants.

It was not until they came to the front that everyone knew why they were alive.

Because these people are creative carnivores!

[Fish Spirit], [Dog Spirit], [Horse Spirit]!

That killing god... is he going to set up a base? !

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes lit up!

No matter where it is, I must try it myself!

The base of such a peerless villain must be the safest!

"No, I have to inform the Li family, maybe I can get some benefits!"

Suddenly someone had a brilliant idea. If I inform the Li family at this critical moment...

As long as the Li family inheritance is preserved, maybe I can really get some benefits from it!

"You said it very well. It is a good idea to inform the Li family at this time."

"Is it... Hahaha brother, I will..."

The man laughed and turned his head to look at the brother who agreed.

The smile disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Yunhan: "Laugh, why don't you laugh?"





"Second Master, that person is coming straight to us!"

"I don't know what's going on with the Yang family, whether they can support the troops back, I always have an ominous premonition..."

In the main seat of the Li family, Li Shangming played with two walnuts with a low and cold face.

In front of him was [Dog Ear] who was sent out to gather information not long ago.

Suddenly, Dog Ear fell to the ground, his face changed drastically: "What?

! There is news that... said..."

Li Shangming urged hurriedly: "What are you talking about? Tell me now!"

"Someone said... Mr. Li was beaten to death!"


Li Shangming was shocked, and then he felt a roar.




The Li family looked eagerly toward the eastern sky through the window.

On the distant horizon.

A huge mammoth slowly emerged.

With every step it took, it looked more majestic and spectacular!

Brought an unprecedented sense of oppression!

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

"Suppress me with firepower!"

"Buzz! ”

“Bang bang bang——”

“Bang bang bang——”

A shadow was moving on the trunk of the elephant.

In a trance, it was like an immortal coming with his hands behind his back.

All firepower could only turn into ripples.

All damage seemed to be swallowed by a black hole.

Half an hour later.

Li family.


Next stop.

Zhang family.

Chen Xiao stood proudly on the trunk of the elephant, with a solid and powerful support under his feet.

The cold wind blew fiercely, making his bloodstained sleeves rustle.

Drops of bright red blood slid from the tattered cuffs, sprinkled on the ground like raindrops, reflecting a dazzling light in the sun.

At this moment, he is the God of Death on earth!

And the mammoth under his feet is his [Spirit World of The Gate of the Spirit World] can summon creatures.

The things that can be summoned by this gate of the spirit world are far more than just the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This was beyond his expectation.

Speaking of which, before the end of the world, he had eaten at least a dozen kinds of fossils.

If they can all be summoned, then there may really be ancient creatures such as pterosaurs in the future!


The capital.

The south.


At night, the moonlight was as bright as silver, falling on the quiet earth.

At this time, the Zhang family had already been ready.

They received the news half an hour ago that the head of the family and Yin Bai had died in the battle.

Now, there was no one left on the front line.

They brought out all the guns and summoned all the strong men to protect the last dignity of the upper three families.

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