The little devil dared to play tricks on us.

"Little devil, you dare to play tricks on us, it's really unforgivable."

Bai Yi reminded Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia who were stunned beside him in time: "Use the Poké Ball quickly!"

While speaking, he threw out his Poké Ball with Charmander in it: "Come out, Charmander."

The Poké Ball landed, a white light flashed, and Charmander made a brilliant appearance.

After "Awooo" came out, Charmander roared immediately, and flames sprang out of his mouth.

Xiaozhi also threw out a few Poké Balls, but they were all Rattata and Pidgeot, whose levels were too low. They hadn't fought yet, and they were frightened by Arbok's characteristics and fled in panic.

Xiaoxia couldn't be counted on, so she released a goldfish, but due to lack of water, it could only flutter on the ground and had no fighting power.

Even Musashi and Kojiro were upset by this scene.

Bai Yi held his forehead helplessly, his teammates couldn't lead him.

Kojiro was very excited.

"What kind of small characters are these, but this little brat actually has Charmander, this time he's making a fortune."

"Meow~, if I catch Charmander, I can replace that guy and become the boss's most beloved Meow Meow. Meow~" Meow Meow's dream now is this one.

"Go, Arbok (Gas Bomb)" the two shouted in unison.

"Two against one without martial ethics, Charmander, use the cry and then the spark." Bai Yi commanded calmly.

"Awoo~" Charmander roared again, but this time the sound wave had the energy of the elves, and when Arbok and Gas Bomb heard it, the energy in their bodies was partially restricted.

Then sparks came out of Charmander's mouth, and there were two sparks. After only one day of training, Charmander has already mastered the spark skill very well, and can now use it in two consecutive instants.

Charmander's level is now 10, which is only 3 levels lower than Gas Bomb, so the gap between them is not big

Gas Bomb on the field was hit by two sparks and immediately retreated. His expression became painful.

However, Arbok was not affected and rushed to Charmander.

"Arbok uses Tight Bind."

Arbok began to quickly wrap his body around Charmander.

"Get out of the way." Bai Yi used a magical skill.

But unfortunately, Charmander did not react in time to the spark skill, and was still entangled by Arbok after struggling.

Seeing that Charmander was entangled more and more tightly by Arbok, his expression gradually became painful.

Arbok spit out his snake tongue, and when it successfully used this trick, the opponent had been declared a failure.

It is very confident, and this Charmander will not be an exception.

"Well done, Arbok. Just increase the intensity." Musashi commanded outside the field.

Bai Yi was a little anxious. Once the snake wraps its body around the prey, it is difficult to break free. It seems that I have to use that skill.

Bai Yi quickly ordered: "Charmander, use Reverse Scale."

The Charmander on the field heard the order and a huge energy surged all over his body.

"Ouch~" Charmander roared. He stretched Arbok's body with both hands.

"Next, Flame Fist!"

Charmander listened to Bai Yi's quick command and flames ignited on his hands.

He stretched out his hand and punched Arbok, sending it flying backwards, and knocked down Musashi and Kojiro in succession before stopping.

You know, Reverse Scale can have a power of 120. Of course, this move is different from the turn-based system in the game. In reality, it is more like an enhanced skill.

When this move was used in conjunction with the Flame Fist, Arbok lost its fighting power.

It fell to the side like a dead snake, spitting out its tongue.

Musashi and Kojiro on the ground were shocked.

"? What happened? It was gone in one move?"

[System prompt]: "Charmander defeated Arbok, LV10-LV11 gets a level increase and drops items: Stubborn Badge."

"Huh?" Bai Yi exclaimed, something actually dropped, but he didn't have time to check it now.

"What kind of skill is this? How did this Charmander suddenly become so strong that it defeated my Arbok." Obviously, Musashi had never seen the dragon-type move of Reverse Scale.

Kojiro still commanded with no hope: "Gas bomb, use turbid mist."

"Gas~" The gas bomb immediately ejected turbid mist from its body and attacked Charmander.

Charmander, now in the Reverse Scale state, was fearless.

"Charmander, go straight ahead and use the Flame Fist."

He rushed towards the gas bomb while resisting the damage from the turbid mist.

At the same time, he was also damaged

The pain made Charmander even more angry.

The flame on the tail immediately rose, and the momentum became even stronger.

This rising fighting power made Bai Yi unhappy. He knew that this was the triggering of Charmander's characteristic, Fierce Fire. Although the current strength is very strong, it also means that Charmander's physical strength is almost at its limit.

Gas Bomb looked at Charmander rushing towards him, and the violent momentum scared it so much that it dared not fight anymore and ran to its trainer, Kojiro.

But now Charmander caught up with Gas Bomb in one step with the dual blessing of Reverse Scale and Fierce Fire.

It only took one punch to knock down Gas Bomb, whose health was already unhealthy.

[System prompt]: "Charmander defeated Gas Bomb, LV11-LV12, dropped item: Insect Repellent Spray."

"After using Insect Repellent Spray, it can drive away weak Pokémon, which is quite practical." Bai Yi thought.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were shocked to see Charmander explode twice in a short period of time.

Is Bai Yi's Pokémon so powerful?

Xiaozhi fell into self-reflection: He and Bai Yi started from the same place at the same time, why is he so strong? And I just came out and my Pikachu was seriously injured.

But the Rockets are the most uncomfortable now. Musashi Kojiro and Meowth are already sitting on the ground trembling in a ball.

"Meowth, it's up to you at this time." Musashi pinned his hopes on Meowth.

"Yes, Meowth, you can definitely do it." Kojiro also said.

But Meowth looked at Charmander, who had defeated two Pokémon in a short time, and was standing in front of him with a fierce momentum, and he wilted directly.

"Meow~ You guys go if you want~ Meow."

Although Meowth is level 25, it has basically forgotten about fighting. In terms of combat power alone, it is not much better than Arbok and Gas Bomb.

Just as Team Rocket was arguing, Charmander was already overwhelmed. With its current body, it was difficult for it to use a big move like Reverse Scale. Now it had the sequelae of using it - it was directly exhausted and fainted.

Bai Yi saw Charmander fall down and quickly collected it with the Poké Ball. Looking at the Poké Ball, Bai Yi said gently: "Thank you for your hard work, Charmander. You did a good job."

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia couldn't help but worry about Charmander. "What's wrong with Charmander?"

Bai Yi replied: "The reaction force of Reverse Scale has overdrawn some of its physical strength. Let Charmander rest for a while."

Physical overdrawn and near death are two states. Overdrawn physical strength does not need to be worried about Pokémon.

Hearing Bai Yi's answer, the two were relieved.

And Musashi Kojiro and Meowth felt that they were up again.

Musashi Kojiro began to be rampant.

"Hahahahaha, it looks like your Charmander is no longer effective, Meow Meow, it's your turn to perform."

"Meow~", Meow Meow confidently opened his paws and walked towards the crowd.

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