Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 104 Sun meditation, the most poisonous 【Subscription】


After feeling it for less than a minute, the wood turtle, who was in a much better condition, looked up at Shinji awkwardly.

Too much life force was used to directly make up for the previous consumption, and it was used up before I could feel it...

In this regard, Shinji did not say much, and directly took out a small box, took out a miracle seed from it and threw it into the mouth of the forest turtle.


The wood turtle who swallowed the seeds looked shocked.

Just now it was still regretting eating the precious props. Unexpectedly, the trainer actually has a box of such precious props? !

When you recover, take root and feel it!

Shinji tapped his head hard to get him to concentrate.

As for the miracle seed in his hand?

It is precious and the price is high, which led Shinji to collect such a little.


The forest turtle smiled and planted the roots that had just recovered a lot into the ground, continuing to feel the specialness of life force.

Two or three minutes later, the wood turtle raised his head in embarrassment, and looked at Shinji flatteringly.

This kind of seed is very powerful. After eating two, it feels that its body is almost healed. As for the feeling...it still needs a little time.

At the end, I will give you a few pills, and if you feel the same, try to swallow the energy balls and feel them together, so as to distinguish the difference for yourself.

Then try to collect life force into the growth training method system.

He threw a few miracle seeds into the wood turtle's mouth, patted the wood turtle's head and left, leaving this place for the wood turtle.


Looking at Shinji's back, the forest turtle chuckled.

Hanhan turtles have sugar to eat.

Then, begin to seriously feel the specialness of life force.

Shinji came to the group of elves who were communicating, and dragged Liuwei who was lying on the ground to bask in the sun.

Since you're not interested in communicating, let's train hard.

Letting go of Rokuo, Shinji ruthlessly deprived him of the time to lie down.


Liuwei let out a mournful cry, extremely wronged.

What about not arranging training content?

lie! Show face!

It's not considered normal training, do you want to learn? Shinji looked at Liuwei coldly.


Subconsciously shrinking his neck, Liuwei chose to accept Xiaozao from the trainer from his heart.

Maintain a sunny day, feel and absorb the power of the sun.

Because of the perception of life force, the sunny day released by the forest turtle has disappeared unconsciously.


The Six Tails glowed at the sound, and after launching Sunny Sky, it began to absorb the sun's light and power by using the sun beam method.

When he felt that the strength was almost absorbed, Liuwei looked up at Shinji, wondering what the trainer wanted to do more?

Solar beam power? Solar beam condensation speed?

That's not right~ If it's these two, it shouldn't be assisted by a sunny day.

Try to meditate, absorb and transform the power of the sun into spiritual power, superpower power, or try to transform fire attribute power.


Liuwei cocked his head, very confused, can this power still be transformed? It's not a wood turtle, so it shouldn't be able to do it.

Meditation attempt.

After giving Six-Tails a headache and asking him to close his eyes obediently and try to meditate, Shinji couldn't help but think of a certain Sun Ibrahimovic who happened to see in his memory who had mastered this special training method of Sun Meditation.

Although Sun Eevee naturally feels the power of the sun better than Liuwei, but is Liuwei worse?

Regarding the feeling of the power of the sun, both the fire attribute and the grass attribute are considered to be the best.

In addition to being the first to master the front skill Sun Beam, Liuwei's ability to feel and absorb the sun's power will not be much weaker than Sun Eevee, learning this meditation technique should not be a problem.

The problem is that he doesn't know the specific method, he can only propose ideas and theories for him to try.

Specifically how to do it and how to study it still depends on Liuwei's talent to understand and try.

This is one of the reasons why Shinji is unwilling to subdue the low-talented elves.

The talent is poor and I can't keep up with the rhythm. I can come up with reasonable theories and ideas, but you can't think of a specific way to do it. What do you want?

I have already written the recipe, but you can't make a dish according to it? That's a real dish.

Try hard and find a way by yourself. As long as you succeed, your road to becoming stronger will be much easier in the future.

After Shinji said this, he handed over space and time to Liuwei.

With sun meditation, moon meditation should be able to be developed theoretically. For example, Moon Eevee who can use moonlight and Xanadu, who can use the power of the moon, can try to develop this meditation.


Shinji glanced at Xanadu who turned his head away when he saw himself, and gave up the idea.

Disobedient, bet on yourself, less talented, too lazy to teach, then throw it to my brother and forget it.

The same elf, in the eyes of different people, is a completely different existence.

Of course, another reason is that if you teach the moon meditation technique, you may have to release it to bask in the moon every night, which is very troublesome. If it is a small Moon Eevee, it’s okay to say, Xanadu will be fine.

Anyway, for Xanadu, Shinji's biggest expectation is to give birth to more balls, and if he has a good talent, he can consider cultivating them.

Shuangrenwan, come here.

After finishing the arrangement on Liuwei's side, Shinji set his sights on those elves who gathered together to communicate.

There is nothing to teach the circle bear. The attack mode, combat mode, and skill pool are almost the same now. It only needs perseverance. After developing it, work hard to train and develop it.

The pincertail scorpion doesn't have much to teach. If you want to teach skills, you can't teach those things yourself. Anyway, you can go to Veil City in these two days, so there is no need to find a video to learn.

When they arrived at Curtain City, they directly threw it to Lei Si's Dragon King Scorpion for teaching.

Shinji trusts Dragon King Scorpion very much.

Maybe the strength is not as good as that of Aliu, but what can be learned from him is definitely more than that of Aliu!

After all, Shinji did his best to cultivate that guy.

The only thing that needs to be mentioned is that...

Craptail Scorpion, you will try to combine the three moves of Poison Tail, Poison Fang and Poison, so that all of your attacks are highly poisonous, allowing the opponent to be highly poisoned 100% of the time.

Shinji knows the power of the scorpion's special toxin, and also knows that he consciously makes the attack highly poisonous, thus securing the victory.

But this is far from enough and requires continuous training.

Until the opponent is hit by any touch move or poison attribute move in the battle, the opponent can be 100% poisoned, and this is considered the most poisonous person.

Those with the greatest poison will die upon touching it.

Even if you don't die, you will be poisoned!

In this regard, Shinji doesn't really appreciate the fierce power line of Aliu's Dragon King Scorpion.

Compared with many elves in terms of strength, the dragon king scorpion is really not strong, no matter in reality or in the game.

And in many cases, it is embarrassing to have power without absolute power.

Just like before when the Dragon King Scorpion was limited in its movement power, the difficulty in escaping from the shackles of the forest turtle is the best manifestation.

To really become stronger, it is better to poison the development and apply acupuncture!


The Pincertail scorpion waved its claws in response. It also knew that its toxin was powerful, so it was also working hard in this direction. It didn't expect to get together with the trainer.

The tone of the growth training method has been set, and the meditation technique is almost done, and the follow-up will be various things in the cultivation room.

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