Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 122 Seven Stars Battle, Meal Time

Lizhi Lakeside, Seven Star Restaurant

Is this the one? The so-called most famous restaurant of Sinnoh in the legend? Marketing is really good.

Shinji looked at the huge restaurant in front of him, with the seven-star logo above the door, and slowly opened the door.


Seeing a guest coming, the attendant bowed slightly to welcome him.

Excuse me, can I eat here without a reservation?

Shinji said straight to the point, if it wasn't for a whim, he wouldn't come here to eat, and naturally he wouldn't make an appointment.

You can eat, but you may need to wait for a while, it will be your turn later...

The attendant said with a smile, the door behind him suddenly opened, and a delicate girl rushed out, her eyes were crystal clear, as if she was about to shed tears at any time.

Ah~ woo~ I lost again, when will I be able to eat the food here... woo woo...

Got to go……

The attendant wanted to greet the girl politely, but the heartbroken latter ignored her and rushed out covering her face.

The familiar attendant didn't feel embarrassed, and led Shinji into it.

Since you have to go through a challenge to eat here, can you release elves during the meal?

Following behind him, Shinji asked.

There is no conflict between enjoying the food and enjoying the food with the elves. If it is not possible, then for Shinji, it seems that the challenge is of little significance.

Walking into it, what appeared in front of it was not a restaurant, but a battlefield. At the end, there was a rich young master and a rich lady who seemed to be lovers.



As long as you win against us, you can bring the elves to enjoy the food inside, but it is forbidden to make loud noises that affect other guests, and it is also forbidden to cause damage.

Before the attendant finished speaking, he responded to the young master and lady who heard Shinji's question on the battlefield.

The attendant introduced: The two of them are the owners of the restaurant—Master Qianqiu and Miss Qianxia. As long as you defeat them, you can enter to eat there. If you fail, you can only go back home.

Excuse me, are you ready?

let's start.

In the battle, Shinji was never afraid. Knowing the rules here, he took out two poke balls and threw them out.

Fangtooth Shark, Electroshock Beast, prepare to fight!



Fangtooth Shark and Electroshock Beast looked at each other, knowing that it was a post-war combination.

Brothers are of one heart, and their strength can break gold!

Chiaki: Nice elf

Qian Xia: Let's come too.

The two looked at each other, took out their elf balls and threw them out at the same time.

Qianqiu: Come on, Roentgen cat!

Qian Xia: Come on, jackrabbit!

The heroic roentgen cat and the lively and enthusiastic long-eared rabbit appeared one after another. The two elves seem to fight frequently without any stage fright.

It was the first time to play a doubles match alone, and Shinji didn't have the slightest idea of ​​letting go.

Fangtooth Land Shark, Dragon's Dive!

Electric Beast, use Thunder!


Fangtooth Shark roared, his calm eyes suddenly changed, several bloodshot eyes appeared, his body was permeated with murderous aura and after locking the long-eared rabbit, the red-glowing body threatened the latter while rushing towards the latter.

After many times of training, the current fangtooth shark is much stronger than it was at the beginning, even if it arouses the murderous aura normally.

Therefore, the moment he was killed and locked, the long-eared rabbit only felt as if his body was in an ice cave, the cold was piercing to the bone, and he froze in place.


The Electric Shock Beast didn't watch the show either, and lightning surged out of its body in an instant, followed by the Fangtooth Shark and hit the opponent.

As soon as the thunder struck, the Electric Shock Beast disappeared in place like lightning.


The long-eared rabbit was so frightened that his feet wobbled, and he trembled and stood there in a daze.

Roentgen cat, block the murderous aura, freeze your teeth!

Qianqiu said decisively.


After agilely jumping sideways in front of the long-eared rabbit to block the murderous aura, the roentgen cat sprinted towards the sharp-tooth land shark with all its strength, and the teeth in its mouth were filled with cold air.

When he rushed to the front, he bit down on the sharp-toothed land shark.


The Fangtooth Shark was naturally not to be outdone, and collided head-on with it.

Since the lightning struck by the Electric Shock Beast was right behind the Fangtooth Shark, as soon as the two elves collided, the lightning wrapped the Roentgen Cat and the Fangtooth Landshark together.

The roentgen cat, which is an electric attribute, is resistant to electricity, and the power of thunder will be weakened, but the land shark, which is a ground attribute, is even more immune to the power of thunder and lightning that does not crush itself.

In the midst of the thunder and lightning, the Roentgen cat could hold on for a few more seconds, but it was about to be unable to hold on immediately after being hurt by the thunder.

Jack-eared rabbit, cheer up, use the freezing beam to attack the sharp-tooth land shark!

Seeing this, Qian Xia hurriedly said.

The long-eared rabbit was also relieved from the murderous aura at this moment, a mass of energy was condensed in his hands, and he was about to launch a freezing beam at the sharp-toothed land shark.

As long as this trick hits, the Fangtooth Shark, which is severely restrained by the ice attribute, will definitely suffer a lot of injuries, and then the Roentgen Cat will reverse the situation.

But will Shinji really let them move so smoothly?

the answer is negative.

Electric Beast, split tile!

The Electric Shock Beast, which disappeared in place just now, appeared above the long-eared rabbit's head, and slashed down on the long-eared rabbit's head like a knife with all its strength, mercilessly interrupting the frozen beam that had not yet been released.

The effect is outstanding!


The jackrabbit who was being attacked froze in place, and fell limply to the ground after the Electroshock Beast stopped.

With a kick of both feet and closed eyes, it is obvious that he has been transcended by physics.


On the Fangtooth Shark's side, without the help of Jack Rabbit, the situation was one-sided.

After Long Zhifu charged the Roentgen Cat back, his two dragon claws landed on its head, making the Roentgen Cat follow in the footsteps of the long-eared rabbit.

This is the loss?!

How can it be……

The ace elf in his hand was solved by Shinji in an instant, which made the wealthy couple a little unacceptable. They took back the elf with tears and let Shinji enter the meal.

The first doubles ended so easily, but Shinji didn't fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to use his poisonous tongue skills against the rich couple.

But thinking about it, planning to dine in other people's restaurants, and calling them bad food is somewhat wrong, so I gave up.

It is by no means afraid of others adding ingredients to the meal.

Let's go.

Greeting the two elves around him, Shinji entered the restaurant.

There are already many people dining in the restaurant at the moment, most of them are a combination of a man and a woman, and a few are of the same sex or alone.

The identities are extremely rich, young masters, gentlemen and ladies, artists, young girls...

Shinji, who entered the arena with two elves, naturally attracted the attention of others, but it's not that Shinji has never seen a big scene, so he didn't pay attention to so much.

Come out and be quiet.

As a dining hall, the area and height must be sufficient. After finding an empty corner to sit down, Shinji released the other two.



After the circle bear and the forest turtle came out, they found that their positions were slightly different from usual, and they immediately crawled or sat quietly on the ground according to Shinji's words.

Fangtooth Shark tried to sit on a chair, but found that the tail was too difficult to sit on, and gave up immediately, and sat down on the ground next to it.

Seeing this, the Electric Shock Beast sitting on the chair resolutely abandoned the chair and sat in front of the younger brother, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

The appearance of so many elves not only stunned the customers, but even the waiters were a little startled. Paying attention to the movement of these fierce and cute elves, they carefully moved small steps from the side to approach Shinji.




Hearing this strange movement, the three elves turned their heads and glared at the waiter at the same time, their eyes full of kindness and vigilance.

It seems that as long as the waiter dares to move around, they dare to teach him how to behave.

That... I'm here... to order food.

Swallowing, the waiter said tremblingly.

Everyone relax.

Shinji gave the group of guys a look, and the three elves turned back obediently.

Give me the menu.

Seeing that the three elves were honest, Shinji took the menu and began to look at it.

Braised tail, seven-star selected pork chop, seven-star roast duck, seven-star carp soup... that's all.

After filling up with more than a dozen names, Shinji stopped and returned the menu to the waiter.

Sorry, I have so much to ask, can you eat it?

the waiter asked.

Several of these dishes are specially labeled large portions of ingredients, and people with average appetites may not be able to finish a portion.

I can finish it.

Shinji took a look at this group of guys who were one size bigger than the elves of the same family, and was not worried about wasting food at all.

Okay, please wait.

The attendants retreat tactically.

Soon, one dish after another was brought up from the back kitchen. Seeing that the table couldn't fit, Shinji asked him to put all the dishes in front of the elves, and sat next to them to eat together.

It was probably the first time for me to come to a famous restaurant and sit on the floor with an elf, and it attracted the attention of the people around me.

But to be able to come to this kind of place to eat, in addition to strength, the quality is not low, and I didn't bother Shinji to accompany the elves to eat

The first four dishes were the most conspicuous. The huge dinner plate, exquisite appearance and pleasant smell immediately attracted all the elves, and the greedy elves drool.


Shinji divides it equally into four portions, and every elf can enjoy this unique delicacy.

Okay, let's go.

After the words fell, the elves gulped down the food as if they hadn't eaten for a few days.

There is still plenty of time, so don't worry.

After saying a word, Shinji also moved his chopsticks.

Enough is enough, don't eat.

After eating half full, Shinji saw that the forest turtle was staring at other meats, and he sternly rejected its desire. He brought a few special cold dishes and vegetarian dishes in front of the forest turtle, and said:

Grass attribute elves, eat more vegetarians.


The forest turtle screamed aggrievedly. Looking at the elves who were eating meat next to them, they felt the discrimination for the first time.


Circle Bear patted the Forest Turtle on the shoulder, stuffed a large piece of meat into his mouth with a silly smile, and comforted the Forest Turtle——

You are all brothers, you are welcome, we will help you solve your share! ▼v▼

Ah... lol


The electric shock beast and the sharp-toothed land shark with their mouths full next to them nodded in agreement, and cast a believe in brothers look at the forest turtle, and continued to fight with their mouths in their hands.


The helpless wood turtle had no choice but to give up, lowered his head and tasted other dishes, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Feeling that this vegetable is much more delicious than meat, the forest turtle secretly glanced at other vegetarian dishes that it hadn't touched before, and immediately lowered its head and began to eat, rushing to finish all the few vegetarian dishes before other elves.

All the elves were satisfied with this meal, and felt that they had made a profit, and ate more meals from other elves.

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