Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 127 New props, this Liuwei is really inferior 【Subscription】

In the evening, the spirit center

Hello, brother.

Shinji stood in front of the communicator and looked at Leisi on the screen.

How is the battle with Mr. Jixian today?

Reiss, who was sweating profusely, asked.

I've already got the badge, Shinji flashed the badge, and seeing Leisi panting and sweating, he asked, Brother, what are you up to?

Recently, there have been a lot of things going on. All of them have been rushed, and they have to work overtime.

On the screen, Lei Si sighed.

Since that's the case, I won't bother you more, brother, let's replace the elves first.

Well, okay, let's send it now.

Shinji took out the Pokeballs of the forest turtle, pintail scorpion, fangtooth shark and circle bear and sent them to Leisi one by one, and got the six-tailed Pokeball from Leisi.

Send so many elves back at once?

Reiss, who received four elf balls, was a little confused. Isn't this wrong, just keep three elves on him?

Afterwards, we plan to go to Shuimai City by boat. It's inconvenient to train them. Let them go back for training first.

Shinji briefly explained after putting the six-tailed Pokéball back into his pocket.

No problem, I will settle it... I still have some things here, so I will hang up first and contact you later.

In the middle of speaking, Lei Si suddenly heard the voice of the staff outside and smiled helplessly. When he hung up the call, a faint sentence came from the communicator-Well, pay attention to rest.

Yes, and you too.

Looking at the blacked-out screen, Reiss smiled, and after sorting out his mood, he left home with four poke balls and resumed his busy work.

On the other side, Shinji went back to his room to rest, preparing to rush to the port early the next morning and sail directly to Water City.

Early the next morning, Shinji boarded a special cruise ship sailing in multiple regions.

The cruise ship is still huge, including the event hall, swimming pool, and commercial street.

The boat didn't stay for a long time. Less than an hour after Shinji boarded the boat, it started to start.

The hull area is quite large, and there is a normal battle field for trainers to fight, but it is forbidden to use digging holes, earthquakes, ground cracks... and other moves.

After uploading, Shinji went to take a look at the battlefield. Maybe it was too early, and there were only a few chickens pecking each other on the field, which was not interesting.

Ever since, Shinji turned around and walked towards the commercial street.

The commercial street on a cruise ship is quite a special place, and generally only large or luxurious cruise ships have this kind of place.

The street is not long, and there are a few shops in it, clothing, props, elf clothing, specialties from all over the world...

Shinji, who was not interested in other things, went directly into the item shop to check what items were for sale.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the strength suit he bought in Curtain City and the compulsory exerciser he also had in his hand.

Welcome, please feel free to watch.

The store manager, who was arranging the props, saw the visitor and immediately welcomed him.

Shinji nodded slightly and walked into it.

The first thing that catches the eye are powerful props such as electric balls, auspicious fists, green onions, thick bones, etc. However, since Shinji does not have these elves, he is not interested, so he skips them directly.

After entering it for a while, attribute enhancement items appeared in Shinji's eyes.

Miracle seeds, magnets, curse charms, black glasses... and all kinds of incense, props, but Shinji is not interested at first glance, after all, he has been consciously collecting these props.

He even has a box of Miracle Seeds, so how could he be short of relatively common props such as charcoal, magnets, and black glasses?

To know the high-quality dragon's tooth, he still has one in his props room at home.

Looking all the way, Shinji took it off with interest until he saw a special drop-shaped gemstone pendant.

Mysterious water droplets can increase the power of water attribute moves.

Compared with Miracle Seeds, Dragon's Fangs, and Cursed Talismans, Shinji just doesn't have items that are rarer in number.

Although I feel that I don't need it, Shinji doesn't mind collecting it.

Continuing to look down, there are a bunch of battle-affecting props, such as sand and sand rocks, large mulch, clay of light... and a three-piece suit of glasses, scarves, and headbands.

These Shinji also have them. Compared with props such as leftovers, these props are not practical. Pay attention to series of props, and they can be very powerful in the game.

In reality... um... it affects the operation, so it won't work.

Until he saw the innermost part, Shinji finally saw the props that interested him-a special gemstone pendant and an exquisite protective gear.

These two props are called the Purity Pendant and the Specialty Protector. One can prevent the opponent from lowering the level of ability changes, and the other can protect the spirit's characteristics from being changed.

Especially the former, it is a very practical prop for Shinji.

Excuse me, do you still have this thing?

Shinji looked at the store manager and asked.

These two items are very rare, and Shinji hadn't collected them before, so it's a surprise to be able to get them now.

Sorry, the number is limited, there are only two, and I got it by chance.

The store manager said embarrassingly.

That's all.

After taking the three props to the counter to check out, Shinji left directly.

The pure pendant has a lot of meaning for several of Shinji's elves.

The infinite growth of the forest turtle, the motivating tactics of the electric shock beast, and the claw-grinding acupuncture tactics of the pincer-tailed scorpion are all tactics that can continuously improve the ability level.

As long as you wear a clean pendant to prevent being dropped by the opponent, and after your ability is improved, not to mention almost invincible in the same level of battle, it may be easy to cross-level battles.

Shinji probably walked around the commercial street in the back, and left directly after finding nothing of interest.

Back on the deck, Shinji released the three spirits he was carrying.




The three elves appeared successively in good condition.

The weather is fine, let's swim as a training item.

After looking at the weather and the high-speed ship, Shinji said.



Electric Shock Beast and Double Blade Maru can swim and are not afraid of water. There is no objection, but Liuwei is different.



Glancing at the swimming pool next to him, Liuwei instantly became pitiful.

It's not that it can't swim, but as a fire attribute elf, it hates and fears water.

Today, your task is very simple, that is to overcome your fear of water.

Shinji said after grabbing Liuwei and throwing it into the uninhabited swimming pool.

You can hate water, but you can't be afraid of water. This is Shinji's requirement for Liuwei.



With a scream, Liuwei successfully fell into the water and turned into a drowned fox.

As soon as he fell into the water, Liuwei subconsciously wanted to use his supernatural power to fly up.

Just after floating into the air, looking at Shinji's impassive eyes, Congxin's little fox slowly fell back into the water by himself.


At this scene, the Electric Shock Beast who was watching couldn't help laughing.

This six tails is really inferior~

Swimming, show me back!

What are you still looking at, why don't you go swimming?

Turning around, Shinji pointed to the boundless sea beyond the cruise ship and said.



The two elves were stunned at the same time, glanced at the cruise ship sailing at high speed, and then at Shinji, making sure they were not joking.

For a long time, swimming and swimming are different, right?

They really thought it would be a relaxing day for them!

When swimming, Electrokia can use self-motivation and electromagnetic levitation skills to accelerate.

Pay attention to feel the rhythm of waves and water currents, try to exercise water jets and water wave knives, or try to learn surfing moves, and apply the knack of surfing to water jets.

Today is training your stamina, speed and control.

After finishing speaking, Shinji said coldly: Go into the water.


Shuangren Wan, who had been working hard and did not resist training, jumped into the sea without saying a word, and started exercising.

The Electric Shock Beast gave Shinji a resentful look, and obediently jumped into the water, and began to exercise speed, physical strength, and control.

Since Shinji didn't say when he would come up, the two elves didn't explode their power randomly.

Instead, I am looking for a trick to save effort and high speed, and keep sailing at a speed similar to that of a cruise ship

The training of the two elves was on track, so Shinji came to the pool to take care of the fox, who was afraid of water, and let him take a good bath, swim, and dive.

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