Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 131 The hunted little yellow hair, the ruins

Other elves may be born huge and encounter adventures the day after tomorrow.

But Shinji's forest turtle is definitely based on the growth training method, so that it can be a big one after evolution.

Just like now, the forest turtle has already reached the level where it can explode and evolve, but because the natural power of the growth training method has not been fully mastered, it has not deliberately evolved.

It's just waiting for the natural growth and evolution when the power is completely sufficient.

Well, I believe you.

Minghui directly gave Shinji a you say I believe you or not look.

As you please.

Shinji said casually.

Looking back at the ground, a large number of steel attribute elves passed out on the spot, motionless.

If it had been before, Shinji would definitely have captured and scanned all of them one by one when he saw this scene.

But because he had observed carefully for two days before, Shinji didn't find any elf with particularly outstanding talent, so Shinji, who was full of elves, didn't choose to subdue him.

Rather than subdue him, Shinji wants to know which bastard is hindering his elf training.

It's really strange. What's going on? These elves went crazy for no reason.

Looking at the elves with corpses strewn across the field, Ming Hui was also full of doubts.

What's wrong with the island?

Shinji subconsciously began to recall the plot related to Gang Steel Island in his mind.

Ah!!! Help!

Damn it, damn it! Stop chasing him, you'll be fined!

Damn it!

In the distance, there was a sudden exclamation, and then a little yellow hair who was chased away by the steel attribute elves headed by Emperor Nabo appeared in the vision of Shinji and Minghui.

Axun, why is this guy being chased by his own emperor Nabo with the elves? It's a shame...

Seeing this scene that looked like a world-famous painting, Minghui couldn't help raising his forehead.

This situation, including the elves of the two, couldn't stand it.


Electric Shock Beast: Yo, isn't this little yellow hair? Long time no see, why is it still so rubbish?


Electric Beast, charge and thunder!

Shinji, who had long been accustomed to Ah Xun, had no waves in his heart, and pointed to the group of steel elves and said.


The excited electric shock beast laughed and started charging. After the charging was over, the thunder suddenly came, and a terrifying lightning bolt was sent towards the group of steel attribute elves.

This thunder strike has eight times the normal power.


Under the blast of five thunders, the group of elves fell to the ground instantly.

Ah ~ punishment...

Ah Xun, who was running wildly, felt the thunder and lightning, and found that the elf behind him screamed in pain and then lost his voice, and ran back to Emperor Nabo in grief.

Emperor Napoleon, how are you? Are you all right?

In the end, after the emperor Nabo was still included in the ball, Ah Shun looked at Shinji and his elves with complaints, and said:

Shinji, play lightly, Emperor Napo has been injured so badly, he will be fined!


Shinji snorted coldly, ignored it, and continued to recall the memories related to Iron Island.

He vaguely remembered that it seemed that the Galaxy team used the remains of the island, the key of the gun and the device made of meteorites to find the location of the pillar of the gun on Tianguan Mountain.

If it is successfully found, the next step is probably to gradually consider capturing the three holy mushrooms to make red chains and the like.

In the animation, the plan was stopped by Xiaozhi and his party and Yaxuan. The bomb was wrapped by Yaxuan and Lucario with the power of waveguide and exploded in the air.

But that's just an animation, can the two of them really protect the bomb that can blow up the island?

Shinji had no hope of that.


Is the alliance so useless?

He has tipped off so many units, and the meteorite can still be snatched by the Galaxy team.

A Xun, what's the matter with you? Minghui asked.

Emperor Nabo and I were training at a high place inside the island just now. I just saw that you were about to come over, and suddenly Emperor Nabo did like that, and then you will know...

After a little explanation, Ah Xun suddenly remembered the strange things he seemed to see on his escape route, and said:

However, just now I seemed to see a large area sunken out of thin air, and the color inside was also different from other places, as if there were still people there.

Could something go wrong and drive the elves crazy?

It's very possible, go and have a look at us, solve the incident, and continue training.

Minghui suggested.

You can take a look.

Shinji nodded in agreement.

After all, it's not an animation, who knows if the Galaxy team will find the pillar of the gun soon, and then leave the bomb blast and leave directly.

Instead of running away, it is better to face and solve troubles.

After retracting the Dragon King Scorpion and Circle Bear that moved too much into the ball, Shinji took the lead in rushing in that direction.

Minghui followed closely behind with Elf and Ah Xun.

At this moment, there is a newly excavated relic on the island, which contains a palace that has not been excavated and a statue of the time and space gods.

In the ground in front of the statue, there is still an unexcavated conical iron pillar carved with inscriptions.

At this moment, the Galaxy team is frantically analyzing the ruins. A machine releases low-frequency waves to resonate with the ore pillar, trying to release the power of the gun key through the ore pillar and find out the location of the gun pillar.

However, the analysis takes time, at least one hour before the analysis is successful, and the beam of light is launched to find the pillar of the gun.

However, due to the luck of the Galaxy team, the plan has not yet started, and the three of Shinji have arrived at the edge of the ruins, observing the internal scene.

It's Team Galaxy again.

Ming Hui said with a suppressed voice, it could be seen that he had a very poor sense of this group of guys.

Damn it, are these guys the ones who caused Emperor Napoleon and the elves to riot? Let them fine you!

A Xun's senses are not very good.

Shinji didn't reply, and carefully observed the situation below.

I saw that the Galaxy team had already released dozens of big-mouthed bats to patrol the air, and as long as there were rioting elves, they would all be shot down in a pit.

Among the Galaxy players with uniform turquoise haircut, a red-haired woman in a slightly strange attire was very conspicuous. She seemed to be the cadre of the Galaxy team, and beside her was an extremely fat Dongshi cat.

When you're ready, go directly.

Shinji was not one to hesitate. After confirming his strength, he gave a gesture to the elves behind him.

All the elves launched enhanced skills together to prepare for the subsequent surprise attack.

Everyone, get ready too.

Minghui and his elves also follow Shinji's study.

Strengthen and then move, first pull out the full strength, and swarm up, anyway, they are bad guys, there is no need to talk about martial arts, first catch them all, and then say something else.

Mike Eagle, Heracross, and you too.

Since Shinji and Minghui released a large number of elves, he released two flying elves.



Less than ten seconds after strengthening, a loud roar appeared behind Shinji and the others.

A gigantic steel snake burst out of the ground and slammed into the crowd.

With such a large number of elves, there was no reason for the trainers to be injured. All the elves successfully knocked them down with a single move.

But it was this burst of movement that not only attracted the attention of the Galaxy team, but also made the rock wall that everyone was climbing unstable for a while, and all the people and elves fell into the valley.


In the air, the fallen Ah Xun was screaming, but fortunately, he was successfully caught by Emke Eagle and was not injured.

Minghui was guarded by Pokkigu, barely safe and fell into the valley.

Shinji used a place where he could step on on the way down, and his body kept moving on the rock wall to land safely.

Compared to the trainers, several of the elves were slightly injured.

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