Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 134 (Part 2) Quack tulle!

Thank you, Bronze Mirror Monster.

Taking the Bronze Mirror Monster back into the ball, Donggua raised the shovel and shouted passionately:

The long-lost gymnastics match made me completely excited, and the Dragon King Scorpion is no less than an opponent.

Come out, steel snake!


A big steel snake slowly raised its body and looked at Dragon King Scorpion.

Dragon King Scorpion, Missile Needle!

The Dragon King Scorpion lifted the two large pincers high up like cannons, and the next moment, green missile needles shot out from the sky, hitting the big steel snake.

At the same time, the idle tail on the back began to activate acupuncture skills again to strengthen it.

Just let the horse come here, Iron Wall!

Donggua shouted.


The big steel snake simply stopped in place, and there was a burst of white light on the steel body, and its defense power was greatly improved.


As soon as the iron wall was activated, all the missile needles fell and hit all of them, causing a certain amount of damage.

Continue to attack!

Shinji's strategy is very simple, if you don't dodge, then keep attacking and see how long you can resist.

The dragon king scorpion naturally understood what Shinji meant, and the continuous missile needles were fired from his hands and landed on the big steel snake, causing as much damage as it could.

Big Steel Snake, let him see what true courage is, and use a heavy impact!


Ignoring the falling missile needles one after another, the big steel snake emitted a metallic light and slammed into the Dragon King Scorpion with unrivaled momentum.

Just at this moment, Dragon King Scorpion's single-minded acupoint acupuncture succeeded for the second time, and the speed was greatly improved!

Get out of the way.

With the help of this increased speed, the Dragon King Scorpion landed on a nearby rock in one move.

Using the stone to jump again, while avoiding the heavy impact, it actually jumped directly above the body of the big steel snake.

Iron Tail!

Iron Tail!

Seeing this opportunity, Shinji and Donggua shouted almost at the same time.



The big steel snake stopped the heavy impact, turned over and directly threw the metal-glowing tail behind it towards the Dragon King Scorpion in the sky.

At the same time, the Dragon King Scorpion also swung its tail behind it to meet the big steel snake head-on.

Up and down, the same attack falls.


When the blows collided, metal roared and exploded.

After two seconds of competition, after all, the Dragon King Scorpion above, which had sharpened its claws once, had the upper hand and pulled back the tail of the big steel snake.

Afterwards, the Dragon King Scorpion hit the body of the big steel snake with a swipe of its iron tail from the sky.

Flame Tooth!

The evolved Dragon King Scorpion not only learned iron tail, but also flame teeth and frozen teeth!

At this moment, the power in the Dragon King Scorpion's body exploded, and the flames poured into the three pincers and the teeth. Together with the clamp in front of the mouth, the four flame teeth attacked the body of the big steel snake at the same time.

The effect is outstanding!


Even if the iron wall had just been activated, the big steel snake at this moment could not bear such a one blow, and immediately screamed.

Big steel snake, harsh sound!

The screaming big steel snake raised its head, and a terrifying sound wave shot out, hitting the Dragon King Scorpion.

It wasn't the ear-piercing sound of an attacking move, but it produced an extremely terrifying effect at this moment.

While Dragon King Scorpion's expression changed drastically due to the discomfort, his body was continuously backed away by the sound wave, and fell from the body of the big steel snake.

The defense power has been greatly reduced!

Tighten (tighten)!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Donggua shouted.

The big steel snake quickly stretched out its tail, and tightly bound the fallen Dragon King Scorpion.

Dragon King Scorpion tried to break free, but found that his hands were bound, making it difficult to exert strength, and it was even more difficult to break free.

If the Dragon King Scorpion is bound to an elf of other attributes, it may still be worried about poisoning, but the big steel snake does not need to worry about being poisoned.

Correspondingly, can the Dragon King Scorpion really be tied?

For other elves, the big steel snake would not be a problem, but the dragon king scorpion is too big!

It is very difficult for the big steel snake to tie its hands, let alone its tail and mouth.

It's useless, Flame Fang, roar!

Shinji was not worried about the situation of Dragon King Scorpion at all, said.

As soon as the words fell, the tip of Dragon King Scorpion's tail immediately ignited flames, and hit the big steel snake that bound him.

The effect is outstanding!

At the same time, the mouth that was still exposed roared loudly, and the dark sound waves fell on the latter, causing a lot of damage.


After the two attacks fell, the big steel snake fell to the ground while screaming.

The big steel snake lost the ability to fight, and Shinji won.

Seeing this, the referee announced.

Thank you, Big Steel Snake.

Donggua took out the elf ball to retrieve the big steel snake, took out another elf ball and threw it out, saying:

It can actually break the defense of my big steel snake, but my moat dragon can definitely block all your attacks, go!


With thick and powerful limbs and a head like a thick city wall, it is the moat dragon.

Although it looks simple and honest, but standing behind it, you can feel full of security.

Dragon King Scorpion, come back.

Taking out the poke ball to take back the dragon king scorpion, Shinji took out a new poke ball from his pocket and threw it out, saying:

Circle circle bear, get ready to fight!


In the roar like thunder, the huge body of the circle bear appeared on the ground, looking at the moat dragon on his chest with a grinning face.


Seeing such a huge monster, the Moat Dragon was a little startled for a while.

So what about such a huge circle bear? My moat dragon can definitely block your attack.

Donggua is not afraid at all, he has confidence in its elf defense!

The circle bear, go all out, hold on!

As Shinji finished speaking, flames ignited on the circle bear's body, and its eyes were stained red.

In an instant, he entered the burning state, the perseverance was activated, and the attack increased!

At the same time, the strength of the hard support was successfully ignited with the help of burning, and it crashed into the moat dragon like a super heavy truck.

City dragon, the iron wall will meet you!

Donggua is not to be outdone.

Moving its four legs, the moat dragon charged head-on towards the circle bear.

On the way, the body emits a blue light, and then the defense power is greatly improved.

In the blink of an eye, the two heavy elves collided.

In terms of strength, the circle bear is far superior to the moat dragon, and in terms of defense, it is the other way around.

But after this attack and collision, even though the moat dragon resisted with all its strength, it was pushed back by the circle bear.

Hold it! Moat Dragon! Bravery! Bravery!

The sound of Donggua cheering reached the ears of the moat dragon, and the moat dragon quickly regained its momentum, bursting out with stronger strength to stop the decline, and barely blocked the circle bear.

That's it, Armhammer!

Suddenly, the circle bear withdrew its strength, raised its arms high, and used the arm hammer to the back of the most defensive head of the bypassing moat dragon!

Before the moat dragon could react, Quanquanxiong's arm hammer fell on it.

Immediately, a huge force came along with the pain, and the moat dragon, which looked like a bunker, was directly beaten to the ground by this blow, with a strange posture.

The effect is outstanding!

Go on, Hammer!

Shinji's cold voice came.


The circle bear raised its two thick arms again, shining white light and fell on the moat dragon again.

City Dragon, quickly use Metal Tone!

At this moment, Donggua repeats his old tricks, wanting the moat dragon to imitate the operation of the big steel snake before, making circles and circling the bear by surprise, and then escapes from the predicament.

The moat dragon's metallic sound was launched extremely quickly, and the sound wave hit the circle bear first in the blink of an eye.

However, the circle bear in the state of perseverance is somewhat crazy. The stimulation of the sound wave not only failed to repel it or stop the attack, but further angered the circle bear.

Anger turned into strength, and the strength of the falling arm hammer actually increased a bit.


Amidst a bang, the moat dragon was thrown flying by this arm hammer, and lay on the ground in a miserable state.

From the looks of it, the effect is outstanding!

It has to be said that the defensive power of the moat dragon after the first iron wall is really terrifying. After holding it hard, it has withstood two strokes of the arm hammer, but it has not really lost its fighting ability.

Stand up, moat dragon!

Looking at the moat dragon lying on the ground, Donggua shouted loudly.


Sensing the trainer's intentions, the moat dragon tried to support his body, trying to stand up again.

Seeing this touching scene, Shinji's eyes could not help but fluctuate.

Then said coldly:

Circle circle bear, earthquake!


Seeing the strong moat dragon, Quanquan Xiong showed no mercy, raised his leg and stomped on the ground. Suddenly, the whole venue shook violently.

Especially in the direction of the moat dragon, a powerful wave passed over there.

The effect is outstanding!

During the shaking, the moat dragon completely lay down on the ground, losing the ability to fight.

The moat dragon loses its ability to fight, and the circle bear wins!

The winner of this gymnasium competition is Shinji!

announced the referee.

The performance is not bad, remember to attack the weaker defense next time, come back.

Nodding slightly to the circle bear, Shinji took out the poke ball and took it back.

To be honest, Shinji personally doesn't like the style of trainers such as Nohara Gym and Shuimai Gym. Many times, they can hide or not, and can resist or not. They just want to fight hard and steel.

Even if he can easily win the victory, it cannot make him feel that he can gain a lot from it.

Young man, your spirit is really amazing, this mine badge is entrusted to you!

Donggua walked up to Shinji with a shovel on his shoulders and handed out the badge.

Thank you.

After receiving the badge, Shinji bowed his head slightly and thanked him. He wanted to say something, but when he saw the shovel on Donggua's shoulder, he turned and left silently.

Tomorrow at three o'clock, it will be Jiangzi!

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